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Written & researched by Ragnarosen (ragnarosen@aol.com)
Revised by BlankMemoryMan (...)

- To alter the statistics of your characters through hacking into your NESticle 
Save State (*.STA, *.ST1 - *.ST9) files, you'll need to get a hex editor.  Try 
"Hex Workshop" from http://www.bpsoft.com or "UltraEdit" from 
http://www.ultraedit.com and open the Dragon Warrior 4 *.STA files you wish to 
work with.

- For the different offsets, here's a Quick List of the most commonly used 

  "63"          for "99"        use for levels
  "FF"          for "255"       use for statistics
  "E7 03"       for "999"       use for HP/MP, Max HP, Max MP
  "0F 69 18"    for "99,999"    use for COINS
  "3F 42 0F"    for "999,999"   \
          ...or...                - use for EXPERIENCE
  "7F 96 98"    for "9,999,999" /

  - NOTE: For the two- or three-column HEX VALUES ("E7 03"), the numbers must be 
entered "backward" as shown above to work properly.
    - When saving large numbers to computer language, the order of the hex 
values are reversed.  If you open Windows Calculator and enter "999" in decimal 
form and convert it to hexadecimal form, it will show "3E7" (note that 
Calculator will remove any leading zeros).  To use this multi-column hex value, 
add any necessary leading zeros (in this case, in front of the "3") to make even 
pairs ("03 E7").  Put the number pairs in reverse order ("E7 03") in the Dragon 
Warrior IV *.STA files.  THIS DOES NOT MEAN TO REVERSE THE VALUES!  "03 E7" must 
be entered as "E7 03", not "30 7E"!  For the basic rule of thumb, number pairs 
are entered like this: #2 #1 (or #3 #2 #1 for very large numbers).

- Each character has a default STATUS of 80 (normal health, not cursed or 
poisoned).  Changing this value can cripple or kill your character.
- Menu and Battle Spells are determined on a BINARY basis; here's a Quick List:

  "00"          none learned    none
  "01"          1st             1st
  "03"          1st, 2nd        1st, 2nd
  "07"          1st - 3rd       1st - 3rd
  "0F"          1st - 4th       1st - 4th
  "1F"          1st - 5th       1st - 5th
  "3F"          1st - 6th       1st - 6th
  "7F"          1st - 7th       1st - 7th
  "FF"          1st - 8th       1st - 8th

  This means that a value of "01" will give the character the first spell (ie 
"Heal") in the first slot.  A value of "03" will give the character the first 
two spells (ie "Heal" and "Zap"). If a value of "02" is used, the character will 
have only the second spell in the second position (ie "..." and "Zap").  More 
detail is given later in this guide, under "Binary Reference".
  Characters who cannot learn magic will not have any spells available even if 
the hex value is changed.

- "...blank..." offset locations (such as 00 and 2A) mean that neither 
Ragnarosen nor BlankMemoryMan have figured out their purpose.  If anyone has, 
email um... Ragnarosen.  BlankMemoryMan thinks they are simply placeholder 
buffers so the different stats don't accidentally merge.  Ragnarosen might have 
different views.
- An item list, arranged by hex value, is provided at the end of this text file.

- Those new to hex and hex editors can read the following:

  - Typical hex editors display a file with "offsets" on the left of the screen, 
"hex values" in the middle, and the "printed garbage" on the right of the 
  - Offsets are the addresses.  One may appear like this: 00000000h
  - Hex values are the values.  They may appear like this: E6 03 20 20 FF
  - The printed garbage is there only so humans can look at it.  It's not very 
pretty; it won't help you in most cases; don't worry about it.

  - The last number (0-9, A-F) in an offset is the COLUMN you need to go to.
  - This guide will represent the offsets in this format: #B9
  - For the offset of #B9, go to the line "000000B0h" and the 9th column to the 

  To put everything simply, binary is the simplest way of "checking" something.  
You have two values: TRUE and FALSE.  FALSE values are represented with 0's.  
TRUE values are represented with 1's.  If I have 2 ducks and I ask the computer 
if I have 2 ducks, the computer responds with 1; TRUE.  If I don't have 2 ducks 
and ask the computer the same question, it responds with 0; FALSE.  Simple.  If 
you need to find out more about binary than that, consult online guides or 
  In the *.STA files, the Spells are saved in binary.  Here's another Quick 

    HEX            0       1       2       3       4    ...        7
    BINARY      0000    0001    0010    0011    0100    ...     0111

