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GoldenEye 007 Strategy Guide
Written by Ricky Woods (rrwoods@yahoo.com)
Website URL: www.geocities.com/rrwoods

I use the 1.1 Honey control setting (the one everybody uses):

Analog Stick: Move character forward, backward, or turn left, right
Z (Trigger): Fire
A (Blue Button): Cycle through weapons forwards
A + Z: Cycle through weapons backwards
B (Green Button): Reload, opens doors, pushes buttons
C-Up/C-Down (yellow button on top/bottom): Look down/up
C-Left/C-Right: Sidestep left/right
R (on top right): Aim
R + C-Up/C-Down: Zoom in/out (Sniper Rifle only)
R + C-Left/C-Right: Lean left/right, let go to lean back
(AB) with Remote mines selected: Detonate mines without watch

Difficulty: second easiest / 20

Go forward and peg the guard in the head.  Take his KF7 Soviet and go to the 
tower.  A guard will come down the stairs on the left side.  Kill him, go up 
the stairs and look down and to the left.  Kill the guard.  Proceed up the 
stairs and get the Sniper Rifle.  Use it to kill the guards in the tunnel.

Go into the tunnel to the end.  Use the sniper rifle's scope.  You should make 
out a small bunker with 2 guards.  Peg them in their heads, then pan left to 
see a guard behind some boxes.  Kill him.  Zoom back out and wait for a guard 
on the right.  Kill him and exit the tunnel.  There is a guard on the left.  
On agent mode there is body armor in the tower.  Collect everyone's ammo and 
go to the door (forward and left as you exit the tunnel).  Push the button to 
the side and the door will open.  Go to the next door and repeat.  Get to the 
left of the truck and peg the guard before he gets to the alarm.  Turn around 
and kill the guard in the tower.  Destroy the alarm the guard was running for, 
and enter the building.  Cap the guard and the general and take the general's 
DD44.  Exit through the sliding door.

Go behind the boxes and plant the covert modem on the screen.  Go to the gate 
with the lock.  Shoot the lock and open the gate.  Proceed over the dam and 
snipe the guards out of the towers.  Shoot the alarms inside the towers.

Go to the middle tower and take out your DD44.  Shoot the door several times 
and a guard should come out.  Kill him with the DD44.  The noise should 
attract another guard.  Kill him and repeat until no more guards come out 
(watch for fire from the sides).  What you are doing is getting all the guards 
out from under the dam.  When no more come out, switch to the Sniper Rifle and 
go under the dam.  There may be a few stragglers, so watch out.  Just zoom in 
on them with the sniper rifle's scope.  Go left and proceed down the hall.  
Open the metal door at the end.  Kill everyone here and press B on the 
computer.  Make your way out from under the dam (back down the hall, first 
door on the right).  Head back towards the middle tower.

Go the little stairway on the left side of the dam and jump off.

Paintball mode (Secret Agent, 1:40) 

Run forward, across the bridge, through the tunnel, and the double doors 
should be open for you.  Run through them, kill the guard going for the alarm 
and destroy the alarm.  Run through the next two gates and get the alarms in 
the towers (don't bother with the guards).  Then bungee jump off the dam.

Difficulty: eighth hardest / 20

Go through the vents, but stop before you fall out.  Eliminate the guard in 
the stall.  Jump down and open the door.  Kill the guard in front, then open 
the stall doors behind him to find two more guards.  Exit out the white door.

A guard will come from the left.  Kill him and go to where he came from.  
Through the double doors there is a staircase and a guard at the bottom.  Kill 
him and open the double doors to the left of him.  Just to the left is the 
idiot with the key, and possibly another guard.  Proceed down the green 
hallway.  There are several doors here, but they all lead to the same place.  
Kill the guards roaming the hallway and go forward to the first door on your 
left.  Open it and kill the two guards.  Then turn around and take the body 
armor (not it 00 agent).  Left of that is a metal door.  Switch to the KF7 and 
open it.  Fire a few shots and back off, then let them come to you.  Kill them 
as they come out (there are three).  When they are dead (this may sound 
strange), go around and destroy every box with the KF7.  Every box contains 
ammo!  Some for the PP7 (?) and some for the Soviet.  Now go back to the metal 
door and hit the computer inside.  Run out, hang a left and then a left U-turn 
to face a door.  Open it, then go through the next one.

Kill the two guards with your Soviet.  Take their ammo and go back into the 
first section.  Four guards have magically appeared.  Kill them and do the 
computer-door thing again.  Switch to the PP7.  Open the door and step to the 
side.  Let them come to you, then pick them off.  Go into the hall, and look 
in the two labs on the left and right for Dr. Doak.  Go through the next door 
with the PP7 in hand, and wait for two guards to pass by.  Kill them and go to 
the left.  Kill the guard there and step in front of the window.  You should 
notice a guard or two running out.  Kill them (they will come from the right) 
and then go to the right side of the fork and repeat the process.  Go into the 
middle room and dispatch any stragglers.

If you've already seen Dr. D, then go to the next paragraph.  Hit the computer 
on the right and watch the door through the window.  Go to the door and open 
the next one.  Kill everyone in the room with the KF7 (except for the 
scientists) and then stand by the computers.  Guard after guard will come in 
and just stand there as if the didn't see you.  When the flood of Russians 
comes to a halt, toss a remote mine into the crowd, stand back, and detonate 
it.  BUH-BYE!!!  Leave the room the way you came.

Go back into the middle computer room and hit the one on the left.  Go to that 
door, PP7 out, and enter.  There is a guard immediately to your right.  Kill 
him, then get the two behind the boxes.  Take out the KF7 and empty a clip 
onto the wall.  Two or three guards will enter via the stairs.  Kill them, 
then ascend.  Kill any remaining guards, and look for Dr. D in the labs.  Go 
down the hallway and open the door (or use the door decoder in your inventory.  
If you don't have one, then you never saw Dr. Doak.  Go back and look for 
him).  Descend the stairs and plant remote mines on the floor between the 
tanks, in the center of each square of four.  When 006 is a safe distance 
away, blow the mines.  Destroy any remaining tanks with the KF7 and get out 
via door or conveyer belt.

Invincible (00 Agent, 2:05)

This is too hard to explain, but N64CC.com does a pretty good job.  Go to the 
'helpful hints' section and click on GoldenEye 007, or download the movie from 
my web site (www.geocities.com/rrwoods)

Difficulty: easiest / 20

Get the box of grenades immediately to your left, and toss one into the alcove 
on your right.  When it blows, go get the guard's KF7 and the box of mines to 
the side (fun to play with).  Go outside and kill the guard.  Jump down and 
head over to the building on your left.  Take the box (more grenades!), enter 
the buiding, and toss a grenade behind you and to your right.  Go back there 
when the flame dies and take the lightly singed ignition key.  Exit the 
building and go straight as far as you can go, then right to reveal the tank.  
Hop in and drive down the left side of the runway.  Blow up the drone gun, 
then head towards the plane being careful not to hit it.  Blow up the missile 
battery, then the two drone guns firing at you.  Hop out of the tank and hop 
in the plane.

