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For the NES
FAQ by Masvega (masvega@hotmail.com)
Version 1.1



1. Version History
2. Story
3. Controls
4. The Swords
5. Armor and Shields
6. Items
7. Conditions
8. Spells
9. The Game
10. Shop Lists
11. Level Requirements
12. Game Genie Codes
13. Tricks
14. Contact Information
15. Disclaimer
16. Credits

1. Version History

1.1 (6/6/00)
-Added Spells, Game Genie Codes and Tricks sections.

1.0 (5/3/00)
-The initial release.

2. Story

It has been said that an ending is merely a beginning in disguise. And so it 
was that when the Great War engulfed the world, bringing civilization as we 
know it to an end, it ushered in the dawn of a new era. An era in which 
science and technology were shunned - for they had proven to be mankind's 
downfall - and the ancient arts of sorcery and magic were revived.

As the survivors slowly rebuilt their world, towns and villages began to 
spring up, and the wisest and most capable of the magicians used their power 
to keep order. Peace reigned over the land for a hundred years... Until a 
powerful magician named Draygon, intrigued by the forbidden ways of science, 
began to study the principles of machines and flying. Realizing the power he 
might wield if he combined his magic with technology, his mind became twisted 
by the urge to control and dominate his fellow men.

Draygon created a computer capable of simulating his magic powers. He placed 
it in a floating, fortified tower; and from this airborne fortress, he built 
and controlled his growing empire, until the entire planet was threatened by 
his ever-spreading evil.

In an attempt to combat Draygon, the other magicians constructed a series of 
powerful swords, along with powerful items to use with these swords. Based on 
the basic elements of the land - wind, fire, water, and thunder - the four 
swords, if used together at full power, would transform into the next 
elemental stage - that of crystal. This would be the mightiest weapon ever 
created: the sword Crystalis.

Learning of their idea, Draygon seized the weapons; but they had made them 
too well, and he was unable to destroy them. Knowing they could only defeat 
him if used together, Draygon scattered the weapons throughout the land, and
stripped the wise magicians of most of their powers.

In desperation, they began to study the writings from the time of the Great 
War, where they learned of a great magician, the most powerful who had ever 
lived. He had been imprisoned in a cave and frozen by the evil forces of the 
Great War, who had hoped to use his powers to control the world after the 
war. Searching the globe, the wise men found the cave, and were amazed to 
find that the mighty magician frozen within was a mere lad.

Though they knew it might destroy them, they pooled all of their remaining 
powers in an attempt to will him back to life. When the boy awoke - his mind 
a blank, even his name forgotten - they had vanished, leaving him to find his 
destiny in this strange new world.

In Crystalis, you play the role of the young magician, making your way 
through Draygon's hostile land in an attempt to locate the weapons you will 
need to defeat him. Draygon's monsters and black magic will threaten you at 
every turn; but you must not falter - only you can deliver the world from his 
scourge of evil!

3. Controls

Control Pad:
Move the hero; move the cursor in the shop and/or on each screen; talk to 

Charge up your sword (hold down); attack; cancel things

Use magic; jump using the Rabbit Boots; verify things

Go to the item menu

See the Status Screen; Go to the save menu (after having already gone to the 
item menu)

Note: In order to charge your sword, you must be standing still.

4. The Swords

Sword of Wind: Kept by the village elder of Leaf, the Sword of Wind is the 
weakest of the four swords. It fires blasts of wind and is able to 
concentrate the wind into balls and tornadoes. Level 2 and Level 3 blasts 
from the Sword of Wind have the ability to destroy rock walls. Ironically, it 
is the only sword capable of defeating the Shivas in the final pyramid.

Level 1: Fires a vacuum of wind.

Level 2: Fires a ball of wind.

Level 3: Fires three tornadoes in front of you. It requires 8 MP.


Sword of Fire: Kept by the dwarves at Oak Village, the Sword of Fire is the 
second sword you will find on your quest. Not only is the sword itself 
stronger than the Sword of Wind, but the attacks are more useful. Many 
enemies throughout the game are weak to this sword. Level 2 and Level 3 
blasts are able to destroy ice walls. The sword is strong in the early and 
middle portions of the game but is unfortunately the most useless 
sword at the end of the game.

Level 1: Fires a small flame.

Level 2: Fires a wave of fire in front of you. This can hit enemies multiple 

Level 3: A circle of flame appears around you. This can hit enemies multiple 
times, but the range is limited. It requires 16 MP.


Sword of Water: Found in the Waterfall Cave, the Sword of Water is the second 
most powerful sword. Generally all enemies are weak to this sword. While it 
lacks much of the comboing ability the Sword of Fire has, it makes up for it 
in its sheer versatility. It's special ability, the power of Level 2 and 3 
blasts to create ice bridges out of rippling water is one of the more 
important ones in the game.

Level 1: A piece of ice is fired forward.

Level 2: A small "V" of ice is fired. It can hit an enemy up to two times.

Level 3: A circle of snowflakes is created and then moves outward and then 
inward three times. Each outward motion takes the snowflakes farther than the 
previous one did. It requires 16 MP. 


Sword of Thunder: Found in the Cave of Styx, the Sword of Thunder is the most 
powerful sword. All of its attacks, from Level 1 to Level 3, dwarf the other 
swords with their power. It combines the damage capability of the Sword of 
Fire with the versatility of the Sword of Water. It is also necessary to 
defeat some of the game's most powerful enemies. Level 2 and above blasts 
from this sword can destroy iron walls.

Level 1: Fires three small bolts of lightning outward.

Level 2: Fires seven bolts of electricity forward in an arc. Each of the 
bolts can hit an enemy several times.

Level 3: Lightning strikes everything on the screen, causing complete 
destruction. It requires 40 MP.


