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		        Welcome to Zelda II for NES
			     Complete Walkthrough
			   Author: David Zabroski
	         Check out my Dragon Warrior/Quest Website at:
				Updated 8/21/00

I.	Introduction
II.	North Castle
III.	Rauru
IV.	Rauru Cave
V.	Desert
VI.	Palace I
VII.	Rauru Cave II
VIII.	Rauru II
IX.	South Cave
X.	North Cave
XI.	Ruto
XII.	South Ruto Cave
XIII.	Eastern Swamp Marsh
XIV.	Path to Saria
XV.	Saria
XVI.	Death Mountain Maze
XVII.	Western Swam Caves
XVIII.	Western Swamp Caves II
XIX.	Medicine Cave
XX.	Mido
XXI.	Palace II
XXII.	Road to Palace III
XXIV.	East Docks
XXV.	West Docks
XXVI.	Nabooru
XXVII.	Nabooru Cave
XXVIII.	Island Maze
XXIX.	Darunia
XXX.	Island Maze II
XXXI.	Palace IV
XXXII.	Palace V
XXXIII.	Devil's Path
XXXIV.	Search for New Kasuto
XXXV.	New Kasuto
XXXVI.	Old Kasuto
XXXVIII.	Road to the Great Palace
XXXIX.	Great Palace
XL.	Ending


I.	Introduction
	a.	My thoughts
		i.	This game is one of my favorite games of
			Zelda. This game is one of the lowest in the
			line of Zelda games. It is a great game
			actually although very different than Zelda I
			or the newer games. I also worked hard on
			this walkthrough. It took me over a week to
			get the game typed out. I had to do
			everything by memory. I looked for the
			fastest and easiest way to get through.
	b.	Tips
		i.	Listen to what some people say, but not
		ii.	Take the time to search out grounds that
			seem inhospitable. They usually have a
		iii.	Save magic for when needed.
		iv.	Don't be afraid to take the longer route.
II.	North Castle
	a.	You start the game in front of the altar where Zelda
		is sleeping inside of the North Castle.
	b.	Exit to the over word map.
	c.	There are a few single woods with a P bag on it.
		i.	This will give you extra Experience. You
			must hit it with your sword.
III.	Rauru
	a.	Once you are in town there are several things you
		can do.
	b.	Regain Life from the Lady in Red
	c.	Regain Magic from Old Lady in Yellow
		i.	They are not always in every town
	d.	Bats
		i.	Some people are actually spies for Gannon,
			when you talk to them they arrack
IV.	Rauru Cave
	a.	Head through the woods into the cave to the north.
		It is pitch-black and there are monsters in here.
		i.	Look at the ground to see their legs and kill
V.	Desert
	a.	Once you get outside you fins you are in the desert.
		Go east until you reach the coast.
	b.	Follow the path south and you should have to go
		through a ledged area.
		i.	There are bubbles floating everywhere and
			you have to jump across the water.
				1.	The bubbles take some life,
					but they can also know you
					into the water.
				2.	The water will kill you.
	c.	Once you get past this area you should see a woods.
		Enter it. Now you have to fight two boomerang
		guys, but there is a heart piece here. Take it and go
		back north
VI.	Palace I
	a.	This is your first palace. There are a few things you
		should understand before entering
		i.	Even though the book says you can't use
			key in other palace's I have been able to
		ii.	Once you beat the boss and get the item the
			palace will turn to stone.
	b.	Red Candle
		i.	From the beginning of the level, go right and
			down the elevator to enter the palace itself.
			Go left while defeating the Horse heads that
			are coming your way, then enter the next
			room. In this room, defeat the Bots if they
			drop down to attack then continue left.
		ii.	Kill all of the Stalfos, then go left
			and defeat another Horse head and take the
			Key at the end. Now, go all the way left
			to the previous room and pass the elevator
			that you came down on.
		iii.	Kill any Horseheads and continue right to
			the next room. Here, go right and unlock the
			door, then continue right while defeating
			any Horseheads you encounter while also
			trying to avoid the Skull Ball floating
		iv.	Keep going right to the next room. In this
			room, go all the way right and defeat the 2
			Stalfos along the way. When you see the
			elevator ignore it for now go right to the
			next room first.
		v.	Here, defeat the Bots and the Stalfos, then
			continue to the new elevator; go up it to the
			upper floor.
		vi.	Now go right, then up the "steps" while
			defeating any of the Mini-Horseheads along
			the way, then take the Key at the top and
			continue to the next room.
		vii.	Defeat some more Mini-Horseheads while
			heading right, and then defeat the creature
			that's throwing things at you then take the
			Key there. Now, backtrack left back to the
			previous room all the way to the elevator.
		viii.	Go back down it to the next floor, then get
			off and go left. Continue through this room
			to the next one, and then keep going until
			you reach the elevator going down. This
			time, go down it and head left while trying
			to avoid the many Skull Balls floating
		ix.	When you get to the following room, defeat
			the 2 Bots, then jump up the steps and run
			across the bridge that disintegrates as you
			cross it. Be sure to take the P Bag halfway
			across it to get 50 experience points, then
			drop down the steps at the other side and
			defeat any the Bots if you want to, then enter
			the next room.
		x.	In this room, go left and defeat the creature
			that throws things at you, then go left some
			more and defeat the orange Ironknuckle.
			Now, unlock the door and take the Candle in
			the t room.
		xi.	Now, backtrack right a few rooms back to
			the elevator, and then go up it to the other
			floor. Now, go right to the next room, then
			continue right to the next elevator.
		xii.	Go right and take the Fairy if your health is
			low, then go down the elevator to the bottom
		xiii.	Defeat the Ironknuckle, then jump up the
			steps made by small blocks. Defeat the 2
			Stalfos along the way, then continue to the
			next room.
		xiv.	In this room, defeat that monster that throws
			stuff at you, and then unlock the door behind
			it with your Key.
		xv.	Now, continue right and defeat the
			Ironknuckle, then head to the next room.
			This is the boss room
		xvi.	Boss
			1.	Horse Head
				a.	You must jump up and hit
					him in the head to do any
				b.	You should put Shield magic
					on for protection.
			2.	Once he is dead take the key and
				enter the stone room
				a.	Here you will put a stone in
					the boulder and get a level
VII.	Rauru Cave II
	a.	Go though the cave and see what you couldn't see
	b.	Now that you have the candle caves are no problem
VIII.	Rauru II
	a.	Come back here to rest.
IX.	South Cave
	a.	There is a cave below the palace's island.
	b.	Here you can get a magic container to level up your
X.	North Cave
	a.	Head up past the palace's island into the desert
	b.	There are bats in the cave that try to knock you into
		the lava. You must dodge or kill them
	c.	When you reach the end of the cave a Boomerang
		guy will be attacking you.
		i.	Kill him or jump over him
	d.	Take the trophy and exit.