DK Mode (Agent, 5:00)

This is so incredibly easy that you should be able to play around for 2 or 3 
minutes and still make it.  OK, OK, here it is:  run out of the building, go 
to the shack, get the key, run down the runway, and get in the plane.  I can 
do it with 4 Omega minutes or more to spare.

Difficulty: third easiest / 20

Go forward and go to the lookout tower on the left.  Use the sniper rifle to 
make out two guards by a shack.  Snipe them and go to where they were.  Take 
their ammo and go inside.  There are some grenade rounds on the other side of 
the boxes.  Exit the shack, and turn right down the path.  Kill the guard that 
comes, the turn 45 degrees right and snipe out another guard.  Go this 
direction, and you should come to a shack next to another tower.  Open the 
door on the shack and kill everyone inside.  One guard dropped a key, and 
there is a grenade launcher on a box.

Go back to the first shack in which you picked up grenade rounds, and go to 
the one across from it.  Open the door and get the safe key.  Go outside and 
to the satellite dish (you can't miss it).  Enter through the green double 
doors, and go upstairs into the room with the computer.  Turn it off (DON'T 
DESTROY IT!!!)  Agents, skip the next paragraph.

Exit the dish and make a left U-turn.  Stay along the trees on the right and 
you should come to two shacks inside a fence.  Go to the one on the left and 
open the safe inside.  Take the plans and leave.

If you want to play with your grenade launcher, now is the time, because we're 
almost done.  Make sure you save a round or two.  The ventilation tower is, in 
relation to the satellite dish, forward and left.  Launch a grenade on top to 
take care of the locks, and jump down.

2x Grenade L. (Secret Agent, 3:30)

This is relatively easy.  Run straight to the shack with the first key, then 
back to the shack with the second one.  Run to the safe chain-link fence area 
BEFORE you power down the satellite.  Grab the plans, power down the dish, and 
get out.  By the way, it helps if you pick up a Soviet from a guard on the 
way.  It takes care of those locks real fast.

Difficulty: eighth easiest / 20

NOTE: There are two guards in black that have keycards.  They are walking 
around, so I cannot account for them.  You must do so on your own.

SECOND NOTE: If you use anything except your PP7 Silenced, you will die 
(except where otherwise specified).  If a guard sets off an alarm, you will 
die.  If a camera sets off an alarm, you will die.  In the case of either of 
these three events, start over.

Go through the door and shoot the first guard once, then kill the guard on the 
left.  Finish off the first guard.  Take their ammo, plus the box to the side.  
Look through the window of the double doors, and shoot that camera.  Wait a 
few seconds, because a guard might come rushing through.

Go through the other door with the arrow, and lean out to shoot the camera.  
Peek through this window, and to the right you should barely make out a guard.  
Shoot him.  Go out this door, check to the right, then go left around the 
corner and immediately shoot the camera.  Go a little farther out and snipe 
the guard.  Rush to get the body armor (depending on difficulty), then kill 
the two idiots that come to see what happened.

Go back the way you came, around the corner, and a guard will fire at you from 
below (unless you got him earlier).  Enter the double set of double doors on 
the left (if you need the 'computer room keycard' then wait for the nice guard 
to come and give it to you) and clear this room.  Exit and kill any remaining 
guards in this maze of hallways, then descend the stairs.

Step out to the left and step back.  Mr. Double Klobbs will come to die.  Move 
up to the platform on the right and kill a guard; two others will come via the 
stairs located on the other side.  Go to the security door on the other side 
of the room (you need a keycard) and kill the two guards there.  Kill the 
guard on the remaining platform in the big room, and the camera as well.  
Speaking of cameras, take out yours and photograph the big screen.  Then go 
over to the table opposite the screen and take the GoldenEye Key.  Use the Key 
Analyzer, then 2 or 3 seconds later use it again.  If you are playing Agent or 
Secret Agent, then leave out the glass door.

Track down Boris, and take out your datathief.  Go to where he takes you, and 
when Boris says "Oops!" use it on the computer.  Take out your Soviet and RUN 
LIKE HELL to the exit.  Fire at the first sight of a black guard and DON'T 

2x Rocket L. (00 Agent, 4:00)

Not much to say.  Follow the above walkthrough, just do it fast.

Difficulty: sixth easiest / 20

NOTE: As with the previous level, some guards are patrolling and may not be 

Go through the door at the start, and kill the guard there.  Then step back 
and let a guard come through the door.  Go back through and kill any 
remainders, then go up the stairs.  Strafe the corner with your PP7 until the 
two guards there are dead.  Collect their ammo and go through the door on the 
end of the hall on the left.  Kill the guard in this room and plant a 
plastique between the two tanks.  Take the two green circuit boards on the 
table and look for the scientist with the keycard.  He'll be scared when you 
point your gun at him, and he'll drop the card.  Take it and exit through the 
door at the top of the stairs.

Kill the two guards patrolling the hallway here, then check left and right for 
guards in the hallway.  Go to the door on the right end, and kill the guard 
there.  Then look up to the next floor.  Kill the guard there so he doesn't 
bother you later.  Switch to the KF7 and go through the door ahead.  Kill 
everyone here and aim your gun at the barrels atop the stairs.  When a guard 
comes around the cornerÖ BOOM!  Then switch to the PP7 and kill any 

Go into the fuel room and plant the plastique, just like you did before.  Take 
the circuit board and get the key from the scientist.  Go up the stairs and 
kill all the guards in the hallway.  You might be running low on ammo for the 
PP7, and when you do happen to run out, just use the Soviet.  Turn right and 
go through the door and back up to take cover, and kill everyone there.  Go 
into the hallway ahead, up the stairs, and strafe the corner again to kill the 
guards.  Proceed to the third fuel room and plant the plastique.  Take the 
circuit boards, and find the scientist with the DAT.  Then get the key from 
the other scientist and go through the door at the top of the stairs.  Kill 
any guards here, and this time go left.  Get the body armor there (you might 
not be able to in Agent mode), and then go back through to the other door (the 
one on the right as you enter the hallway).  Kill the guards here, just like 
you did the last two times, and go into the hallway, up the stairs, and into 
the fuel room, killing any guards on the way, just like before.  Plant the 
plastique, and take out your camera and take a picture of the satellite.  
There is no keycard for this room, so don't look for it.  Go up the stairs and 
draw out all the guards.  When they are all dead, or when you have 30 seconds 
left on the clock (whichever comes first), charge Ourumov and follow him to 
the left.  Make rights through all the doorways and into the elevator and you 
are finished.

