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Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 17:13:25 EDT

Author: rjmig88

Welcome to this Goldeneye multiplayer strategy FAQ!
If You have any strategies please Email me at:	rjmig88@aol.com
 Version 1.4
1.2 Fixed some typos and added some moves.
1.3 Added some advance moves and fixed credits section.
1.4  Added some hints and updated the credits section.
1.5  Added some fungames and added a credit
	1. Temple
          2. Caves
	3. Complex
	4. Basement
	5. Stack
	6. library
	7. Facility
	8. Bunker
	9. Archives
         10. caverns
         11. Egyptian temple
         12. Glitches
         13. Basic Moves
14.  Advance Moves
15.  Fun Games

Best characters are the Russian Infantry, commandant, and the General.
Best guns are Shotgun, Sniper rifle, KF7 Soviet, And AR33 assault rifle.
The temple is a great place for beginners! With it huge rooms you would
be a hard target. Why is it good to use these guys? It is good to use these
guys because they wear brown clothes. Why are these guns the best in this 
These guns have a zoom in so you can snipe other players from a safe distance 
except the shotgun, but in the large rooms the spray of bullets are hugger so 
thus hitting the other player will be easier at a certain range!

Know your area well!

2. Caves:
The caves is a level for players that are okay.
The best players are anyone wearing dark clothes.
Best gun: any gun that you do good with. A sniper rifle will work great
when you are on the secret overhangs. An automatic will work for surprise 
RCP-90 would work great for that method! Sense the level is dark, if you are 
wearing dark clothes you would hide easy.
This level is great for surprise attacks which lead to where the player will
get low on health before he will get a shot off.

Do surprise attacks when the other player is least expecting it and when he 
has his back towards you.

3. Complex
The best character is the Siberian special forces.
Any gun you are good with.
Nothing much here, just shoot and be prepared for attacks.
There are some vents, and some walls that you can go through and make 
surprise attacks.

Complex- Hint!!!-    There are secret installations in the walls that
are camouflaged to look like the pattern on the walls.

  #1-  To the Left of the Blue Vent in the main room with the 2 ramps.

  #2-  In the room with the body armor, and the 1 ramp that leads to the
main intersection (the square room) head up the ramp and at the top,
instead of turning to the right, turn to your left, Now you should be in
the secret room.

  #3-  In the square room check all the corners   because I'm not really
sure about which corner it's in but it's usually by the gun.


Be prepared for anything.

4. Basement
Just use any gun and use any character.
It is a shoot and run deal.

5. Stack
Use a gray character and a sniper rifle would work on the ledges.
Great place for beginners.

6. library
Look above it is the same strategies, well dough!

7. Facility
Use any old gun, best if use remote or proximity mines if you know how to do 
the vent trick.
Everyone will see you sooner or later, so  just shoot, by the way using a 
ledge you can kill people that enter the room by just aiming at the door and 
when they come in
pump them with lead!

Vent trick:
Go to the toilet where you drop down and stand on it then hold the C left 
until you duck then press and hold the R button while holding c and move the 
control stick left
until you pop up back into the vent!

8. Bunker
Best characters: Janus Marine and Siberian Special Forces
Best guns: Shotgun, RCP-90, and Sniper rifle
The best place for beginners!

9. Archives
Pock what ever character you want!
Best gun:  Moonraker Laser or mines

When shooting the crates, they will explode. When they explode get down and
go where the remains are, then you will go inside and plant a mine then the 
will repair itself hiding the mine! If you put a mine on a ammo box or gun,
when you pick it up, the object will disappear, but if you have remote mines
set them of then you see that they are still there!

10. Caverns
Look above to the caves strategy for this one!
You can do the same trick above using the oil cans!

11. Egyptian temple
The hardest level for two players because you can get lost easy!
There are many secret paths and great sniping spots.

 12. Glitches
Using a gameshark code for 1 player has all weapons, do the floating mine
trick. Take remote mines and destroy the TVs in the bunker. Throw a mine and 
it will float! Shoot a rocket and it will float! Have p.2 be in front 
of p.1. Look at the behind of the rocket and p.2 will see James Bond's face!
Also you can do this in one player.

13. Basic Moves
Ducking: To duck you must hold the aim button and press C down.
Leaning: To lean you must hold the aim button and press C right or C left.

14.Advance Moves
To confuse your opponents, you can do a lot of stuff; I will explain it now.
When someone is waiting for you to just walk through a door to pump you full 
of lead, strafe in and turn around and shoot him fast. When learning these 
moves, you should develop your own moves and keep them a secret.
If you are waiting to ambush someone behind a door you should stand
away from the door off to one side at an angle facing the door. When
they come through they cant just pull the trigger, they have to turn
then shoot. You should hit them one or two times before they realize and
to shoot you. 

In most game body armor is a key factor. After obtaining the body armor
you should destroy it (when it returns) preventing others from running
to get it before you manage to kill them.

Most arenas have ramps positioning yourself atop a ramp gives you a
clear advantage over those below you. You should also look for overhangs
and look-throughs up high to snipe players on lower levels.

Using left and right c you should zigzag making yourself harder
to hit while running. Also you run faster while holding left and right c
so it is an advantage to learn to use them to run.

Knowing your pop up points help.  So if you know them, you can get there 
faster and kill them.  To kill them another way is to put a mine where they 
pop up.  If you donít know what is a pop up, it is where the players come 
back alive.

Using the grenade launcher is vital.  Instead launching directly at them like 
you do in Quake, aim right for the feet.  Learn how to make a grenade bounce.

Golden Gun help:
When using this powerful gun it only takes one shot to kill, how ever it only 
has one bullet pure clip.  When aiming, aim for the chest so you can kill 

It is sometimes useful to shoot the selected weapon (like the golden
gun) so that it moves to a different area. Where ever you move it to
will be where it reappears. That way only you know where it is.

15.  Fun Games:
Hostage game:
Rules:  Have teams 3-1, or 2-1. Have any guns you want. Any character you 
Game: The person who is lone tries to take hostages from the other team.  I 
prefer the man with the golden gun because when you get a hostage you can 
keep them from escaping.  When you capture a person, make them get unarmed.  
When someone tries to rescue shoot them or the hostage.  Keep score of 
rescues and capture.  Who ever has the most captures or rescues wins. name:Tag
how:One character is declared "it", and must tag(shoot) another player, then 
they are "it". The safe spot is the vent in the stall.  "It" can't go in the 
vent, but can shoot anyone in the vent.

name:Hide 'n Go Seek
how:One character is declared "it", and must find the other players-who must 
remain weaponless until made "it"-once found, "it" can shoot them.

name:Home Territory
place:Complex, Temple, and Egyptian
how:At the beginning, each player races for the butter room(Complex-room 
across from ramp with body armor;Temple-room directly below big room,has a 
sunroof;Egyptian-big room with blue glass bottom)whoever gets there first is 
declared the defender.  All other combatants try to kill the defender off.  
He can't leave the room, but he's the only one that can get that ammo.  If 
anyone else gets that ammo, they must commit suicide.  As soon as the 
defender dies, whoever kills him is the defender.  If nobody can decide who 
killed the defender, they fight it out.       

Richard who E-mailed me with great tricks.
The game Expert who sent in the complex hint.
Slknr who sent in a lot of fun games.

You can use this FAQ on your own sites, just at least put my name on it.

			Email me if you have suggestions or comets or fun 
games E-mail me at: rjmig88@aol.com 
  (Please include your first name so I can include you in the credits 
section.  If you think I will give out E-mail addresses for credit, you are 

Tips and codes - Game Endings - Java Games - Reviews - Fun Stuff