XI.	Ruto
	a.	Talk to the red lady for energy and orange for magic
	b.	You should see a girl in purple coming in and out of
		her house.
	c.	Talk to her and she will take the Trophy and go see
		her father
		i.	He will teach you JUMP magic
			1.	This will allow you to jump twice as
				high for one screen
	d.	Exit and head to South Ruto Cave
XII.	South Ruto Cave
	a.	Enter the cave and head right and defeat the
		Octoroks and Red Goriyas then continue right to the
		next room.
	b.	In the next room, defeat the Lowders and the Red
		Goriyas, then go right to the next room.
	c.	There, defeat the Aches and the Acheman that fly
		down from the ceiling, and then cast the Jump spell
		on yourself. Now, go right and jump onto the higher
		ledge, which you couldn't do otherwise.
	d.	Then, just continue to the right to the cave's exit.
XIII.	Eastern Swamp Marsh
	a.	There is fairy in the wood to the right and a extra
		life infront of the boulder.
		i.	Save the life for later
	b.	Keep going south as far as you can go then head
		east across the swamplands. Keep going east to
		reach the path again. You'll see an area of forest
		above as well as below the path.
	c.	There's a cabin hidden in the forest area north of the
		path where you can meet Bagu.
		i.	There are many other places in the woods,
			but he is somewhere in there. It's not too
			tough to find him.
	d.	After you find the cabin, go inside and talk to Bagu.
		Now you are his friend.
XIV.	Path to Saria
	a.	Then, leave the cabin and get back to the path, and
		head left and down to the bridge. Go across the
		bridge while trying to avoid the Skeleton Fish and
		their fireballs.
	b.	Keep going right until you reach the other side, then
		go down and right. You'll see a single square of
		forest; go into it. Head right while either defeating
		or avoiding the Megmats and take the P Bag to get
		100 experience points.
	c.	Now, head right out of this area. Enter the town
XV.	Saria
	a.	Make sure you recover with the ladies and head
		across the town.
	b.	You should see a woman looking her mirror.
		i.	You will get a lot of these.
	c.	You should find an empty house somewhere in the
		area. Press B when you get to the table. You should
		find the mirror.
	d.	Take it back to the woman and she will let you see
		her father.
		i.	He will teach you LIFE
			1.	Life will refill part of your energy
	e.	Go west through the town and talk to the Bridge
XVI.	Death Mountain Maze
	a.	When he finds you know Bagu he will let you cross.
	b.	Now, head south and enter the cave there to be
		brought to the Death Mountain "maze of caves".
	c.	First, enter the cave to the right and once inside,
		head right while defeating the Bots and Red
		Moblins, then keep going to the cave's exit.
	d.	In this area, go right and enter the next cave. Here,
		go right and defeat all the Octoroks and the Blue
		Goriya then continue right and exit the cave.
	e.	Now, enter the cave to the right; inside this cave, go
		right and defeat the Bots and Aches. When you
		reach the elevator, DON'T go up it; instead, keep
		going right and defeat the orange Daira, then exit
		the cave.
	f.	Now, go down and enter the cave to the right. Here,
		cross the bridge while trying to avoid the annoying
		Bago-Bagos, and then go right to the exit.
	g.	Now, go down and right and enter the next cave. In
		this cave, go right and defeat the Bots and the red
		Daira then use the Jump spell to jump to the high
		ledges above you.
	h.	Take the red magic decanter to completely refill
		your magic, then continue right and exit the cave.
		Next, go down and enter the following cave.
		i.	There is a glitch I discovered.
		ii.	Sometimes if you time it right you can cast a
			spell and keep refilling your magic.
			1.	When you get the potion and you
				have enough to cast life cast it as
				the magic is filling up. The
				potion will keep refilling. You
				may lose a small amount, you may
				lose most, but it is worth
				the gamble.
			2.	It worked 9 out 10 times for me.
	i.	Here, go left and defeat the Blue Goriyas, the
		Aches, and the orange Daira. Then, continue left
		and exit the cave
	j.	Go down to the next cave. In this cave, go right and
		defeat the red Bots and orange Dairas, then keep
		going to exit this cave.
	k.	Now, go down and enter another cave. Here, go left
		and defeat some more Bots and orange Dairas, then
		continue left and exit this cave.
	l.	Next, go left and up and you'll see a cave in the
		ground; go into it. Go right and defeat the red
		Dairas, an Acheman, and a Lowder then keep going
		to the next room. Here, go left and beat some more
		orange Dairas and Megmats, then when you reach
		the elevator, go down it. On this floor, go right and
		defeat the red Dairas and go to the next room. Here,
		jump from ledge to ledge all the way to the next
		room. In the next room, go right and defeat the
		orange, then red Dairas. Take the Hammer
		i.	Hammer
			1.	Can destroy over world boulders
	m.	Now, go left a couple rooms back to the room with
		the elevator. Go back up the elevator, then head left.
		Keep going left through a couple rooms until you're
		back in the over world.
	n.	You'll see a large stone to the left of you; go up
		to it and press A to destroy it with your Hammer.
	o.	Now, walk into the rubble and you'll drop into a
		hidden cave.
	p.	Take the Magic Container when you land, then go
		left to exit this cave.
	q.	Bone yard
	r.	Now, go right and down into the desert area again
		and go all the way right to the water, then go up to
		the cave.
	s.	Go into it and go right and jump from ledge to ledge
		while defeating numerous Octoroks along the way
		until you reach the end of the cave.
	t.	Go all the way up along the path to another cave
		and enter it.
	u.	You'll automatically be brought to a beach area with
		a bridge nearby.
	v.	Go right across the 2 parts of the bridge while
		defeating the Black, then Blue Moblins.
	w.	Then, in the 2nd part, avoid the bubble things that
		float upward from the bottom of the screen, as well
		as defeat the red Daira.
	x.	Keep going right to the end, then follow the path
		right and up alongside the graveyard.
	y.	Keep going up, then right until you reach the desert.
	z.	Continue upward until you reach the path and go
		left on it. You'll see a large stone blocking the path
		break it with your Hammer, then take the path going
XVII.	Western Swam Caves
	a.	You'll see another cave to the right with a large
		stone in front of it; go up to it, destroy the stone,
		then enter the cave.
	b.	Go right and defeat the Lowders, but avoid the
		Myus for now because you can't hurt them.
		Continue right to the next room, then go right and
		take the Heart Container at the end.