Turbo Mode (Agent, 3:00)

Fairly easy.  All you have to do is kill the first guard you see, take his 
gun, and charge through the level with the KF7.  You don't have to pick up a 
single item, so all you have to do is run like a madman with guns blazing, but 
DON'T FORGET ABOUT THE SATELLITE!  Take a photo, and blaze through to the end.

Difficulty: tenth hardest / 20

First thing to do is the last thing on your list: plant the tracker bug.  Go 
down the left side of the ship and up the stairs.  Enter the door there and 
kill the guard down the hallway.  Open up the door behind him and proceed down 
the stairs.  Plant the tracker bug on the helicopter and enter the ship 
through the hangar.  If you are playing Agent, then just roam the ship and 
kill guards until Objective A is complete.  Secret Agents and 00 Agents will 
need to employ a different strategy.

When you get in the ship, kill the three guards each with one shot to the 
head.  Get their ammo and open the door behind them.  Kill the two guards 
here, and go down the stairs.  There are several guards who now know where you 
are, there is no way to avoid that.  Watch out for them.  There are two 
hostages on this floor.  Find them and rescue them (not hard).  Also on this 
floor, there are two doors that lead to the engine room.  Enter the one on the 
right (if you come in from the left side, find the other door).  Pick off the 
two guards on the catwalk.  Check your back, then go forward and defuse the 
bomb.  Crouch down and peg the terrorist below in the head.  Go down the 
stairs, proceed forward, then kill the guard at the end on the right.  He has 
2x D5Ks.  DON'T USE THEM!  Stick with your silenced D5K.  Go up the other set 
of stairs.

Find your way to the top floor and outside.  Go back to the beginning of the 
level, then cross the ship past the missile battery.  Go down the side, then 
turn around and go up the stairs there.  Open the door.  If you followed the 
directions correctly, you should be in the bridge room.  Kill the hostage 
taker and the other two before they get out.  If you don't, then the hostage 
will just stand there.  Disarm the bomb, turn around, and enter the door just 
to the left of the one you entered.  There is a guard in here (and body armor 
on Agent and Secret Agent).  Go to the next room and kill the guard there.  He 
has 2x Phantoms!  USE THEM!! (Unless you are really low on health.)

Go back into the bridge room, and go out the door you entered before.  Go down 
the stairs and up the flight opposite those.  Kill the guard up close, then 
the guard far away (you may have killed them earlier on your way to the top).  
Go into the room immediately to the left and kill the hostage taker there, 
then quickly turn right and kill the hostage taker there before he executes 
his prisoner.  Then get outside ASAP, as there are four or five guards out to 
get you.  Pick them off one at a time as they stroll their way into suicide 
down the stairs.  In about thirty seconds, the last hostage you rescued should 
escape, objective A will complete itself, and you can make your way off the 
No Radar Multi (Secret Agent, 4:30)

Get to the helicopter ASAP, plant the bug, and enter the ship.  Get downstairs 
to the engine room bomb ASAP, disarm it, save the hostage there but don't go 
down.  Just get back out and save the other two hostages on this floor.  Go 
upstairs to the bridge room, save the hostage and disarm the bomb.  If he 
doesn't run, don't worry; the three you saved before is enough.  Just get back 
outside and wait by your boat for Objective A to complete itself.

Difficulty: fourth easiest / 20

Go forward and kill someone who has a Klobb.  Then make your way to the third 
shack on the right.  It will have a sniper tower to its left.  Destroy the 
camera mounted on it and go inside.  Take out the guard with the key and grab 
the armor (Agent only).  Go to the dish (same location as before), and kill 
the camera on the walkway. Destroy the computer and go to the chain-link fence 
area (also in the same place as before).  Both sets of cabins have cameras on 
them (one on each set), and they practically point right you before you see 
them.  The first set has its camera mounted on the left cabin.  You have to go 
around to the other side to get to it.  The next set of cabins has its camera 
on the cabin on the right.  You can't miss it.  Take them out leave the area, 
and turn 45 degrees right and head in that direction to get to the helipad.  
Plant the mine on the chopper, and when it explodes and you get the message 
"Hound MI-4 Destroyed" on your screen, leave through the door buried in the 

Tiny Bond (00 Agent, 4:15)

Don't kill anyone on this level, except for the guard with the key.  Go 
directly to the shack with said key, kill the camera, take the key, then go to 
the satellite.  Switch to 2x Klobbs on the way there, go inside, pass the 
camera, and blow up the two white boxes.  Get the camera on the way back, then 
go to the chain link fence area.  Get the two cameras there, run to the 
helipad switching to the Special Mine on the way there, plant it on the 
chopper.  Open the door when you hear the explosion, and enter when you get 
the "Hound MI-4 destroyed" message.

Difficulty: sixth hardest / 20

Activate your watch magnet to get the key.  Switch back to your hand, and when 
the guard comes close, open the door and chop him to death.  Get his gun and 
switch to it, and get Cell Key 2 as well, but don't let Natalya out quite yet.  
Go to the double doors and open them.  If a guard walks by, pull the trigger 
ONCE to shoot him.  You don't want to alert the entire complex that you're out 
of your cell.  (Not yet, anyway.)  Wait for the double doors ahead to open, 
then blast the guard with a fury of bullets.  Everyone and their brother will 
come looking for you now, so dart back to your cell.  Kill everyone that 
arrives, and when the guards stop coming, step out and pick up the loads of 
ammo.  This should effectively clear out one third of the complex.  Go back to 
the double doors without windows and push B to see if you can open them.  If 
not, then go back to the cell block and look for the keycard.

There is another set of double doors just to the left of those.  There are (or 
were) two guards in here.  Eliminate them if they are still alive, and get 
Safe Key 1.  Again, if you don't already have it, and it isn't here, go back 
to the cell block and look for it there.

There is a hallway running perpendicular to the one you're in.  Go down it and 
up the stairs there.  Watch for guards!  Go into the dark area ahead and look 
up.  You should spot a drone gun.  Destroy it, and check your back for guards.  
Continue down the hallway and there is another drone gun.  A third one is in 
an alcove to the right of the hallway.  After the third and final drone gun, 
there is another alcove to the right with two guards in it.  It also has body 
armor on Agent mode.  Kill the guards and go to the end of the hallway.

Zoom in with the Soviet's sight, and peg the guard in the head with ONE 
bullet.  There is a camera directly above where he was standing.  Stand about 
20 feet away, and destroy it with one shot to the lens.  Turn around and you 
should see a double door to the right.  Open it, go through it, and close it 
behind you.  Through the left window of the next set of doors, look left and 
you should see a camera.  Get rid of it and enter the room.  Kill the guard 
there and get Safe Key 2.  Now you can open the safe in the room at the 
beginning.  Retrace your steps (take a right out the door and down the hall, 
through the area where the drone guns were, down the stairs and down that 
hall) and open the room with the two guards you killed earlier.  Open the safe 
inside, and get the 2x Silenced PP7s.  Use them.