  When the spells are checked in Dragon Warrior IV, it checks if that binary 
value is set.  For hex values of 2, for example, you will have the 2nd spell but 
no others.  For hex values of 3, you will have both the 1st AND 2nd spells.  For 
hex values of 4, you will have the 3rd spell but not the 1st or 2nd.  And for 
hex values of 7, you will have the 1st through 3rd spells (but not the fourth... 
try "8" for the fourth spell only, or "F" for all four spells).
  Since hex works in pairs, there are 255 combinations of spells you can have by 
using anything from "01" to "FF" ("00" of course will not yield any spells).  
"FF" will allow you to have all 8 spells, but if the character has more than 8 
spells available (most commonly in the Battle Spells), a double hex pair ("00 
00") will be used.  Please note again that when changing these, you need to put 
them in reverse order.  (See the NOTE under the first Quick List for more 

- When you start a new game (Chapter 1 with Ragnar) and save it to a *.STA file, 
you will only see Ragnar's stats in the #B5 - #D2 offsets, but nothing for the 
other characters.  If you edit the other characters' stats now, they will be 
replaced by the character's defaults when you come to their particular level.  
It is best to wait for a character's chapter to begin or wait until the 
character rejoins your party (on Chapter 5) before you modify their stats.

HERO (????) [Chap 5]:

  Status:               Offset  #01
  Current HP:           Offsets #02, #03
  Current MP:           Offsets #04, #05
  Level:                Offset  #06
  Strength:             Offset  #07
  Agility:              Offset  #08
  Vitality:             Offset  #09
  Intelligence:         Offset  #0A
  Luck:                 Offset  #0B
  ...blank...           Offset  #0C
  Maximum HP:           Offsets #0D, #0E
  Maximum MP:           Offsets #0f, #10
  Experience:           Offsets #11 - #13
  Items:                Offsets #14 - #1B
 *Battle Spells:        Offsets #1C, #1D
 *Menu Spells:          Offset  #1E

 * NOTE: for Hero only, Battle and Menu spells are combined

CRISTO (Cris) [Chap 2]:

  Status:               Offset  #1F
  Current HP:           Offsets #20, #21
  Current MP:           Offsets #22, #23
  Level:                Offset  #24
  Strength:             Offset  #25
  Agility:              Offset  #26
  Vitality:             Offset  #27
  Intelligence:         Offset  #28
  Luck:                 Offset  #29
  ...blank...           Offset  #2A
  Maximum HP:           Offsets #2B, #2C
  Maximum MP:           Offsets #2D, #2E
  Experience:           Offsets #2F - #31
  Items:                Offsets #32 - #39
  Battle Spells:        Offsets #3A, #3B
  Menu Spells:          Offset  #3C

NARA (Nara) [Chap 4]:

  Status:               Offset  #3D
  Current HP:           Offsets #3E, #3F
  Current MP:           Offsets #40, #41
  Level:                Offset  #42
  Strength:             Offset  #43
  Agility:              Offset  #44
  Vitality:             Offset  #45
  Intelligence:         Offset  #46
  Luck:                 Offset  #47
  ...blank...           Offset  #48
  Maximum HP:           Offsets #49, #4A
  Maximum MP:           Offsets #4B, #4C
  Experience:           Offsets #4D - #4F
  Items:                Offsets #50 - #57
  Battle Spells:        Offsets #58, #59
  Menu Spells:          Offset  #5A

MARA (Mara) [Chap 4]:

  Status:               Offset  #5B
  Current HP:           Offsets #5C, #5D
  Current MP:           Offsets #5E, #5F
  Level:                Offset  #60
  Strength:             Offset  #61
  Agility:              Offset  #62
  Vitality:             Offset  #63
  Intelligence:         Offset  #64
  Luck:                 Offset  #65
  ...blank...           Offset  #66
  Maximum HP:           Offsets #67, #68
  Maximum MP:           Offsets #69, #6A
  Experience:           Offsets #6B - #6D
  Items:                Offsets #6E - #75
  Battle Spells:        Offsets #76, #77
  Menu Spells:          Offset  #78

BREY (Brey) [Chap 2]:

  Status:               Offset  #79
  Current HP:           Offsets #7A, #7B
  Current MP:           Offset  #7C, #7D
  Level:                Offset  #7E
  Strength:             Offset  #7F
  Agility:              Offset  #80
  Vitality:             Offset  #81
  Intelligence:         Offset  #82
  Luck:                 Offset  #83
  ...blank...           Offset  #84
  Maximum HP:           Offsets #85, #86
  Maximum MP:           Offsets #87, #88
  Experience:           Offsets #89 - #8B
  Items:                Offsets #8C - #93
  Battle Spells:        Offsets #94, #95
  Menu Spells:          Offset  #96

TALOON (Talo) [Chap 3]:

  Status:               Offset  #97
  Current HP:           Offsets #98, #99
  Current MP:           Offsets #9A, #9B
  Level:                Offset  #9C
  Strength:             Offset  #9D
  Agility:              Offset  #9E
  Vitality:             Offset  #9F
  Intelligence:         Offset  #A0
  Luck:                 Offset  #A1
  ...blank...           Offset  #A2
  Maximum HP:           Offsets #A3, #A4
  Maximum MP:           Offsets #A5, #A6
  Experience:           Offsets #A7 - #A9
  Items:                Offsets #AA - #B1
  Battle Spells:        Offsets #B2, #B3
  Menu Spells:          Offset  #B4

RAGNAR (Ragn) [Chap 1]:

  Status:               Offset  #B5
  Current HP:           Offsets #B6, #B7
  Current MP:           Offsets #B8, #B9
  Level:                Offset  #BA
  Strength:             Offset  #BB
  Agility:              Offset  #BC
  Vitality:             Offset  #BD
  Intelligence:         Offset  #BE
  Luck:                 Offset  #BF
  ...blank...           Offset  #C0
  Maximum HP:           Offsets #C1, #C2
  Maximum MP:           Offsets #C3, #C4
  Experience:           Offsets #C5 - #C7
  Items:                Offsets #C8 - #CF
  Battle Spells:        Offsets #D0, #D1
  Menu Spells:          Offset  #D2

ALENA (Alen) [Chap 2]:

  Status:               Offset  #D3
  Current HP:           Offsets #D4, #D5
  Current MP:           Offsets #D6, #D7
  Level:                Offset  #D8
  Strength:             Offset  #D9
  Agility:              Offset  #DA
  Vitality:             Offset  #DB
  Intelligence:         Offset  #DC
  Luck:                 Offset  #DD
  ...blank...           Offset  #DE
  Maximum HP:           Offsets #DF, #E0
  Maximum MP:           Offsets #E1, #E2
  Experience:           Offsets #E3 - #E5
  Items:                Offsets #E6 - #ED
  Battle Spells:        Offsets #EE, #EF
  Menu Spells:          Offset  #F0

EXTRA #1 (????) [All Chapters?]:

  Status:               Offset  #10F
  Current HP:           Offsets #110, #111
  Current MP:           Offsets #112, #113
 *Type / Name:          Offset  #114

EXTRA #2 (????) [All Chapters?]:

  Status:               Offset  #115
  Current HP:           Offsets #116, #117
  Current MP:           Offsets #118, #119
 *Type / Name:          Offset  #11A

... (there may be more) ...

  * Type / Name:
    Designates which "extras" are on your party.  A Quick List of some examples 

    C5  Healie  1       Has the ability to heal
    C6  Orin    4       Can break locks
    C7  Laurent 3       Follows Taloon 5 days for $600.00
    C8  Strom   3       Follows Taloon 5 days for $400.00
    C9  Hector  5       Gives you the wagon
    CA  Panon   5       Jester
    CB  Lucia   5       Zenithian with broken wings
    CC  Doran   5       Baby Dragon from Zenithia

    The extras' statistics are automatically calculated when they become part of 
your party (either through gameplay or changing their "Type / Name" with the 
Quick List above) and BlankMemoryMan has not yet discovered how to change them.
    No other "Type / Name" values are suggested for the extras as they cause the 
game to glitch.  (Note: some values, like "E1" can produce a "glitch" character 
that has tremendous battle abilities [strength / attack power, agility, luck, 
etc.] even though the character does not display correctly.  A few "glitch 
characters" are actually helpful, but several values can lock your game and you 
will need to *F7* after you remove the "glitch character" values to continue 
normal gameplay.)
    You will get no effect if you change these values and you do not have at 
least one EXTRA in your team already.

  Party's gold:         Offsets #157 - #159
  Casino coins:         Offsets #2AD - #2AF

Item List
(For descriptions, consult a DW4 FAQ, walkthrough, or the poster that came with 
the game.)

00 / 80  Cypress Stick
01 / 81  Club
02 / 82  Copper Sword
03 / 83  Iron Claw
04 / 84  Chain Sickle
05 / 85  Iron Spear
06 / 86  Broad Sword
07 / 87  Battle Axe
08 / 88  Silver Tarot Cards
09 / 89  Thorn Whip
0A / 8A  Morning Star
0B / 8B  Boomerang
0C / 8C  Abacus of Virtue
0D / 8D  Iron Fan
0E / 8E  Metal Babble Sword
0F / 8F  Poison Needle