XVIII.	Western Swamp Caves II
	a.	Now, go all the way left out of the cave and go left
		to the path again. Now, head left and across the path
		and you'll see another cave that isn't being blocked
		by any obstructions.
	b.	Enter that cave and go right while defeating the
		Megmats along the way, then continue to the next
		room. In this room, go right and take the P Bag with
		200 experience points inside.
	c.	Then, go all the way back to the left and exit the
		cave. Now, go right to the path and walk all the way
		down to where it splits.
XIX.	Medicine Cave
	a.	There, go all the way left until you reach the swamp
		area. Then, go up and you'll see a cave blocked by a
		large stone; destroy it with the Hammer and walk
		into the cave.
	b.	Inside the cave, go right across the bridge while
		trying not to get hit by those annoying Bago-Bagos
		and defeating the Lowders that are on the ground.
	c.	Keep going right to the next room, then defeat the
		orange and red Dairas in this room. Continue to the
		right and take the bottle of Medicine there. Then, go
		all the way left and exit this cave. Now, go back
		down through the swamp, then right to the path
	d.	Take the path all the way right to where it splits
		again; keep going east along the path all the way to
		the end. Then, go up and into the town of Mido.
XX.	Mido
	a.	Get recovered by the ladies
	b.	When you reach the Church cast Jump and jump
		onto into the upper door.
		i.	Once inside you meet a master swordsman.
			He will teach you the Down Thrust Skill.
			1.	When you jump press down to drop
				your sword onto the head of your
	c.	Find an old lady walking back and forth by her
		house and talk to her.
	d.	She will let you in because you have medicine.
		i.	You will be taught Fairy Spell
			1.	You can turn into a fairy to float and
				get through locked doors without a
				a.	If you already have a key it
					is hard to get through
					without using it, even
					if you are a fairy.
XXI.	Palace II
	a.	To get here all you have to do is go west from
	b.	Through the swamp and into the upper section of
		the swamp.
	c.	There is a red potion on the sand patch.
	d.	When you enter the palace there is a little trick you
		can do. Stand in front of the statue and hit it with
		your sword. A red potion should appear. This will
		always be here when you exit and enter.
	e.	Some statues will have a Iron Knuckle
		monster there.
		1.	Others rotate between Iron Knuckle
			and potions.
	f.	Now go right and down the elevator to enter the
		inside of the palace itself.
	g.	Take the elevator all the way to the bottom floor,
		and then go right. In this room, defeat a whole
		bunch of Bots, and then continue right to the next
	h.	Here, defeat the  monsters that throw things at you,
		and then go right and take the Key at the end of the
	i.	Now, head back left all the way to the elevator
		again; go up it one floor and get off there.
	j.	Head left and defeat the Ropes while avoiding the
		Skull Balls, then go left to the next room.
	k.	In this room, go left and defeat the Bot and 2
		Stalfos, then take the Key at the end of the room.
	l.	Now, go back right a couple rooms to the elevator
		again and go up it to the next floor.
	m.	On this floor, go left and defeat the Stalfos, then
		enter the next room. In this room, head left and
		defeat the Bots while trying to avoid those floating
		heads that can be quite annoying because they take
		away some of your experience points each time they
		hit you.
	n.	Next, continue left and unlock the door with the
		Key, then defeat another Bot and enter the next
		room. In this room, go left and jump onto the ledge,
		defeat a couple Bots, then take the Key.
	o.	Continue left and jump across a couple more ledges,
		defeat yet another Bot, then enter the next room.
	p.	Here, go left and defeat the 2 orange Ironknuckle,
		then continue to the next room.
	q.	In this room, drop down the steps and go left, then
		continue left while trying to avoid the Skull Balls,
		then go down the elevator at the end.
	r.	Get off at the first floor, and then go left. Defeat
		the Stalfos and the Ropes then unlock the door with
		your Key and continue left to the next room.
	s.	In this room, run left as quickly as you can so the
		blocks that fall from the ceiling don't hit you. If
		you're not quick enough, just jump over the blocks
		that land on the floor, then continue left to the
		next room.
	t.	In this room, go left and defeat the Red
		Ironknuckle, then unlock the next door with a Key.
	u.	Take the Glove from that room, then head right to
		the previous room with the blocks.
		i.	Glove
			1.	The glove allows you to destroy the
	v.	Go right and take the P Bag you couldn't before to
		get 50 experience points, then go right while trying
		not to get hit by the falling blocks and continue to
		the next room.
	w.	In this room, go right to the elevator and take it
		down to the bottom floor.
	x.	Go right and defeat the 2 orange Ironknuckle while
		trying to avoid the fireballs that the Moa drops on
		you then continue right to the next room.
	y.	In this room, go right and defeat the Stalfos while
		avoiding the fireballs hat the 2 heads shoot at you,
		then go right and break through the blocks with
		your sword.
	z.	Then, continue right and defeat another Stalfos
		while avoiding the fireballs being shot at you, then
		continue right and break through those blocks with
		your sword.
	aa.	Continue through the next part of this room while
		avoiding the fireballs again, and then enter the next
	bb.	Here, try your best to avoid the Skull Balls and head
		right to the elevator; don't go down it yet. Instead,
		continue right to the next room.
	cc.	In this room, defeat a Bot and a couple of Mini-
		Horseheads, then continue right. Then, defeat the
		monster that throws things at you and take the Key
	dd.	Now, go back left to the previous room with the
		elevator. Go down it this time and head right and
		defeat the Bot and the monster that throws things at
		you while going up the block steps. Then, continue
		right to the following room.
	ee.	Try to be quick in while going over this platform.
		The ground will disappear in you.
		i.	If you are fast enough to crouch and hit the
			P bag you get 100 exp.
			1.	If you are not prepared, ready, or
				unsure about this forget it. A life is
				more important than the P bag.
	ff.	Go right and defeat the Red Ironknuckle, then
		continue to the next room.
	gg.	Here, go right and defeat the Stalfos, then unlock
		the door with the Key.
	hh.	Go right some more and defeat the orange
		Ironknuckle, then keep going right and defeat Red
		Ironknuckle, then go to the next room. In this room,
		go right and you'll have to fight the boss
		i.	Helmethead.
			1.	To kill him just knock off his helmet
				and hit him in the head.
				a.	Shield is a good idea.
				b.	You can use Jump, but I
					would save you MP for the
					Life Spell.
		ii.	Kill him and take the Key, unlock the door
			to the right, and head right to the statue.
	jj.	Put the crystal in place and keep going to the exit.