Come out of that room and go left.  Open the double doors there, and run down 
the hallway.  Clear your back of guards, then open the next two sets of doors.  
(If you can't get in, make a ruckus with your Soviet.)  Clear this room of 
guards and find the clipboard.  Go out the door opposite the one you came in, 
and destroy the camera there.  Go up the nearby stairs.  Make your way back to 
the cell block, and go down the "perpendicular" hallway and up the stairs.  
Take a right down that hallway and open the first door on the right.  Kill the 
guards here and take the document on the table.  Go to the drone gun hallway, 
wind your way through it to the other side, check your surroundings for 
guards, and face the door almost opposite the computer room (where you got 
Safe Key 2).  Stand back from it and crouch.  Move around a bit and you should 
spot a camera.  Eliminate it and move into the room.  Open the door there, go 
in a few inches, and look straight up.  Get that camera and move forward into 
the next room.  Kill the idiot (if he's there) and get the CCTV tape on the 

Go back through to the computer room side of this area, and take a right down 
the hall.  Go down the stairs.  Eliminate all the guards in this room, then 
the camera on the far platform.  Now all your objectives should be complete 
except for the last one.  Get Natalya out of her cell, go back to the big room 
that had the last camera, and look for the door with six panels.  Go through 
it and you are out of there!
2x Throwing Knife

Get the key, chop the guard, get the gun and other key, get Natalya out, and 
run out the door.  Run to the CCTV room, take the tape, and get out of the 
complex.  Simple.

Mission 6: St. Petersburg

Difficulty: ninth easiest / 20

Wait at the beginning and get some KF7 ammo from the guys that come, then go 
through the park staying on the left side.  When you come to a big red box, go 
in and talk to Valentin.  When he's done, exit and stay to the right, and go 
to the statue of Lenin (you'll know it when you see it).  Get behind it and 
get unarmed.  When Janus comes, wait until it says Objective B: complete and 
HAUL ASS out of there! Run al the way back to the beginning of the level.  
Stay to the left, and when you pass the red box, stay to the right.  Go near 
the helicopter to rescue Natalya.  You'll know you've completed that objective 
when it says "Proximity fuse triggered -- 15 seconds to detonation."  Then 
haul it down the hill, and when the helicopter explodes, look for the flight 
recorder down there.  Its position is random, but it never goes far.  Once 
you've found it, go back up the hill and out the gates.  (Yes, you're getting 
captured.  Again.)

Fast Animation (Secret Agent, 3:15)

First thing: experiment with different routes to take.  You'll never get this 
cheat if you don't know the level well.  Second thing: don't pull a gun the 
entire level.  In fact, put away your PP7 right at the start.  Once you've 
done that, you can do this:  Run down the hill, ignoring any guards.  Take the 
fastest route to Valentin's box, talk to him, and as soon as it says 
"Objective A: complete," run out of the box and take the fastest route to 
Lenin's Statue.  Talk to Janus, and as soon as it says "Objective B: 
complete," run back, unarmed, and retrace your steps to the beginning.  Rescue 
the girl and haul it down the hill to find the recorder.  If you don't find it 
within five seconds of the explosion, you won't get the cheat.  As soon as you 
find it, haul back up the hill to complete the level.

Difficulty: fifth hardest / 20

Slap the guy on the right once in the neck, he'll 'give' you the key, get out, 
run to the right down the hall, go up the stairs, make a U-turn, then a right 
turn, open the door, run to the stairs at the end, open the double door 
opposite the stairs, and open Natalya's door (directly opposite you) and let 
her see you.  Go back through the double doors and down the stairs, go to the 
opposite corner and through the door, then through the next door  and around 
to the right and through that door.  If you did up to this part fast enough, 
the guard should be right next to Mishkin.  Initiate the conversation with 
Mishkin, then SLAP the guard.  If you use a gun, Mishkin will get medieval on 
your heine, if you know what I mean.  Anyway, when you get the key, open the 
safe and bust loose out the same door you entered, switching to the Soviet in 
the process (you shouldn't have fired a single shot up till now).  Run through 
another door, and break the closest window and get out.

Bond Invisible (00 Agent, 1:20)

Follow the exact instructions above, only do it very, very quickly.

Difficulty: fifth easiest / 20

Draw in the guards at the beginning with a few shots, then head out.  Use the 
KF7's scope to get the guy by the jeep.  Then go through the open gate, and 
get the guard on the left (if he didn't come out), then go around to the right 
and get the guard in the little "street".  Now go to the tank, hop in, and 
park it in the street.  Go down the alley to the left, killing 6 or 7 guards 
on the way.  There are a few more in the building at the far end.  Go into 
that building and collect the grenade launcher and armor, then go back out and 
into the entrance on the right to talk to Valentin.  Then go back in the 
street to the tank.

The next part is easy; you just make every right turn!  When you get to some 
mines, stop and blow them up with the tank's gun.  Stay in the tank; you take 
less damage.  When you get to the rocket launcher soldiers, roll right on 
through like they aren't there.  Make sure you don't kill the civilians; kill 
ten and you fail.

Enemy Rockets (Agent, 1:45)

Run straight to the tank without killing anyone; you can crush them on your 
way out.  Take the tank into the street.  When you get to the first minefield, 
hop out and run the rest of the way on foot; it takes too long to blow up the 
mines.  With the rocket launcher guys, just zigzag towards them (use C-left 
and C-right) with your KF7 blazing.  It may take a few tries, but this cheat 
is pretty easy.

Difficulty: ninth hardest / 20

Go forward and to the right, then immediately left there is a guard.  Kill 
him, turn around, and go left and immediately right.  Kill that guard, go to 
where he was, turn left, and kill that guard.  Go to where he was, turn left, 
and go through the metal gate ahead.  Take the first right down the street and 
go into the first building at the bottom of the hill on the right.  Close the 
door behind you.  Step out from behind the boxes and kill the guard.  Step out 
a little more and kill the guard at the top.  Step out all the way, and kill 
the guard to the left, but aim carefully ñ there are rockets behind him that 
you don't want to destroy!  Take those rockets, and the proximity mines on the 
other table, and the empty guns on the two tables in the front.  Step onto the 
platform and blow up the boxes with your D5K.  Then to the door through which 
you came in, and plant a mine on it.  When it explodes, open the door and run 
down to the left with guns blazing.  Go to the last building on the right.

Enter and close the door behind you, and quickly kill the guards to the left 
and right.  Several more guards will come.  When they stop coming, step out to 
the right.  You should notice a large screen.  Keep looking out until you can 
see a few inches past the left edge.  Fire a rocket to the left of the top 
left corner, and the drone gun should be gone.  Switch to the D5K (2x D5Ks if 
you have them).  Step all the way out, and kill any guards left.  Go get the 
key on the desk in the back.  Blow up the two mainframes with your 
Deutsche(s).  Do the mine-on-the-door trick again, and then run out to the 
left with guns blazing.  Run through everyone and take the last left around 
the corner, pass the building, and turn 45 degrees more to the left.  There 
will be a building with a short set of stairs and a regular door.  Go into the 
building, through the winding hallway and up the stairs.

