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 Goldeneye 007 Weapons + Ammo: Statistics

         by Amalcon(ryan@xtdl.com)
V1.0 7-22-99 (First and probably last version)

This guide was compiled...well...mostly
because I realized I could (I FINALLY got
All Weapons. Those of you who haven't
reached Egyptian yet, hang in there-once
you get to the level, getting All Weapons
is about as easy as getting paintball mode).

This guide was created primarily to help you
choose the right weapon for the job in single
or multiplayer Goldeneye. I will probably
create a similar guide for Perfect Dark
(hopefully soon after its release). If you
want to know what Perfect Dark is, just do a
search for it (I used Yahoo and got tons of
hits, and the game's not even out yet).

1)  The Weapons
2)  The Ammo
3)  Notes
4)  How the weapon stats were discovered
5)  Legal junk and contact information

1)   The Weapons

Note: This table might take up a lot of horizontal space.

Speed is in bullets per second. Power is a special unit, but higher=more powerful.
Silenced weapons are the same as the regular weapons, but make less noise.
An N/A Speed occurs when the Clip is 1. This is the slowest speed of any weapon.
A ?? Power occurs when the power cannot be reliably calculated.
An N/A Clip means that shots are fired directly from your Ammo supply.

And the RC-P90 takes up two lines because it deserves them.

Weapon            |Speed|Power |Ammo Type |Clip|Scope|Explodes|Notes
Unarmed-Slappers  | 1.0 |  ??  | Infinite |N/A | No  |   No   |Short range
Unarmed-Rifle Butt| 1.0 |  ??  | Infinite |N/A | No  |   No   |More powerful
Hunting Knife     | 1.1 |  ??  | Infinite |N/A | No  |   No   |Quite powerful
Throwing Knife    | 0.8 |  ??  |  Knives  |N/A | No  |   No   |Hard to aim
PP7               | 3.9P|  47  | Standard | 7  | No  |   No   |Bond's standard
DD44 Dostovei     | 3.9P|  48  | Standard | 8  | No  |   No   |Close to PP7
Klobb             | 4.8 |  28  | Standard | 20 | No  |   No   |The worst gun
KF7 Soviet        | 5.0 |  45  |  Rifle   | 30 | Yes |   No   |Fairly solid gun
ZMG(9MM)          | 7.2 |  49  | Standard | 32 | No  |   No   |2 of these rock!
D5K Deutsche      | 7.5 |  48  | Standard | 30 | No  |   No   |Similar to ZMG
Phantom           | 4.7 |  59  | Standard | 50 | No  |   No   |Only on Frigate
AR33 Assault Rifle| 8.0 |  67  |  Rifle   | 30 | Yes |   No   |Second best gun
RC-P90            | 8.3 |  77  | Standard | 80 | No  |   No   |THE BEST GUN IN
RC-P90            | 8.3 |  77  | Standard | 80 | No  |   No   |THE GAME!!!
Shotgun           | 2.2P|  17  |  Shells  | 5  | No  |   No   |/Fires 5 particles per shot,
Automatic Shotgun | 2.2P|  24  |  Shells  | 5  | No  |   No   |\uses up one shell
Sniper Rifle      | 5.1P|  45  |  Rifle   | 8  | Yes |   No   |You can zoom in with C-Up
Cougar Magnum     | 3.4P| 100  |  Magnum  | 6  | No  |   No   |Penetrates infinite objects
Golden Gun        | N/A | 5090 |  Golden  | 1  | No  |   No   |Automatic kill on most foes
Silver PP7        | 3.9 | 100  | Standard | 7  | No  |   No   |Penetrates infinite objects
Gold PP7          | 3.9 | 5090 | Standard | 7  | No  |   No   |Automatic kill on most foes
Laser             | 4.0P| 100  | Standard |N/A | No  |   No   |A magnum that can't run out
Watch Laser       | 9.6 |  ??  |Power Cell|N/A | No  |   No   |Use it to cut the train floor
Grenade Launcher  | 1.5P|1000  |GrenadeRnd|N/A | No  |   Yes  |Fastest explosive weapon
Rocket Launcher   | N/A |1000  |  Rocket  | 1  | No  |   Yes  |Grenade launcher w/o gravity
Grenade           | 1.0 |1000  |  Grenade |N/A | No  |   Yes  |Push Z, count to 3, release
Mine(Timed)       | 1.0 |1000  |Timed Mine|N/A | No  |   Yes  |Grenades that stick to walls
Mine(Remote)      | 1.0 |1000  |RemoteMine|N/A | No  |   Yes  |Push A+B or go to detonator
Mine(Proximity)   | 1.0 |1000  |Prox. Mine|N/A | No  |   Yes  |When someone goes near it...
Taser             | 0.6 |  ??  | Infinite |N/A | No  |   No   |A novelty weapon
Tank              | N/A |1000  |Tank Shell|N/A | No  |   Yes  |Like a grenade launcher.