XXII.	Road to Palace III
	a.	Back in the over world, head right and out of the
		swamp area, then continue right to the path. Take
		the path down to where it splits, then go right
		and down into the graveyard.
	b.	Get to the lone stone in the middle of the yard
		while trying not to get attacked. Stand in front
		of that lone tomb and walk straight down until
		you drop into a hidden cave.
	c.	Go right and defeat the Lowders, then cast the Fairy
		spell on yourself and fly above the wall and right
		into the next room.
	d.	In this room, go right and defeat the Myus and the
		Blue Goriya, then continue right to exit the cave.
	e.	Now, go all the way around the mountain and enter
		the 3rd palace.
	a.	From the start, simply go right to the elevator and
		go down it into the palace itself. Then, go right
		until you reach the Stone Warrior.
	b.	Kill it, then continue right and use your down-thrust
		technique to defeat the Myu.
	c.	Keep going and defeat the Stalfos, then go on to the
		next room.
	d.	Here, defeat the Mini-Horseheads that come at you,
		then beat the small Myus, and then continue to the
		following room.
	e.	Here, go right while trying to avoid the Moa's
		fireballs that fall from above, and keep going right.
		About halfway through the room, blocks will fall
		from the ceiling. Quickly get past that area and
		jump over any ones that fall in your way, and then
		keep going to the next room.
	f.	In this room, go right until you reach the Stone
		Warrior; beat it with your sword and the protection
		of the Shield spell, then keep going right. Use the
		down-thrust to cut through the blocks and collect
		the Key there. Now, go on ahead to the next room.
	g.	Here, cast the Jump spell and jump up the steps
		made of blocks and go right once at the top.
		Continue right and defeat the red Stalfos that you'll
		run into. Then, go right to the next area, which is
		located outside the palace.
	h.	Go right while avoiding Moa's fireballs, and take
		the P-Bag worth 100 experience points, then keep
		going and take the Key from the ledge.
	i.	Now, go back left into the palace again and
		continue right until you can drop down to the lower
	j.	Go left and down the elevator to the next floor
		down. When you get there, go right and unlock the
		door with a Key, then defeat some Bots.
	k.	Continue right and defeat the Skull Heads, then go
		to the next room. Here, use your sword to break the
		wall of blocks, then jump over the pit and defeat the
		Bot on the platform.
	l.	Jump to the next platform and beat that Bot. Jump
		onto the larger platform and defeat the red
	m.	Keep on going right, jumping from platform to
		platform and defeating Bots until you reach the
		other block wall. Destroy it with your sword, then
		continue to the next room.
	n.	In this room, go right and beat the red Ironknuckle
		that is coming towards you, then continue right.
		Fight and defeat the blue Ironknuckle, then keep
		going right and take the Raft at the dead end.
		i.	This will allow you to go over into the
			Eastern Continent.
	o.	Now, backtrack a couple rooms back to the room
		with the elevator that brought you to that floor.
	p.	Now, go left of the elevator and beat the Skull
		Heads and Bots, then go on to the next room.
	q.	There, beat the red Ironknuckle and unlock the door
		behind it with a Key, then continue left past the
		elevator going down.
	r.	Beat a couple of Mini-Horseheads and another red
		Ironknuckle, then go to the next room.
	s.	In the next room, jump up the block steps using
		help from the Jump spell and go left. Defeat the
		many Skull Heads along the way.
	t.	When you see the Key below, use the down-thrust
		to cut through the blocks and claim it.
	u.	Now, walk left and destroy the blocks with your
		sword while trying your best to withstand the Skull
		Heads that keep appearing to attack.
	v.	When you get to the real wall, jump back onto the
		block structure and go all the way right and out of
		the room.
	w.	Go right and beat the Mini-Horseheads and go to
		the elevator; ride it down to the bottom floor.
	x.	On this floor, go right and unlock the door with a
		Key, then defeat the red Stalfos you'll see.
	y.	Keep going right until you see the P-Bag on the
		high ledge. To get it, cast Jump on yourself, and
		then jump onto the lower ledge, then onto the higher
		one to claim the 100 experience points contained
		inside the P-Bag.
	z.	Then, drop back down to the ground and continue
		right to the stone warrior. Defeat it like earlier in
		this palace, then go right to the following room.
	aa.	Here, go right and cut through the blocks in your
		way. Keep going directly right along the bottom
		path, cutting down blocks along the way and defeat
		the red Ironknuckle in your way.
	bb.	Keep going until you reach the P-Bag at the end.
		Cut it open with the sword as always to get the 100
		experience points inside.
	cc.	Now, go all the way left and cast Jump on yourself
		and jump onto the higher ledges all the way to the
	dd.	Go right and cut through the blocks in your way.
		Keep going until you can't anymore, then cut
		through the floor and go right.
	ee.	Defeat the red Ironknuckle and destroy the right
		wall, then continue to the next room.
	ff.	In the next room, go right into the boss's room,
		where you'll fight the Ironknuckle boss.
		i.	Ironknuckle
			1.	This is a little different than the
				regular Iron Knuckles.
				a.	When he comes out with his
					horse you must jump and
					downward thrust him in the
				b.	Once you get his energy
					about half the horse will
				c.	You now have to fight him
					face to face.
					i.	He can throw his
						sword and blocks
						almost all of your
				d.	You have to work on him like
					the regular ones, but he has a
					lot more energy.
				e.	If he gets too hard leave and
					go to the next palace and
					come back when you have
					more attack power.
XXIV.	East Docks
	a.	Exit the palace and head back through the graveyard
		to the dock on the edge of the desert.
	b.	You will sail across to the Eastern Continent
XXV.	West Docks
	a.	Once you get there, walk off the dock and head
	b.	You'll see a lone patch of forest there; walk into it
		to enter a side-scrolling scene.
	c.	Here, defeat the floating eyeball enemies by hitting
		them with your sword when their eyes are open.
	d.	Then, go right and jump up the ledges to reach a P-
		Bag. Take it to get 200 experience points, then
		continue right out of the area.
	e.	Next, head east until you see a town, then go into it,
		which is the town of Nabooru.
XXVI.	Nabooru
	a.	Get recharged for your magic and energy.
	b.	Head to the fountain and press B. Go back until you
		find the lady who says she is thirsty.
		i.	She will take you to her father for a new
			1.	Fire
				a.	You sword will shoot fire
					when it his swung
					i.	Some monsters can
						only be killed with
	c.	Exit the town
XXVII.	Nabooru Cave
	a.	Go north along the path and into the cave there.
	b.	In the cave, go right and defeat the 3 Achemen.
	c.	Then, cast the Fire spell on yourself and use it to
		defeat the blue lizard enemy further to the right that
		shoots fireballs at you.
	d.	Continue right out of the cave.
		i.	You can just jump over them and bounce off
			their backs with the down thrust, but it's up
			to you.
XXVIII.	Island Maze
	a.	Go east, then head east all the way to the water.