Around to the left is the safe with the blueprints.  Get them and go through 
the door at the top of the stairs.  Go down the stairs there, and there will 
be three garage doors.  Open one and the train is there.
Slow Animation (Secret Agent, 3:15)

Go straight to the gate, go to the weapons room, take the rocket launcher, and 
leave.  Run to the room with the key, destroy the drone gun, get the key while 
switching to the D5K, destroy the mainframes and screen, and get out.  Run to 
the building with the safe, get the prints, and hop on the train.  You should 
be going so fast when getting this cheat that you should kill a total of no 
more than five guards.

Difficulty: third hardest / 20

Peek out from behind the boxes and kill the first guard, then the second.  
Then go up to the box on the right and look between it and the wall.  Kill the 
guard there.  Then step out into full view and get the last guard.  Take all 
their ammo and switch to the D5K.  On Agent mode, there is an RC-P90 in the 
last box, a DD44 on Secret Agent.  Agents can ignore any strategy stated 
forthwith and simply blaze through the rest of the level.  Blow up the brake 
unit and stand to the right side of the door.  If no guards come out, then 
open both doors and get out of the way.  When the bullets stop flying, peek 
out so you can see one guard.  Kill him and get the next guard. Always make 
sure you can only see one at a time.  When all four are down, you can enter.  
You shouldn't nave lost any health.

Go through the car until you come to four boxes in front of more boxes and two 
metal crates.  When you pass the wooden boxes, Quickly turn right.  Kill the 
guard (if he's there), and crouch in front of the metal crates.  Slide all the 
way left and there might be a guard through the crack.  Then stand back up and 
go to the crack between the metal boxes and the wooden boxes.  If there is a 
guard in black, kill him first.  Eliminate everyone you can from there, then 
step into full view and kill anyone left.  Get the brake unit at the end.  
Watch for any guards coming through the door.

Enter the next car and take cover quickly.  Step out, fire off a few rounds, 
and step back.  Repeat until all are dead.  A guard might come out of the door 
in front of you, so watch for him.  If he doesn't, then go halfway down the 
hall, turn around, go back, and he should be there.  Get the brake unit at the 
end.  Enter the next car.

Get all the guards in the hallway using the same lean-fire technique you used 
in the last car.  Open the door directly in front of you, turn around, and 
destroy the brake unit.  Then go halfway down the hall, turn around, and get 
your butt back!  Two trigger-happy guards will pop out of a door there.  
Eliminate them.  Then run down the hall with guns blazing to get the second-
to-last guard.  The last guard is at the very end, right before the door.  
When you open the next door, be ready for a possible black suit guard (the 
kind with the armor) right there.

Open the next door, kill any guards, then close and open the door you just 
came through to make sure your exit doesn't block itself.  Open the door 
behind the table, and run backwards.  Anywhere from zero to four guards, some 
of whom might have 2x ZMGs, will charge at you.  Stand behind the door you 
came through, fire a few rounds, close the door, and reload.  Repeat as 
necessary.  When they have all dropped dead, enter the next room with caution.  
You never know how many guards there will be here, or where they will be.  
Close the two doors the guards came out of, and the two doors next to those.  
Open the door behind the table, kill any guards in here, then turn around and 
anticipate a guard to come out of the doors you closed.  Get the brake unit in 
that car.

Open the door to the last car, kill the guard, destroy the brake unit, and 
reload your guns.  Two guards will come.  Kill them, and select a single gun 
as your weapon.  Go through the final door, and inch forward until Trevelyan 
says, "That's close enough!"  Then slide all the way to the right, aim your 
gun at Ourumov, hold the trigger, then inch it to the right to hit Xenia.  
Don't let go of the trigger until the door closes.  Then get out your watch 
laser and get to work on those floor hinges.  Your cue to exit stage right 
(literally) depends upon your difficulty setting.  Agents: right away.  Secret 
Agents: Upon the completion of objective C ("He's in Cuba!")  00 Agents: Upon 
the completion of objective D ("Got it!  Your a slughead, Boris!")  If you are 
playing 00 Agent and you didn't get Xenia (she didn't say, "Wait for me, Alec!  
I'm hit!") then you'd better hope Natalya makes it out.

Silver PP7 (00 Agent, 5:25)

This is hard, but it can be done.  The key is to find the right combination of 
speed and care.  Don't worry about ammo.  Follow the instructions above, but 
with more speed, staying careful at the same time.

Difficulty: tenth easiest / 20

Kill the first guard and take his AR33, but still use the PP7.  Inch forward, 
killing any guards, and every once in a while, zoom in with the AR33 and look 
for a drone gun.  When you find it, take it out and get the body armor behind 
it.  Do this a total of three times, saving the second body armor for later. 
(no body armor on the third drone gun on 00 Agent).  When you get to the 
bridge, switch to the AR33 and walk across until the music changes.  Then back 
up and stay just to the right of the bridge so when Xenia walks across, she 
has to shoot through the ropes, which she won't do.  Aim at the end of the 
bridge and pelt her as she comes across.  When she either dies or makes it 
across, sprint back to the second body armor and let Natalya take care of her 
(if she isn't dead).  Then go back to the bridge and take her RC-P90 and 
grenade launcher.

Go across the bridge and get the gun in the trees to the left.  Go forward.  
There will be an opening to the right.  Go through it, kill the guards, and 
get the drone gun.  Go up the path in the back and get all the guards there.  
Wait for Natalya, killing any guards that come.  When she gets there, climb 
the ladder SLOWLY.  Get the drone gun at the top.  Plant a mine in the boxes 
and blow it up.  If there is one or two left, plant one more mine.  Then plant 
a mine on the drone gun and blow it up, and do the same with the guard.  Take 
out the RC-P90 and Grenade Launcher together, and blow up all the guys in the 
back with the launcher.  Then run past the boxes an around to the right with 
RC-P90 blazing to finish the level.

2x Hunting Knife (Agent, 3:45?)