10 / 90  Staff of Force
11 / 91  Staff of Thunder
12 / 92  Demon Hammer
13 / 93  Multi-Edge Sword
14 / 94  Zenithian Sword (Attack +65)
15 / 95  Dragon Killer
16 / 96  Stilleto Earrings
17 / 97  Staff of Punishment
18 / 98  Sword of Lethargy
19 / 99  Venomous Dagger
1A / 9A  Fire Claw
1B / 9B  Ice Blade
1C / 9C  Sword of Miracles
1D / 9D  Staff of Antimagic
1E / 9E  Magma Staff
1F / 9F  Sword of Decimation

20 / A0  Staff of Healing
21 / A1  Zenithian Sword (Attack +110)
22 / A2  Staff of Jubilation
23 / A3  Sword of Malice

24 / A4  Basic Clothes
25 / A5  Wayfarer's Clothes
26 / A6  Leather Armor
27 / A7  Chain Mail
28 / A8  Half Plate Armor
29 / A9  Iron Apron
2A / AA  Full Plate Armor
2B / AB  Silk Robe
2C / AC  Dancer's Costume
2D / AD  Bronze Armor
2E / AE  Metal Babble Armor
2F / AF  Fur Coat

30 / B0  Leather Dress
31 / B1  Pink Leotard
32 / B2  Dragon Mail
33 / B3  Cloak of Evasion
34 / B4  Sacred Robe
35 / B5  Water Flying Clothes
36 / B6  Mysterious Bolero
37 / B7  Zenithian Armor
38 / B8  Swordedge Armor
39 / B9  Robe of Serenity
3A / BA  Zombie Mail
3B / BB  Dress of Radiance
3C / BC  Demon Armor

3D / BD  Leather Shield
3E / BE  Scale Shield
3F / BF  Iron Shield
40 / C0  Shield of Strength
41 / C1  Mirror Shield
42 / C2  Aeolus' Shield
43 / C3  Dragon Shield
44 / C4  Zenithian Shield
45 / C5  Metal Babble Shield

46 / C6  Leather Hat
47 / C7  Wooden Hat
48 / C8  Iron Helmet
49 / C9  Iron Mask
4A / CA  Feather Hat
4B / CB  Zenithian Helm
4C / CC  Mask of Corruption
4D / CD  Golden Barrette
4E / CE  Hat of Happiness
4F / CF  Metal Babble Helm

50 / D0  Meteorite Armband
51 / D1  ...BLANK SPACE...
52 / D2  Baron's Horn
53 / D3  Medical Herb
54 / D4  Antidote Herb
55 / D5  Fairy Water
56 / D6  Wing of Wyvern
57 / D7  Leaf of World Tree
58 / D8  Full Moon Herb
59 / D9  Wizard's Ring
5A / DA  Magic Potion
5B / DB  Dew of World Tree
5C / DC  Flute of Uncovering
5D / DD  Sphere of Silence
5E / DE  Scent Pouch
5F / DF  Sandglass of Regression

60 / E0  Sage's Stone
61 / E1  Strength Seed
62 / E2  Agility Seed
63 / E3  Luck Seed
64 / E4  Lifeforce Nuts
65 / E5  Mystic Acorns
66 / E6  Mirror of Ra
67 / E7  Lamp of Darkness
68 / E8  Staff of Transform
69 / E9  Small Medal
6A / EA  Stone of Drought
6B / EB  Iron Safe
6C / EC  Flying Shoes
6D / ED  Silver Statuette
6E / EE  Treasure Map
6F / EF  Symbol of Faith

70 / F0  Gunpowder Jar
71 / F1  Thief's Key
72 / F2  Magic Key
73 / F3  Final Key
74 / F4  Lunch
75 / F5  Birdsong Nectar
76 / F6  Golden Bracelet
77 / F7  Prince's Letter
78 / F8  Royal Scroll
79 / F9  Gum Pod
7A / FA  Boarding Pass
7B / FB  Padequia Root
7C / FC  Fire of Serenity
7D / FD  Gas Canister
7E / FE  Padequia Seed
7F / FF  ...BLANK SPACE...

80-FF are essentially the same as 00-7F, but 80-FF have "E" (equipped) symbols 
next to them, including the items.  This has a few advantages because you can 
equip a weapon or armor on someone who normally can't be equipped with it 
(equipping Mara and Brey with heavy armor, giving Alena a sword, etc.).  
Remember that you cannot re-equip this character with any new weapons or armor 
without losing the "E" status.  (This is if you EQUIP them in the game.  You can 
still do it through the hex editor).

One note on the Zenithian Swords: Item #14 is the sword you get on the top of 
the World Tree.  It has an AP of 65.  When you go to Zenithian Castle and speak 
with Master Dragon, he will amplify the power of your sword so its AP goes to 
110 (Item #21).

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