		You'll see a bridge there, so walk on it to be brought
		to the Island Maze.
	b.	Then, go right a couple steps, then go down and all
		the way to the right.
	c.	Next, go straight up, then go left and up a couple
		steps. Finally, go right and you'll fall into a hidden
	d.	Go right and defeat the orange Lizard man, then
		continue right and take the Child sitting there in the
	e.	Now, go back left and up the steps, then out of the
	f.	Back in the maze, go left and down, then right and
		straight down to the corner.
	g.	Next, go left all the way to the end, then go up and
		left across the bridge.
	h.	There is also an extra life on the southern part of
		the beach just before you go to enter the maze.
	i.	There is also a Magic Container located in the
		i.	When you're given a choice between two L-
			shaped corridors, choose the outer one. One
			of the road squares is a hidden pit, leading
			to your seventh Magic Container.
XXIX.	Darunia
	a.	When you reach the continent head west.
	b.	Go through the mountains heading for the village.
	c.	You will have to pass a few obstacle scenes.
		i.	Just down thrust the Octoroks and jump over
			the water.
		ii.	The next scene has bubbles, but keep going.
	d.	Get refreshed by the two lovely ladies.
	e.	At some point you should see a series of house that
		are reachable by the jump spell.
	f.	There, cast the Jump and then jump on the roof of
		the 4th house you see.
	g.	Jump from roof to roof all the way to the right, then
		stand on the chimney on the last house and press
		Down to go down it and enter the otherwise locked
	h.	Inside, go right and down the steps into the
		basement, then go right and talk to the Knight to
		learn the Up Thrust sword technique.
		i.	Now when you jump press the up button to
			attack anything above you.
	i.	Exit and keep heading left to find the lady looking
		for her grandson.
	j.	She will let you inside the house and see the spell
		i.	Reflect
			1.	This is needed to beat the next boss.
			2.	Any spell cast at you will be
				reflected back and kill anything in
				it's path.
XXX.	Island Maze II
	a.	Exit the town and head back to the Island Maze.
	b.	Follow the paths to the Palace and enter it.
XXXI.	Palace IV
	a.	To get to the palace you must walk into the water.
	b.	Before you enter the palace there is a heart
		container located in the water. It is a little bit to
		the north then east of the town.
	c.	From the start, go right while avoiding the Moa's
		fireballs above you, then go down the elevator to
		the floor below. On this floor, simply go right into
		the following room.
	d.	Go right and defeat the blue Stalfos, then use the
		Down Stab sword technique to claim the P-Bag
		worth 100 experience points. Continue right
		through this room and defeat the next blue Stalfos,
		then take the elevator at the end of the room down
		one floor.
	e.	Get off the elevator and go right, then defeat the red
		Stalfos. Now, jump up the 2 ledges, and then
		continue right to the next room.
	f.	In this room, go right and cast the Jump spell on
		yourself, then run across the bridge that
		disintegrates as you step on it. When you reach the
		end, hold Right and jump to the ledge on the other
		side of the pit below.
	g.	Keep on going right and defeat a Mini-Horsehead,
		then a Stone Warrior. After you beat the Stone
		Warrior, continue right into the following room.
	h.	In this room, go right and jump onto the platform in
		the air, then go right and destroy the blocks with
		your sword. Next, jump over the small flame and
		continue right, then jump onto the next platform.
		Destroy the blocks, and then jump over the flame on
		this platform, but this time, watch out for the Stone
		Warrior on this platform. Defeat it if it doesn't fall
		into the lava first, and then jump over the lava pit
		and land on the next platform.
	i.	On this platform, destroy the blocks and hop over
		the small flames, then jump onto the ledge at the
		end and take the Key.
	j.	Now, go all the way left through this room to the
		room that you just came from. Continue going left
		until you reach the large pit. Walk off the edge and
		hold the Right button. When you fall to the floor
		below, hold Right to land on the platform.
	k.	Now, go right and defeat another Mini-Horsehead
		while avoiding the annoying Skull Ball. Continue
		right and defeat the Stone Warrior, and then go right
		to the next room.
	l.	In this room, go right and defeat the red AND blue
		Stalfos, then keep going right and you'll meet a blue
		Ironknuckle coming towards you. Defeat it and
		unlock the door with your Key, then go into the
		now open area and take the Boot.
		i.	The boot will allow you to walk in the water
			at certain points.
	m.	 Now, go back left through this room all the way
		back to the one with the large pit. Jump into the pit
		again and you'll land on a disintegrating bridge
	n.	Quickly run to the right to avoid falling into the
		lava, then continue right to the next room.
	o.	Here, jump onto the platform suspended above the
		lava and destroy the blocks with your sword, then
		jump over the small flame and defeat the Stone
		Warrior waiting there at the end of the platform.
		Next, jump to the next platform and destroy the
		blocks on it, then jump over the flame.
	p.	Defeat the red Stalfos there, and then jump onto the
		following platform to the right. Destroy the 2 blocks
		and jump over the flame, then jump over the pit and
		claim the Key sitting there while trying to avoid the
		Skull Ball
	q.	Now, jump back across those platforms and go back
		to the room you came from.
	r.	In that room, jump onto the bridge that disintegrates
		when you walk on it, then run left across it while
		trying your best to avoid those annoying blue head
		things that float around in a zigzag pattern towards
		you. Keep running across the bridge, and then go
		into the next room at the end.
	s.	Here, go left and defeat a Bot, then cast the Reflect
		spell; you'll need it to defeat the Doomknockers
		(wizards) in this room.
	t.	Go left and beat a wizard, then continue left and
		unlock the door with a Key. Next, continue left and
		pass the elevator for now, then defeat a couple more
		Bots and Doomknockers and continue left into the
		next room.
	u.	In this room, jump up the block "steps" and go left
		on top. Keep going left while either avoiding or
		defeating the Skull Heads, then continue until you
		spot the Key in a small area below you. Use the
		Down Thrust sword technique to break through the
		blocks and take the Key. Make some stairs from the
		blocks. Cast jump if really have to. It isn't
		that hard to do
	v.	When done go all the way right, then drop off the
		block structure and go into the next room.
	w.	Go right until you reach the elevator, then ride it up
		to the top floor. Get off there and go left and defeat
		some Doomknockers using the Reflect spell to harm
		them. Continue left past the elevator and defeat
		some more Bots and Doomknockers, then unlock
		the door with your Key and continue into the next
	x.	When you enter this room, you'll see a Key is
		located right above you. To get to it, first cast the
		Jump spell, then use the Up Stab technique to cut
		through the blocks. Then, jump through the hole
		you made and take the Key while avoiding getting
		hit by the Skull Ball. Now, drop back down that
		hole and head left only to reach yet another locked
	y.	Unlock it with the Key you just got, then continue
		left past the second elevator.
	z.	Go left and defeat a couple of Mini-Horseheads and
		a Stone Warrior; after you beat them, just go on
		ahead to the following room.
	aa.	In this room, jump onto the block structure with
		help from the Jump spell, then go left along the top
		of it. Defeat a Stone Warrior, then cut downward
		through the blocks with your sword to claim the P-
		Bag worth 200 experience points. Get out of the
		room and continue left.
	bb.	You'll see a Key in a little block prison, so cut
		through the blocks to get it.
	cc.	Make the steps with your sword, then go left and
		drop off the block structure and defeat the Stone
		Warrior there. After you beat it, jump back onto the
		block structure and go all the way to the right into
		the following room. In this room, defeat a couple of
		Mini-Horseheads as you move right. When you
		reach the elevator, ride it down to the next floor.
	dd.	There, go right and defeat a couple more Mini-
		Horseheads and continue into the next room.
	ee.	In this room, go right and jump onto the platform
		above the lava. Go right on that platform and
		destroy those blocks and jump over the flame
		(sound familiar?), then jump to the next platform.