Follow the instructions above, only more quickly, staying careful at the same 

Difficulty: seventh hardest / 20

Crouch in the elevator, open the door, and get the drone gun up on the 
ceiling.  Go out of the elevator and move to the left into the corner.  Move 
around until a drone gun shoots at you (it won't hit you), and aim at the 
white flare that comes out of the barrel.  Pelt it five times.  Get the guard 
around the corner, plus the one or two more that come after him.  Collect 
their ammo and move forward.  Look almost straight up and there should be a 
gun there.  Then get the two guards around to the left and go get the guy by 
the computer if he doesn't come looking for you.  You shouldn't have lost any 
health.  Go get Natalya out of the elevator and she will go to the computer.  
She'll open a door.  Switch to the D5K and go to the door.  Blow away the two 
guards at the end of the hall, ten sprint down there and get the box of remote 

There are guards throwing grenades at the wall, go back up from it.  They'll 
blow themselves up.  Kill the remainders VERY CAREFULLY.  Collect their ammo 
and go to the path in the back.  Kill the guard there and three more will 
come.  Kill them, turn right out into the room, and go up the stairs.  Open 
the door.  Kill the guard on the left at the bottom, then back away from the 
door.  Kill the guards that come through, then go in and kill the remainders.  
Go down the stairs, through the door to the left, and greet Boris.  He'll pull 
a gun on you, but he drops it.  To destroy these two mainframes, don't plant 
the mines on them, but on the floor in front of them.  If you break the glass 
behind them, then guards will come out.  Plant both mines, then detonate them 
both at the same time.

Go upstairs.  There will be ammo to your left and right.  Take it, and go into 
the far left and right corners.  Destroy the mainframes there.  Go up into the 
attic, turn right, and go through the bars.  Take the body armor and go back 
downstairs.  Open the blue door opposite the one you entered and sidestep to 
the right out of the line of fire.  Three or four guards will come through.  
Kill them, switch to the PP7 (it is more accurate), and eliminate the drone 
guns, making absolutely sure you are out of range of their radar.  Go in, kill 
any guards left, and destroy the mainframe.  Your work here is done, so leave.

Go upstairs, then down the blue stairs.  Blow up all of the desks EXCEPT FOR 
THE ONE CLOSEST TO THE SCREEN!!!  Go upstairs again, and find the blast door.  
Open it and go in.  When Natalya says, "I'm coming, James!" go back downstairs 
and get ready for the hurricane.  Of guards, I mean.  Sentries will pour in to 
the area trying to kill you and Natalya.  I wouldn't worry about myself, I'd 
worry about Natalya.  Protect her at all costs.  If you hear glass breaking, 
run towards it immediately, because the guard there will have an excellent 
line of fire on Natalya.  When she's done, she'll run up the stairs.  You go 
up the stairs behind her, making sure no one gets to her.  We're on the home 
stretch, so hang in there.

Go down stairs, and look for a blast door on the front wall.  Open it, toss a 
remote mine on the glass, close the door, and detonate the mine.  Then go to 
the door on the other side of the stairs, run in with guns blazing, go into 
the lockers on the right and grab the body armor.  Exit the lockers to the 
right, run through the door, and into the elevator on the left.

Infinite Ammo (Secret Agent, 10:00)

I got this one by accident.  Play like you're in a little bit of a hurry.  A 
LITTLE BIT.  That's how I got this cheat; I was just playing to beat the 
level, but I was in a hurry, so I did it in under ten minutes, which is an 
enormous amount of time.

Difficulty: second hardest / 20

Open the elevator door and kill the two guards very quickly with your ZMG.  
Two more will come.  Kill them as well.  Switch to the ZMG and go to the first 
hexagonal door (hexdoor).  Open it and kill any guards that come, before go 
down the stairs.  Kill the guard at the bottom.  Go down the walkway and kill 
the next 2 guards.  Open the hexdoor, and kill the guard that comes your way.  
Continue down the walkway, kill the guard there, and go down the stairs (the 
area with two scientists).  Scare them off (go up to them and hit B 
repeatedly) and plant a mine on the screen.  Then turn around and go through 
the winding pathway and kill the guard there.  Scare the scientist off, wait 
for both hexdoors above him to completely open, then plant your mine.  Go back 
through the pathway and blow up any computers that survived with your gun.  
You shouldn't have lost any health up to this point.

Go through the hexdoor at the top of the stairs and kill the guard.  Go up the 
spiral walkway.  Two guards are on it.  Kill the guard at the top with you 
AR33 from A FIFTH OF A CIRCLE AWAY.  Any closer and the guards inside the next 
hexdoor will hear you.  Open ONE of the hexdoors, plant a mine on the other 
and close the first.  When the fire pokes through the door, plant a second 
mine.  When it blows, go through and kill the three guards that are left.  You 
should have gotten 2x ZMG in this process.

Switch to your AR33.  Go through the next hexdoor and kill the guard.  Four 
more come, kill them.  Switch back (hold A, push Z) to the ZMGs.  Go down the 
walkway, and down the stairs to the right.  Make a U-turn under the stairs.  
You will come to a room with many boxes.  Blow them up with a mine, and get 
all the ammo that comes out.  Blow up the lockers in the back and go through 
the path behind them.  Blow up the lockers at the end and back up.  Three 
guards will come into the path.  Kill them, step out of the pathway, get the 
computers to the left, and step back in.  There is another set of computers 
ahead and to the right.  Guards should come down the stairs in the back.  Zoom 
in on them with the AR33.  If three don't come, then step out of the pathway 
and shoot up over the hill to the left.  When all three have come to their 
deaths, go up the stairs and there will be a guard to the right.  Step back 
when he sees you, kill him, then the other one that runs frantically to 
suicide via your gun barrel.  Get the drone gun that is above them.  Go out 
the hexdoor, and get the guard to the right.  More guards might come, so be 

Go forward on the walkway and kill any guards there until the next hexdoor.  
Use your ZMGs to shoot through the windows.  Two guards will come.  AS SOON AS 
YOU HEAR THE DOOR OPEN, plant a mine on it.  Make sure you get back to your 
gun fast enough to eliminate the survivors (yes, sometimes they survive that 
blast).  You should pick up an RC-P90.  Switch to the AR33, and charge through 
the door and to the left.  Turn around and zoom in to kill the guard(s) on the 
other side of the room.  Switch to the ZMGs and take out the grenadier that 
comes out of the computer area.  Stay to the side of the opening to that area, 
and get so you can see one and only one guard.  Eliminate him WITH THE ZMG.  
The RC-P90 will penetrate and hit the barrels, igniting them and destroying 
the radio.  Repeat for each guard (3 total).  Get the scientists out of there 
and use the radio.  Blow up the barrels with the RC-P90 (don't stand to close, 
duh) and open the code key door.

Switch to the RC-P90 while it is opening and kill the two guards.  Then open 
the other code door to the side and kill the two guards there.  Go through the 
code door and close it again.  Open the first hexdoor, then the second, and 
BACK UP.  The code door will start to open again, so close it.  Switch to the 
AR33 and eliminate the drone guns.  Switch to the RC-P90 and HAUL ASS like 
you've never hauled it before down that tunnel, guns blazing.  Open the 
elevator and get out.

