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        asd      aasdasdass das  sadsd  asdasddd sya
        das       asdasdas  asd   dasds  asdasd  asdasdfga
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Fighting Force Guide                                         version 1.1
Last updated: 9th of February 2000
Created by: Clement Chan Zhi Li
e-mail address: clementchan@pd.jaring.my

Table of Contents

     <1> Introduction <1>
         [1.1] About Fighting Force [1.2] Copyright Info

     <2> Moves and Characters Guide <2>
         [2.1] General Moves [2.2] Alana [2.3] Hawk [2.4] Mace 
         [2.5] Smasher

     <3> Adventure Guide <3>
         [3.1] Stage 1 [3.2] Stage 2 [3.3] Stage 3 [3.4] Stage 4 
         [3.5] Stage 5 [3.6] Stage 6 [3.7A] Bronx [3.7B] Mall
         [3.7C] Park [3.8] Stage 8 [3.9A] Air Base [3.9B] Naval Base
         [3.10A] After Air Base [3.10B] After Naval Base [3.11] Stage 11
         [3.12] Stage 12

     <4> Secrets and Tricks <4>
         [4.1] Cars and Items [4.2] Enemies on Ground 
         [4.3] Coca-Cola Machine [4.4] Additional Weapons 
         [4.5] Hot Dog and Soda Stall

     <5> Credits <5>

     <6> History <6>
<1> Introduction <1>

Hi! Welcome to Fighting Force Guide. This guide is intended to help 
people who have troubles with this Nintendo game. 

If you want to e-mail to me, feel free to do so at 

[1.1] About Fighting Force

This game is a 3D beat-em-game for the Playstation and Nintendo produced 
by Core Design. There are different weapons like bazooka and machine gun 
are hidden in all stages so that you may use it do destroy enemies, 
gates, and even cars!

Fighting Force has up to 4 characters to choose from with different moves 
and attacks in each of them. There are even special attacks you can use 
against an enemy if you're surrounded by them.

There are also a few secrets and tricks in this game so if you want to 
start playing, it is advisable to look at section <4> Secrets and Tricks 
<4> before you start playing to make the game a bit easier.

Overall, Fighting Force is one of the fun games I have ever played.

[1.2] Copyright Info

This FAQ is Copyright 2000 Clement Chan Zhi Li. You can distribute this 
FAQ as long as its contents are not changed. 

Only Clement Chan Zhi Li can make changes and updates to this FAQ. Any 
unauthorized changes and updates without my permission is prohibited by 

<2> Moves and Characters Guide <2>

This moves guide is created to help people with Fighting Force's 
character's moves. 

[2.1] General Moves

Press the Run button to run.

Press the punch button to attack with fists.

Press the punch button repeatedly to attack repeatedly.

Press the button at an item or weapon to take that particular item.

While taking an item or weapon, press the kick button to throw it.

Press the kick button to kick.

Press the jump button to jump.

Press the jump button then kick to kick in the air.

[2.2] Alana

Alana can move pretty fast but her attacks are a little weak. 

Press Run, then punch to slide.

Press Run, then kick to do the turning kick in the air.

Press Kick 2 times to do the double kick.

Press the jump button and punch button to do the somersault-turning kick. 
This action will reduce the life a bit.

Press the backfist button near an enemy to carry it. Press Punch or Kick 
button to hit it.

[2.3] Hawk

Hawk can move moderately as well his attacks are moderate too.

Press Run, then punch to slide.

Press Run, then kick to do a kick in the air.

Press Kick 2 times to do the double kick.

Press the jump button and punch button to do the turning kick in the air 
at enemies. This attack will reduce the life a bit.

Press the backfist button near an enemy to carry it. Press Punch or Kick 
button to hit it.

[2.4] Mace

She is as swift as Alana but her attacks are a little weak.

Press Run, then punch to slide.

Press Run, then kick to do a kick in the air.

Press Kick 2 times to do the double kick.

Press the jump button and punch button to do the turning kick on the 
ground at enemies. This will reduce the life a bit.