		Be sure to avoid getting hit by those VERY
		annoying floating blue head things that float
		towards you while moving up and down.
	ff.	Keep jumping from platform to platform and
		destroying the blocks and hopping over the flames
		until you reach the wall. There, take the Key and get
		out of this room by going left jumping from
		platform to platform.
	gg.	Keep going to the left and pass the elevator going
		up, and go into the next room. There, jump onto the
		bridge that disintegrates when walked on and run
		left across it while defeating the 2 Myus on it as
		well. Keep going left and unlock the door with a
		Key, then go down the elevator to the floor below.
	hh.	Once there, go right and unlock that door with your
		last Key and keep going right. Defeat a couple of
		blue colored Stalfos that jump down from the above
		platforms to attack you, then continue right a little
		bit more. You'll see a P-Bag sitting on a high
		platform; to reach it, cast the Jump spell on yourself
		and jump onto the lower platform, then to the higher
		one. Take the bag to get 100 experience points.
		Now, drop off the ledge and keep going to the right
		into the next room.
	ii.	In this room, go right and defeat a couple of red
		Ironknuckle, then continue into the next room.
	jj.	There, go right and into the boss's room to face
		i.	Carock
			1.	He is actually quite east, but he can
				seem hard.
			2.	Cast Reflect on yourself to make you
				shield reflect magic.
			3.	Stand on the left side of the screen
				and crouch.
				a.	He will shoot his spells at
					you and the will hit him
				b.	Sword will not work on him.
	kk.	Put the crystal in and exit the palace.
	ll.	To exit just walk over the water to the bridge.
XXXII.	Palace V
	a.	Head back to Nabooru to heal up and head east into
		the water.
	b.	There is a Heart Container located some where in
		the water.
	c.	From the start, go right and down the elevator to the
		floor below. Go right and defeat a couple of Ropes,
		then continue up and right to the next room.
	d.	In this room, go right and avoid the Skull Balls until
		you reach the wall.
	e.	Use the Fairy spell to fly up to the higher ledge,
		then continue flying right to the next room.
	f.	Now, reenter the room you just came from and go
		left. Take the Key you missed, then go back right
		into the next room.
	g.	Here, jump onto the 2 platforms, then run right
		across the disintegrating bridge while avoiding the
		blue flying head enemies. Take the P-Bag halfway
		across to get 200 experience points, then continue
		right into the next room.
	h.	In this room, go right and defeat a couple of red
	i.	Then, unlock the door with your Key and continue
		right to the elevator. Ride it down to the next floor.
	j.	On this floor, go left and defeat a couple of Fire
		Droppers. Then, continue left into the following
	k.	Go left until you reach the area where the blocks
		fall from the ceiling. At that point, stand under the
		platform with the Key and wait until most of the
		blocks have fallen. Then, use your sword to cut a
		path up to the platform above you.
	l.	Follow that path up and take the Key. Now, go left
		and cut through the blocks in your way and
		continue left into the next room.
	m.	In this room, go left and defeat an orange
		Ironknuckle. Then, continue left and down and
		defeat 2 more orange Ironknuckle while avoiding
		the Moa flying overhead. Next, go left and down
		the elevator to the next floor.
	n.	Here, go left and defeat a couple of Bots and those
		wizard enemies that drop fire on the ground (Fire
		Droppers), and then continue left into the following
	o.	In this room, go left and cast the Jump spell on
		yourself. Then, jump onto the ledge above the
		elevator and take the P-Bag to get 200 experience
		points. Drop off the ledge and go down that
		elevator to the floor below.
	p.	Go right and cast the Jump spell again, then jump to
		the ledge above you and defeat the red Ironknuckle
		guarding a Key.
	q.	Take the Key and drop off the ledge, then go right
		into the next room. In this room, go right while
		either avoiding or fighting the Fire Droppers and the
		Moa. Just continue all the way right to the next
		room. Go right and defeat a blue Ironknuckle, then
		continue right to the wall. Jump right into the wall,
		and then go right to the other side and to the next
	r.	Here, go right and defeat some more Fire Droppers
		and continue right past the elevator into the next
		room. Here, defeat more Fire Droppers and make
		your way all the way right. Go up the elevator there
		to the floor above you.
	s.	There, go left and defeat a few blue Stalfos, then
		continue left into the next room. In this room,
		simply take the Key in front of you, then backtrack
		through the previous room to the elevator and go
		down it.
	t.	Now, go left through this room to the following
		room. In this room, go left to the elevator and go
		down it to the next floor. Then, go left and unlock a
		door with a Key and defeat some more Fire
		Droppers and Skull Heads, then go left into the next
	u.	Here, go left and defeat an orange Ironknuckle.
		Then, keep going and defeat a blue Ironknuckle.
		Now, unlock the second door with your Key and
		take the Flute from the small room.
		i.	Flute
			1.	The Flute is used for a few things in
				the game
				a.	It can kill and uncover things
					in the over world
	v.	Now, backtrack a couple rooms back to the elevator
		and go up it to the floor above you.
	w.	Once there, go left and defeat any Fire Droppers
		you missed before, then continue into the next
	x.	In this room, jump through the wall and go left all
		the way through it, then continue to the next room.
		i.	This is Zelda, it's a trademark for the game
	y.	Just go left through this room into the following
	z.	Here, go left and pass the elevator for now and cut
		through the blocks with your sword.
	aa.	Defeat the enemy there, then cut down through the
		blocks with the Down Thrust technique and
		continue left. Jump up and use the Up Thrust
		technique to cut through the block with the P-Bag
		atop it. Take the bag to obtain 200 experience
	bb.	Now, backtrack to the elevator and go up it. There,
		go left and unlock the door with your Key, then
		continue left to the next room. Keep going left to
		the elevator and go down to the floor below. Go left
		and defeat some Fire Droppers while avoiding the
		Skull Balls floating around. Then, use the Up Thrust
		technique to cut through a block above you and take
		the P-Bag worth only 50 experience points. Next,
		just continue left to the next room.
	cc.	Here, go left and defeat an orange Ironknuckle.