2x RC-P90 (00 Agent, 9:30)

There are enough differences in strategy between regular play and fast play on 
this level for me to repeat the walkthrough:

Open the elevator door and kill the two guards very quickly with your PP7.  
Two more will come.  Kill them as well.  Switch to the ZMG and go to the first 
hexagonal door (hexdoor).  Open it and kill any guards that come as you go 
down the stairs.  Kill the guard at the bottom.  Go down the walkway and kill 
the next 2 guards.  Open the hexdoor, and kill any guards that come your way.  
Continue down the walkway, kill the guard there, and go down the stairs (the 
area with two scientists).  Scare them off (go up to them and hit B 
repeatedly) and plant a mine on the screen.  Then turn around and go through 
the winding pathway and kill the guard there.  Scare the scientist off, wait 
for both hexdoors above him to completely open, then plant your mine.  Go back 
through the pathway and blow up any computers that survived with your gun.  
You shouldn't have lost any health up to this point.

Go through the hexdoor at the top of the stairs and kill the guard.  Go up the 
spiral walkway.  Two guards are on it.  Kill the guard at the top with you 
AR33 from A FIFTH OF A CIRCLE AWAY.  Any closer and the guards inside the next 
hexdoor will hear you.  Open ONE of the hexdoors, plant a mine on the other 
and close the first.  When the fire pokes through the door, plant a second 
mine.  When it blows, go through and kill the three guards that are left.  You 
should have gotten 2x ZMG in this process.

Switch to your AR33.  Go through the next hexdoor and kill the guard.  Four 
more come, kill them.  Switch back (hold A, push Z) to the ZMGs.  Go down the 
walkway (stay on top the entire level), killing any guards until the next 
hexdoor.  Open it.  Check your back every once in a while during the time you 
are standing here.  Zoom in with the AR33 and eliminate the computers (you 
should be able to make out the screens).  Back up and kill the guards that 
come.  Stand just inside the door and eliminate the drone gun that is up and 
to the left.  Switch to the AR33 and charge in to the left.  Back up against 
the door there and shoot through the lockers to take out the guards there.  
Then go forward and left down the stairs.  Watch out for guards.  Blow up the 
computers with your gun.  Go up the stairs and back out the hexdoor.  You 
shouldn't have lost more than 2 or 3 units of health.

Go forward on the walkway and kill any guards there until the next hexdoor.  
Use your ZMGs to shoot through the windows.  Two guards will come.  AS SOON AS 
YOU HEAR THE DOOR OPEN, plant a mine on it.  Make sure you get back to your 
gun fast enough to eliminate the survivors (yes, sometimes they survive that 
blast).  You should pick up an RC-P90.  Switch to the AR33, and charge through 
the door and to the left.  Turn around and zoom in to kill the guard(s) on the 
other side of the room.  Switch to the ZMGs and take out the grenadier that 
comes out of the computer area.  Stay to the side of the opening to that area, 
and get so you can see one and only one guard.  Eliminate him WITH THE ZMG.  
The RC-P90 will penetrate and hit the barrels, igniting them and destroying 
the radio.  Repeat for each guard (3 total).  Get the scientists out of there 
and use the radio.  Blow up the barrels with the AR33 (don't stand to close, 
duh) and open the code key door.

Switch to the RC-P90 while it is opening and kill the two guards.  Then open 
the other code door to the side and kill the two guards there.  Open the first 
hexdoor, then the second, and BACK UP.  The code door will start to open 
again, so close it.  Eliminate the drone guns and plant a mine on the door you 
just closed.  Switch to the RC-P90 and HAUL ASS like you've never hauled it 
before down that tunnel, guns blazing.  Open the elevator and get out.

Difficulty: fourth hardest / 20

Get the body armor behind you, then run across the walkway.  When you see your 
PP7 move up (auto-aim is taking effect), fire a few rounds until it moves back 
down.  That should take care of the guard.  If you get hit, start over.  He 
has 2x ZMGs, but only use one of them, or you will deplete your ammo supply 
very quickly.  When you get to the fork, go right.  Get the guard there and 
take his ammo.  Go down the first set of stairs on the left towards the center 
of the Cradle.  Go down the short flight of stairs there, kill the guard, and 
go left towards the shack.  Don't enter it!  There is a drone gun on the roof 
almost right in front of the door.  Stand several yards away and destroy it.  
Enter, and take a shot at Trevelyan on the left before he takes a shot at you.  
There's another drone gun in the opposite corner, and the control console is 
to your left.  Destroy them, then leave out the same door Trevelyan did.  Go 
down the stairs there, shoot him IMMEDIATELY (or he will shoot you), and he 
will run.  The rest of the level is a chase.
When you are chasing him, you need to know where he will stop and shoot, so 
you can hit him before he hits you.  He stopping locations are the shacks, at 
the bottom of the stairs leading out of each shack, and at the top of each 
ramp leading to the top of the cradle.  When he takes you through the second 
shack, there is body armor hidden among the machinery.  Upon his final threat, 
"Finish the job, James.  If you can!" he will take you to the bottom of the 
Cradle and you must knock him off the ledge before he gets you.

Gold PP7 (Agent, 2:15)

Play it the same way you normally do up when Trevelyan takes you to the top of 
the cradle.  He will stop at two points: one just after going up the ramp, and 
another just before going down another ramp.  At the top, you will notice that 
on the corners there are large "dents" in the railing.  When you go up the 
first ramp, you will pass two such "dents."  Slip into the second one.  
Trevelyan will not shoot at you as long as you are there!  He'll just stand 
there and aim at you!  Fire into his head until he initiates the final 
challenge, and finish him off as usual.

Difficulty: hardest / 20

Crouch, slide to the right, face left, and peek out until you can just see a 
guard.  Kill him, and injure the other one that comes from the same side.  
Back up, kill the guard that comes from the right, DON'T reload, and kill the 
guard that comes from the left.  If you get hit, start over.  Take their ammo, 
but still use the PP7.

Open the door and stand slightly to the left side.  Kill the guard inside, 
switch to the AR33, and wait for two more guards to come.  They may or may not 
appear at this time.  Slide to the right side, shielding yourself from the 
guard across the room using the wall.  Lean out and back so that he fires at 
you, then when the firing stops, hit him while he is reloading.  If the two 
guards didn't appear before, they will now.

Inch forward in the hallway on the left side, looking for a guard.  Once you 
can see just a bit of his yellow uniform, stop, zoom in on him, and kill him.  
Repeat for the other side.  Go across the bridge and take everyone's ammo.  
DON'T FALL INTO THE TRENCH!  There is another hidden door in a trapezoidal 
archway.  Open it, step in, step out, and get to the right side.  Two guards 
will come.  Kill them, and make sure the door won't close on you (close it and 
open it again).  Step into the room, and look for some yellow on the far side 
of the room to the right.  Kill the guard, and get your butt back out.  
Anywhere from zero to three guards will come out.  Kill them and enter the 

You will notice alcoves to the left and right.  In the last alcove on the 
right, there was a guard there (the one you got earlier).  In the second to 
last alcove, there may or may not be a guard there.  Kill him if he is there, 
then go to the alcove with the computer (not the mainframe).  Activate the 
computer, and the mainframe will lower.  Switch to the PP7, and get the guard 
in the head.  Go down the hallway, moving into the last alcove on the left 
before the corner.  Get the guard from there with your PP7.  Turn the corner 
and there are two more guards.  They can't see you if you stand to their 
sides.  Get them in their heads, and switch to the AR33 quickly.  In the next 
room there are two computer consoles.  Destroy the one on the left WITHOUT 
entering the room, and get back into the third or fourth alcove in the hall 
behind you.  Kill the two guards that come.