Press the backfist button near an enemy to carry it. Press Punch, Kick or 
the Jump button to hit it.

[2.5] Smasher

He moves really slow but his attacks are quite powerful. With two or 
three punches can defeat an easy enemy.

Press Run, then punch to roll up in a ball.

Press Run, then kick to do body press at an enemy.

Press Kick 2 times to do the double kick.

Press the jump button and punch button to do the hammering-quake to 
destroy enemies around you. This action will reduce the life a bit.

Press the backfist button near an enemy to carry it. Press Punch, Kick or 
Jump button to attack the enemy.

<3> Adventure Guide <3>

This guide is intended to help people in the adventure whether they are 
playing in 1 player mode or 2 player mode.

If you attack something like cars, rubbish bins, shops and etc., you'll 
get Destruction Bonus at the end of the stage.

[3.1] Stage 1

The first stage shows a helicopter landing the characters that you 
choose. After that, attack the nearby police car to find a bazooka at the 
back of the car. Use it to destroy the enemies, gates and cars.

Attack enemies that come out and you'll continue to the next stage. 

[3.2] Stage 2

This stage is inside the building. Continue attacking the enemies. This 
time, the enemies will be slightly powerful. 

There is two fences that can be destroyed. Inside them will be two boxes. 
Each of them contains something useful, a bomb, life-restoration item and 

Once you finish off the enemies on the first area, destroy the green 
thing to reveal a room. There, attack enemies that came out from a door.

[3.3] Stage 3

At the next stage, you're inside the lift. Attack the 'Fire' thing to get 
a powerful red axe. Use it to kill enemies. Enemies will come into the 
lift at any moment so be alert.

[3.4] Stage 4

At the fourth stage, you're now at the upper floor. Just keep on attack 
the enemies. Remember here that dustbins can be destroyed to get 
Destruction Bonus.

[3.5] Stage 5

On this stage, you'll see a man running away to the helicopter. Then, 
attack the swift enemies that are left behind. 

[3.6] Stage 6

At the next stage, you're now outside on the road. Some enemies may 
attack you by motorcycle so be careful. All you need to do is attack 

At times, cars will bang into shops and items so be alert too or you'll 
get hurt. 

After that, you'll see a big lorry causing troubles. Now, you'll have to 
fight the first boss, Driver. 

Attack him until he drops his weapon, the red axe. Take his weapon and 
keep on attack him until he lose.

Once you finish the boss, you can go to three places. Decide whether to 
go to Bronx, the Mall or the Park, then head to that direction.

[3.7A] Bronx

If you go to the Bronx, you'll fight at the backlane. The enemies will be 
slightly powerful and you can get a bazooka from an enemy.

Try and destroy anything that are useful to get Destruction Bonus points. 
Also, you'll go through this area for two times.

[3.7B] Mall

If you choose to go to the Mall, you can attack shops and a car to get 
more Destructon Bonus. If you're stuck there because you can't find a way 
to exit, go near a light-blue door to open it.

[3.7C] Park

If you go to the Park, sometimes you'll have to fight against enemies 
riding motorcycles.

To destroy them, try and kick them off the motorcycle to make it explode. 
This may kill the enemy together.

[3.8] Stage 8

No matter where you go, you'll still end up in the train station. Enemies 
will come out from trains and attack you. 

This part will take quite a long time because there are lots of enemies 

After all that, you will have to fight another boss, Exo. This boss is 
slightly powerful. If can, grab him and attack it. Once he is on the 
ground, kick him.

After killing him, choose whether you want to go to the Air Base or Naval 

[3.9A] Air Base

The Air Base enemies are not as difficult as Naval Base. If you go to the 
Air Base, you must fight the enemies until you fight with Jetpac. She'll 
move a little fast so you have to attack her quickly.

[3.9B] Naval Base

If you choose Naval Base, the enemies will be quite difficult. Once you 
finish all enemies, you'll fight with Vulkan. You can't attack him with 
normal attacks. It will only hurt you.