		Keep going right and defeat a blue Ironknuckle.
		After you beat it, take the Key and go right out of
		this room. Continue right to the elevator and go up
		it 2 floors. There, go right and defeat the orange
		Ironknuckle waiting for you, then unlock the door
		ahead with a Key. Go right some more and defeat a
		blue Ironknuckle. Next, jump up the platforms and
		defeat a red Ironknuckle. Now, go right into the
		next room for a boss fight
		i.	Gooma
			1.	Hit him in his stomach and the jump
				back. Be sure to avoid is malice.
	dd.	Take the key and continues through the usual scenes
		and exit.
XXXIII.	Devil's Path
	a.	Just south of Nabooru is a little octopus looking
		i.	Play the flute to make him disappear
	b.	Follow the path to the end
		i.	This sound easy, but it isn't
			1.	You have to dodge the rocks that the
				lizard men throw.
			2.	You also have to fight a couple of
				small monsters to get though.
		ii.	It is a long path
	c.	Once you make it through you have to cross the
		i.	The best way is to cast Fairy and float
XXXIV.	Search for New Kasuto
	a.	Continue right to the end of the area. Now, go east a
		little bit and go north along the right side of the
		small lake.
	b.	Continue north and enter the cave there. Inside, go
		right and defeat the hopping spider enemies with the
		Fire spell and your sword and continue right into
		the next room.
	c.	Go right and defeat an orange Lizard man, then
		keep going and defeat a red and black Lizard man.
	d.	Then, continue right out of the cave. Now, go right
		2 steps, down 3 steps, and then right 1.
	e.	At that point, use the Hammer to reveal the Hidden
		Town of Kasuto, otherwise known as New Kasuto.
		i.	If you visited the other town you visited old
			1.	The old man tells you that there is a
				secret in the woods.
				a.	When I played I thought he
					meant the palace
				b.	Then I thought he meant the
					small patch of woods where
					you get into a fight with
XXXV.	New Kasuto
	a.	In New Kasuto, go right and talk to the old lady
		dressed in blue that comes out of the second house.
	b.	She'll say you deserve her help and lets you inside.
		i.	When you follow her she will give you
			another Magic Container
			1.	She will only give you the containers
				if you collected the three previous
	c.	Refresh yourself with the two ladies.
	d.	Keep going right and you'll come across a building
		with the door open. Go inside that building and go
		right. Go to the fireplace and press Up; you'll go
		into the hidden basement from there.
	e.	Go up to the old wizard to learn the
		i.	Spell
			1.	This has random effects.
	f.	Now, go right to the last scene of town. There, cast
		the Spell Spell to make a hidden building appear.
		i.	Go inside and go right to the wall, then take
			the Magic Key.
			1.	Magic Key
				a.	This will open any lock,
					without collecting key
					i.	Now you do not need
						to waste magic to get
						though a door.
XXXVI.	Old Kasuto
	a.	Now that you have the Spell Spell and the Magic
		Key you can get another spell
	b.	Head back to Old Kasuto, in plain sight, and talk to
		the man in the house.
	c.	He will teach you Thunder
		i.	Thunder
			1.	Hurts all enemies on the screen, but
				it takes a woopin 64 MP to work.
	d.	Exit and go to the desert.
	a.	Before you enter go to the south part of the beach
		and get the final heart container.
	b.	From the entrance, go right to the elevator and go
		down it into the actual palace. Ride it down 2 floors
		(the first floor's optional) and go right.
	c.	Once there, go right, go past the enemies killing
		whoever you want. Here, defeat the blue
		Ironknuckle, and then cast the Jump spell on
	d.	Now, continue right and jump over the 2 pits and
		keep going right. Unlock another door with the
		Magic Key, then defeat another blue Ironknuckle.
		jump up the steps and go right into the next room.
	e.	In this room, go right and defeat a couple of
		Doomknockers with the Reflect spell while
		avoiding the statue heads hanging on the walls
		above you that shoot fireballs at you. Then,
		continue right into the next room.
	f.	Here, cast the Jump spell and jump up and right all
		the way to the top, and then keep going right into
		the following room.
	g.	In this room, go right and cast the Jump spell again,
		then jump to the other ledge to the right and keep
		going right into the next room.
	h.	In this room, you'll notice that there are Ironknuckle
		statues on pedestals in the background.
	i.	Go right through this room while avoiding the Moa
		and Doomknockers and count the statues you pass.
	j.	When you reach the 3rd one, cast the Jump spell.
		Walk a couple small steps to the right, then jump to
		the right to avoid a hidden pit below.
	k.	Now, cut through the block wall with your sword,
		and then continue into the next room.
	l.	You will have to fight a sub-boss. Ironknuckle II
		i.	Defeat him like you did before.
	m.	Unlock the door and take the Cross that's in the
		small room.
		i.	Cross
			1.	The Cross Allows you to see
				monsters that are hidden from sight.
				a.	Like in Old Kasuto
	n.	Now, go back to the previous room. Cut through the
		blocks, and then cast the Jump spell on yourself and
		go left to the first Ironknuckle statue you see.
	o.	Jump at that point to the left, and continue left
		to the next room.
	p.	Here, cast the Jump spell again and go left, then
		jump to the other ledge and continue left into the
		next room.
	q.	Here, go left and down the steps and avoid the
		fireballs those statue heads spit at you. Keep going
		left into the follow room.
	r.	In this room, go left and down the steps and go left
		to the pit. Drop into it to drop down to the floor
		below. Don't land on the first floor you see; keep
		dropping and hold Right to land on the ledge on the
		second floor down.
	s.	Now, go right and pass through the locked door,
		then continue right and defeat a blue Ironknuckle.
		Then, go right into the next room. In this room, cut
		through the blocks with your sword and jump across
		2 pits while avoiding the flying blue head things.
	t.	Keep going right, jumping from platform to
		platform then cut through the blocks with your
		sword and go into the following room. Here, go
		right and defeat a red Ironknuckle and a couple of
		Doomknockers, then continue right into the next
	u.	In this room, cast the Fairy spell on yourself and go
		right across the large lava pit while avoiding the
		Skull Balls and the small fireballs that fall from the
	v.	Keep going to the ledge on the other side and go
		into the next room. Defeat a blue Stalfos and avoid
		the Moa that flies overhead in the next room, and
		then go right to the elevator. Ignore it for now, just
		go right into the next room.
	w.	In this room, go right and you'll have to fight the
		mounted horseman like earlier in this palace.
		i.	Iron Knuckle III
			1.	Here he is again.
	x.	Go right after he is dead into the following room.