Go through the exhaust bay and into the hallway behind the computer you 
destroyed.  You will come to a T-junction.  There are drone guns to the left 
and right.  Get the one on the right first, then the one on the left, back up, 
and go through the 'perpendicular' hallway to the right.  Turn left, right, 
and right again to get the body armor.  Then step out and zoom in quickly to 
get the guards at the end of the hall.  Kill them, and go to where they were.  
If you do not get two lasers (not 2x lasers, but a laser and 'ammo'), you are 
going to lose about half your health (of which you should not have lost any up 
to this point), because an unexpected guard will shoot at you, and I never can 
figure out how to kill him without getting hurt badly.

The hall will wind around to a grate.  Inch forward in the hall, and there 
will be a drone gun up and to the right, which is very hard to spot through 
the grate.  Switch to the laser, and get the drone gun just outside the grate 
to the right.  There are some boxes to the left.  Run around behind them, back 
up just a bit, and get the drone guns on the other side of the room with your 
laser.  Watch for fire from the left!  Once both drone guns are gone, look 
straight left.  You should see where the wall has 90 degree corners in it. Run 
behind one of those corners, switch to the AR33, and peek out until you can 
see just one guard.  Kill him, then get the next (the first two are almost on 
top of one another, so take care to only look at one at a time), and then the 
one on the far left.  Check the yellow grating for guards, go past it, and run 
around the corner with guns blazing to get the last guard on the far left.  
Take any ammo in the field, then go to the ladder.  Climb it and hit the 
computer.  This is to prepare for the final seconds after you defeat Jaws, 
because when you do, Moonraker Elites with 2x Lasers enter the complex, and 
you want to have all the doors open.

Enter the yellow grating and take out your laser.  Go down the stairs and into 
the little hallway, and you will come to two more stairways; go down the one 
on the right.  There will be another little hallway.  Peek in until you can 
just see a guard.  Shoot him with your laser and get back onto the stairway.  
Jaws will peek in and aim his gun at you, but he will not fire if you are up 
the stairs.  Go back to the first stairway (the rectangular one) and Jaws will 
eventually come to greet you.  He will not fire across the hole!  He will only 
fire in a straight line!  You and Jaws will do a violent, disoriented version 
of the Mexican Hat Dance around the abyss in the center until one of you goes 
down.  And if he never gets a chance to shoot at you, you won't lose any 
health!  Once he's dead, go get his 2x AR33s and smart card ASAP.  I prefer 
the 2x AR33s over the laser.

From here on in, the guards appear at random, so I can only tell you to watch 
out for them.  Exit through the same grate you originally came through, go 
into the grate across from it, through the hall where you destroyed the guns, 
through the exhaust bay, through the hallway with all the alcoves, and hit the 
computer at the end.  When the mainframe goes down, enter the room, check to 
the right for guards, then open the glass door to the left (the "smart card" 
door).  Take the tape on the table to the right, and put the disk (in your 
inventory) in the disk drive to the left.  Try to get back through the 
mainframe before it goes back up.  Retrace your steps to the shuttle room, 
survey for guards, and head to the right.  Find the mainframe and put the tape 
("Launch Protocol Data") in it.  Then run to the ladder, and climb up to the 
top.  Hit the computer, turn around, crouch, and take out 2x Lasers if you 
have them (single Laser if you don't).  Fire continuously into the air; you 
never know if a guard will come around the corner (it happened to me, don't 
let it happen to you).  When the countdown finishes, the shuttle will take off 
and the level will be complete.

2x Lasers (Secret Agent, 9:00)

Play it just as dictated above, but faster.  Don't hesitate, and know just 
where to stand for each drone gun.  To finish Jaws off quickly, when he chases 
you onto the stairway, and he is running up (or down) the stairs towards you, 
wait at the top, just around the corner.  If you get right up next to him, his 
arms will go right around you and he won't be able to hit you!  Setting this 
up doesn't usually take too much time, but you sometimes lose a little health.  
Then just play the rest of the level as normal.

Difficulty: seventh easiest / 20

First piece of advice: Ignore the guards.  Just concentrate on getting the 
Golden Gun and finishing off Samedi.  Slide to the right and go forward.  Just 
before the last pillar, slide back to the left so the guard behind it doesn't 
see you.  Go into the next room and turn right.  Look for a dark passage on 
the wall.  Go into it, and up the stairs.  You will come to a room with large 
tiles on the floor, four blocks on the wall (these hide drone guns), and a 
case in the middle with the Golden Gun inside.  If you step on the wrong tile, 
the drone guns come out of their peaceful homes and give you and not so 
peaceful death.  So here is the floor pattern:  step in, go left to the wall, 
up two, left until there is one between you and the wall, up to the corner of 
the gun block, left one, up one, left one, up two, and right one.  The case 
will lower.  Circle around to get the Gun and ammo.  Switch to the Golden Gun, 
and open the door (the white square).  Take the body armor, open the next 
door, and drop down.  On the other end of the room is Baron Samedi.  Kill him 
with one shot, and go back to the room with the pool.  The second Baron Samedi 
is in the pool.  Kill him again.  Go to the Golden Gun passageway, except this 
time, take the dark 'perpendicular' passage to the right off the main passage.  
It will take you through the flooded basement, and to the final Baron Samedi.  
Take the body armor and kill him with 2-3 shots from the Golden Gun and this 
level is over!
All Guns (00 Agent, 6:00)

This is easy.  Follow the exact instructions above. I'd say to do it quickly, 
but you really don't have to.

I am Rick Woods and you can e-mail me at rrwoods@yahoo.com, or write me a 
letter at 3332 Locust St, Edgewater, MD, 21037 (USA).  If you have anything 
you would like to add to this guide (or my website at 
www.geocities.com/rrwoods) please e-mail me or write me a letter.  Or just e-
mail me for fun (I LOVE e-mail!).

Just don't copy this and put your name on it.  You can print it out, give it 
to your friends, heck sell it if you want.  You can do whatever you want, as 
long as you give me credit for the parts you leave as original.  And don't 
change a word or two, or three, or four (you get the idea) and say I didn't 
write it.  Basically, just give me the credit where credit is due.  You can 
change parts of it completely, and you don't have to give me credit for those 
parts, but give me the credit for the parts you leave intact.  Thank you!

For most of this guide I have used my own strategies, but here and there I had 
to use some of marshmallow's guide.  His guide L   be found at 
www.gamefaqs.com, and it is called "00 Agent Guide."

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