I hope you have master throwing items by now. You have to take tins and 
aim carefully to throw at him. If he flies into the air, be careful. Once 
you see he's coming down, jump to avoid his shockwave. Also, don't go too 
near with him or you'll get shot.

[3.10A] After Air Base

Once you finish the Air Base, you'll have to fight enemies on a flying 
thing. There are enemies coming down from helicopter so be careful!

There are boxes here around to help to restore your life a bit.

[3.10B] After Naval Base

If you completed Naval Base, you'll have to fight enemies on the ship. 
This is almost the same as After Air Base as enemies will come down and 
attack you by helicopter.

[3.11] Stage 11

After all that, you'll reach inside the base. There will be more powerful 
enemies so I hope you have master all the moves. 

There are recoverable enemies called Cyro that can recovers its life 
automatically. So, you have to fight with it until it dies. 

Also, there are a lot of enemies here. Some enemies can use electrical 
punching power a bit like Vulkan.

[3.12] Stage 12

After completing Stage 11, you'll fight on the construction site on the 
moving platform. 

There are quite a lot of enemies here with no boxes with restorative 
items so you have to plan your moves carefully.

Try to make use of restorative food coming out from enemies. They are 
quite useful.

Then, you'll fight with the final boss, Zeng! He is quite powerful with 
his fists. So, it is advisable not to go near him. 

Around you will be several gold boxes. Destroy them to reveal weapons  
and life boxes. Use the weapons to attack him until he dies.

After defeating him, you'll then see his island base destroyed. There 
will be a newspaper report about Zeng on the front page. Then, you'll see 
Zeng in prison. Congratulations, you've finished the game!

Wait for a while for a screen to pop up. Put your name there to be listed 
in the Top 10.

<4> Secrets and Tricks <4>

There are a few secrets and tricks in Fighting Force. So, if you found 
more please e-mail to me at clementchan@pd.jaring.my 

Also, below listed are the ones that I found.

[4.1] Cars and Items

Some cars can be destroyed to reveal weapons or to get more Destruction 
Bonus. Items like shops and rubbish bins can be destroyed to get more 
Destruction Bonus too.

Also, once you get 100,000 points, you'll get an extra life. 

[4.2] Enemies on Ground

If you attacked enemies until they fell on the ground, press the punch or 
kick button to attack them. This is espeacially useful when you are 
facing a hard enemy.

[4.3] Coca-Cola Machine

On some stages, you may find a Coca-Cola machine. Attack it to get more 
Destruction Bonus, Coca-Cola cans and a weapon.

The Coca-Cola cans can be picked up to drink to restore a bit of the 
life. While you're drinking, the enemies can't attack you.

[4.4] Additional Weapons

Once the Destruction Bonus screen appears, quickly head to a particular 
exit that can bring you to the next stage.

Example, on stage one, when you ram the gate, attack the enemies until 
the Destruction Bonus screen appears. Quickly run to the gate to begin 
the next level.

Once you do this, you'll get a weapon ready on the next level. Be warned 
that you won't get any Destruction Bonus points with this trick.

To get the points, wait until the Destruction Bonus screen appears. Wait 
until the points are added and quickly run towards the exit.

Some stages don't have any exits so you can't try this trick.

[4.5] Hot Dog and Soda Stall

In the Mall, you'll see a Hot Dog and Soda Stall. Destroy it to reveal 
many restorative foods.

<5> Credits <5>

Clement Chan - (clementchan@pd.jaring.my)
Me! I spend some of my time playing with this game, figuring and thinking 
to come up with this guide!

Eugene Chan - (eugenechan90@waumail.com)
My younger brother helps me a bit with the Moves and Characters Guide and 
some of the information.

<6> History <6>

Version 1.0 - 22nd of January 2000
This walkthrough is created.

Version 1.1 - 9th of February 2000
Updated e-mail address.

Tips and codes - Game Endings - Java Games - Reviews - Fun Stuff