2)   The Ammo

These do not include the weapons' clips
Ammo      |Held|Notes
Infinite  |N/A |You never run out of this
Knives    |10  |11 if you switch to them
Standard  |800 |The most common
Rifle     |400 |All guns with scopes use it
Shell     |100 |Shotgun shells
Magnum    |200 |Used only with the Magnum
Golden    |100 |Used only with Golden Gun
Power Cell|300 |1000 with ammo cheat
GrenadeRnd|12  |Explodes on impact
Rocket    |3   |GrenadeRnds that don't fall
Grenade   |10  |11 if you switch to them
Timed Mine|10  |11 if you switch to them
RemoteMine|10  |11 if you switch to them
Prox. Mine|10  |11 if you switch to them
Tank Shell|50  |0 if you're not in a tank

3)   Notes

-If you want an all-purpose gun, take the
-Speeds are for one gun. If you use two
 of the same gun, double the speed-but
 you'll miss more often.
-2 RC-P90's is the best legal pair of
 weapons that you can find normally
 (and I STILL haven't discovered whether
 that was a rumor).
-2 Golden PP7's will take out around one
 solder every second in most cases.
-Drop a mine or grenade if you have
 someone chasing you that you want off
 your tail.

4)   How I got these figures

 I turned on All Weapons, Infinite Ammo,
 Invisibility and Invincibility, then
 went in to Cheat Select Mission. I
 chose Dam, and 007 difficulty. I put
 Enemy Health up to 1000%. Then, I
 repeated this process for each gun:
  1) Kill the first guy with the gun
  2) Abort mission
  3) Use this formula:
 Some weapons did not register head, body
 or limb hits, so I just put the power of
 these down as ??.

 The Golden Gun, Gold PP7, and all
 explosive powers were calculated on Jaws
 in the Aztec level. I had to find a way
 to compare these to the other guns, so I
 figured out how much Silver PP7 ammo I
 had to put into him. I just used the
 formula above without the 1000/ part on
 it. That was the number I had to divide
 for the powerful weapons. Confused? Well
 let's just say I'm almost totally sure
 it worked.

 In a nutshell, one unit of Power is what
 percentage of the first guard at the
 dam's life is taken away when you hit
 him in the torso.

Fire rate
 I just timed how long it took a gun to
 fire a certain number of bullets, and
 divided bullets by time.

5)   Legal junk and contact information
copyright(c) 1999 Amalcon

OK, let's see... You may distribute this
guide as you want, as long as you do not
make a profit. The content must also
remain unchanged, although you may break
it into pieces or format it for HTML if
you like. Just don't do something dumb
like change the Klobb's damage to 90
or something. Oh yeah, and don't remove
my online nickname from this guide and
replace it with yours. That's just
stupid, and if you do it, you're a
lamer. In fact, you shouldn't remove
my name at all. And please give me
credit if you use the information.

You know what? I can never remember
everything I'm supposed to say here.
Just don't do what other guides tell
you not to do with them if I haven't
listed it above.

You may E-mail me at ryan@XTDL.com,
but I probably won't check it for a
while. Since I don't want my other
contact info all over the net, this
is all I'm providing. Oh, and PLEASE
only contact me if you tell me
something about this guide.


I am invincible! (When I win and I'm Boris)
Run away! Run away! (When I run away...duh...)
Finish the job James, if you can. (When I get
           body armor and my opponent is Bond)
Uh oh... (When I run out of ammo)
 -Amalcon (ryan@xtdl.com)

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