		Here, go right to the pit and drop down it to the next
	y.	As soon as you appear in the next floor, quickly cast
		the Fairy spell and fly to the ledge, then continue
		right and avoid the blue Stalfos and go into the next
	z.	In this room, go right and jump onto the middle
		platform and the boss, Barba the dragon, will
		i.	Barba
			1.	I think that was my last girlfriends
				name, the description matches.
			2.	You just have to hit him on the head.
				a.	The best was is to stay on the
					right island and cast Jump.
					When he comes REALLY
					Close jump and hit him.
XXXVIII.	Road to the Great Palace
	a.	Now is a good time to get some of the extra lives
		that you missed before, your going to need them.
	b.	Now, go back east across the bridge just get across
		by jumping and attacking like you normally would.
		After you reach the other side go up and left to the
		other bridge. Get across it, then continue west to the
		graveyard. Step into the graveyard, and then quickly
		get back onto the path so if a monster attacked, you
		wouldn't fight it, you need your energy. After the
		shadows of monsters disappear from the map,
		quickly go south through it and you'll enter a side-
		scrolling scene.
	c.	Go right through this scene while avoiding the blue
		Moa and the fireballs the red Lizard men above you
		are throwing towards you. When you exit the scene,
		go down a couple steps, and then go all the way left
		while trying to avoid battles unless you want to
		fight. Keep going left and you'll enter another side-
		scrolling scene.
	d.	Get through this cave area by jumping over the pit
		and defeating the orange Lizard man while avoiding
		the blue Moas. Continue left and jump over a
		couple of pits, then defeat another orange Lizard
	e.	After you beat it, cast the Jump spell and jump over
		the larger gap and exit the cave.
	f.	Now, continue going north on the path. When it
		splits, go along the right path and continue north
		until you enter another cave scene.
	g.	Get through it just like you did in the previous one
		(it's the same exact layout), then when you're
		outside again, keep going up and into the cave.
	h.	Here, go left through the cave while defeating the
		red floating eyeball enemies and the blue Moas.
		Keep going left and defeat the blue Lizard man,
		then continue out of the cave.
	i.	Next, go south along the path, then go left and up
		the other side and into a hidden cave scene. Jump
		over the lava pit and go left and defeat the red
		Lizard man. Continue left and beat some blue Moas
		and a red eyeball enemy, and then jump over a few
		pits. Next, continue left and defeat another red
		Lizard man, then jump over the larger pit using the
		Jump spell's help. Then, go left out of the cave and
		continue north into the real cave.
	j.	Go right and defeat a blue Lizard man, then a red
		one, and continue right out of the cave. Once
		outside again, just go up into the Great Palace.
XXXIX.	Great Palace
	a.	When you enter the Great Palace, go right and the
		force field will disappear because you've beaten all
		the other palaces.
	b.	Go right to the elevator and ride it down to the floor
		below. Go left and defeat the Mini-Thunderbird,
		then continue left into the next room.
	c.	In this room, cast the Fairy spell and fly across the
		top of the room to the elevator, then ride it down to
		the next floor.
	d.	Once there, go right into the following room. Here,
		simply go all the way right across the 2 bridges to
		the next room.
	e.	In this room, go right and defeat a Mini-
		Thunderbird, then continue right to the elevator and
		ride it to the next floor.
	f.	Go right and cut through the blocks with your
		sword, then go right through the room while either
		avoiding or defeating the orange head things
		floating around.
	g.	Cut through some more blocks at the other side of
		the room, and then go right into the following room.
		In this room, go right and watch out for the Mini-
		Thunderbird enemy that jumps towards you with
		sword in hand.
	h.	Get past it quickly or defeat it, then continue going
		right. Go right and jump up a couple of steps and
		defeat a Bot. Then, cut through the blocks using the
		Down Stab technique and go right and down the
		elevator 3 floors. There, go right and defeat the
		Mini-Thunderbird and go right into the next room.
	i.	In this room, go right and defeat the red Rope snake
		enemy and some of those floating orange head
		things, then continue right all the way to the
	j.	Go down it to the next floor and go right. Cut
		through the blocks with your sword and defeat a
		couple of Bots, then go right and cut through some
		more blocks. Defeat another Bot and go right into
		the next room.
	k.	Here, go right across the disintegrating bridge and
		defeat the red Rope, and then jump onto the
		platform at the end of the bridge. Then, continue
		right to the elevator leading to the next floor.
	l.	Here, go right and try and avoid the giant Skull
		Ball. Defeat a blue Mini-Thunderbird, and then
		continue right to the next room.
	m.	Here, go right and defeat another blue Mini-
		Thunderbird, then continue right and up the steps.
		Avoid the giant Skull Ball if possible, then cut
		through the blocks using the Down Stab technique
		to cut down through them. Next, just go right and
		down the elevator. Go down through 3 floors to the
		very bottom, then go left. Defeat a Bot and a Mini-
		Thunderbird, and then continue left into the next
	n.	In the next room, go left and you'll see a bunch of
		blocks on the floor. Defeat some floating orange
		head enemies that come near, then cut down
		through the row of blocks and you'll reveal a hidden
		pitfall. Drop down to the floor below and go right.
		Go right and hit the giant blue Bot to make a bunch
		of regular Bots appear. Defeat them all and go right
		into the next room.
	o.	In this room, go right across the disintegrating
		bridge. You'll find a narrow pitfall below you. Drop
		through the bridge when the floor below you
		disappears, then fall down the pit to the bottom
	p.	Once there, head right into the following room. In
		this room, go all the way to the right as far as you
		can possibly go and the Thunderbird will appear.
		i.	Thunderbird
			1.	Use the Thunder spell to expose his
				head. Do it right away, do not wait
				for his life to fill up.
				a.	Remember, if you screw up
					you're out half of your magic.
				b.	His head is the weak point.
					The fire he throws shouldn't
					be too hard to dodge - just
					make sure that you don't
					wind up directly ON
					Thunderbird's head. It's a
					sure hit there.
	q.	When you finally beat the Thunderbird go right to
		meet the final boss
		i.	Dark Link or Shadow Link
			1.	He is exactly like you and he can
				seem impossible
				a.	Just jump and trick. This the
					best way. He will eventually
					screw up and you can get a
					decent hit in.
XL.	Ending
	a.	Congratulations on beating Zelda II, Adventures of
	b.	Second Quest?
		i.	Well it isn't really a second quest, but
			you can beat the whole game again, but
			you get to keep your current levels
			you had when you beat the game

This walkthrough was made by David Zabroski.
Any attempt to Plagerize my work will be delt with.
If you would like to post this walkthrough, or any
other walkthrough made by me, must be appoved by
me at DragonMaster@dragonwarrior2000.every1.net

Check out my Dragon Warrior/Quest Website at:

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