Crystalis: In the Tower in the Sky, the four swords are combined to create 
the greatest sword of all, Crystalis. Its attack power is phenomenal and the 
blast looks cool too. Unfortunately, it only has one function in the game: to 
defeat DYNA.

Level 1: Fires a medium sized blue ball of energy forward.

5. Armor and Shields


Tanned Hide: A horrible suit of armor at a horrible price. But it's better 
             than nothing.
Defensive Value: 2

Leather Armor: A big step up from the Tanned Hide. This armor is three times 
               as strong and only costs 40 more dollars.
Defensive Value: 6

Bronze Armor: Not good, but not bad either. Is a good buy for the price, 
              although you're better off saving your money for the Platinum 
Defensive Value: 10

Platinum Armor: The best armor you'll find for a while. Buy it. 
Defensive Value: 14

Soldier Suit: This suit of armor is immediately outclassed by the Ceramic 
              Suit. Save your money for that.
Defensive Value: 18

Ceramic Suit: The second best suit of armor in the game. It isn't cheap (min. 
              $5500), but the defensive power is worth it.
Defensive Value: 24

Battle Armor: This armor is worthless. The Ceramic Suit outclasses it in
              every way. The only good thing about the Battle Armor is that 
              it's free.
Defensive Value: 20

Psycho Armor: The best armor in the game. It protects well, it defends 
              against some conditions, and restores HP as well.
              Unfortunately, you get it late in the game.
Defensive Value: 32



Carapace Shield: Cheap, but you get what you pay for.
Defensive Value: 2

Bronze Shield: A decent shield for it's place in the game at a great price.
Defensive Value: 6

Platinum Shield: Not much of an improvement from the Bronze Shield and is 5x 
                 the price.
Defensive Value: 8

Mirrored Shield: Guards against being petrified. An important shield to have, 
                 the Mirrored Shield is preferable to the Ceramic Shield (but 
                 not any of the other more powerful shields).
Defensive Value: 12

Ceramic Shield: Has no special abilities, but is optimal in hot or cold 
Defensive Value: 18

Sacred Shield: Guards against being paralyzed. An important shield to have, 
               although it's sold at ridiculous prices.
Defensive Value: 16

Battle Shield: Has no real strong points, but it's very sturdy and protects 
               against attacks well.
Defensive Value: 24

Psycho Shield: Guards against being poisoned, paralyzed and petrified. The 
               strongest shield.
Defensive Value: 32

6. Items

This list is broken down into three sections: One-Time Items, Worn Items and 
Event Items. One-Time Items are usually bought from stores or found in 
treasure chests. You can sell them and they're gone after one use. Worn Items 
must be either given to you or found in treasure chests. You can wear them as 
long as you like and reap the benefits. You cannot sell them. Event Items are 
either given to you or found in treasure chests. They are all designated for 
one specific event.

One-Time Items:

Alarm Flute: Wakes sleeping people up.
Antidote: Cures poison.
Fruit of Lime: Cures petrification.
Fruit of Power: Restores 1/4 of your MP.
Fruit of Repun: Cures "nuper" (being turned into a Sludge).
Lysis Plant: Cures paralysis.
Magic Ring: Restores all of your MP.
Medical Herb: Recovers a small amount of HP.
Opel Statue: Allows you to save your game in a cave.
Warp Boots: Teleports you to any town you've already been to.

Worn Items:

Deo's Necklace: Restores MP while you are standing still. 
Gas Mask: Allows you to breathe in the Poisonous Forest.
Iron Necklace: Increase the power of your armor.
Leather Boots: Allows you to walk in poisonous ground without being harmed.
Power Ring: Increases the power of your magical attacks.
Rabbit Boots: Allows you to jump.
Shield Ring: Increases the power of your shield.
Warrior Ring: Allows you to fire Level 1 blasts without charging up.

Event Items:

Bow of Moon: Destroys the Statue of Moon.
Bow of Sun: Destroys the Statue of Sun.
Bow of Truth: Reveals Draygon's true form.
Broken Statue: Use with the Glowing Lamp to create the Statue of Gold.
Eye Glasses: Reveals the hidden door in the barn in Joel.
Flute of Lime: Makes petrified people return to normal.
Fog Lamp: Allows you to receive permission to use the boat in Portoa.
Glowing Lamp: Use with the Broken Statue to create the Statue of Gold. 
Insect Flute: Calls the Insect Monster.
Ivory Statue: Cures Kensu's "nuper" (being a Sludge).
Love Pendant: Give this to Kensu in Swan in order to learn Change.
Key of Prison: Opens the door to the Leaf Elder's prison.
Key of Styx: Opens the door to the Cave of Styx.
Key of Windmill: Activates the Windmill.
Kirisa Plant: Exchange it for the Bow of Moon.
Shell Flute: Calls the dolphin that you can ride around the Angry Sea in.
Statue of Gold: Place on the altar to calm the Angry Sea.
Statue of Onyx: Exchange it for the Gas Mask.

7. Conditions

Normal: You have no bad effects.
Poison: Your HP will go down with each step.
Petrify: You are turned to stone. You cannot attack or use magic.
Paralyze: You are paralyzed. You are not able to charge your sword.
Nuper: You have been turned into a Sludge. You cannot attack or use magic.

8. Spells

Refresh: Replenishes HP. It's taught to you by Zebu. This is generally the 
most useful spell in the game.

Telepathy: Allows you to communicate with animals and ask the Four Wise Men 
for advice. Taught to you by Tornel.

Paralysis: Puts enemies or people to sleep. Generally not useful, but it's 
vital in one point in the game and helps you get a powerful item early in the 
game. Taught to you by Tornel.

Teleportation: Allows you to teleport to any town you've previously been to. 
Very useful. Taught to you by Tornel.

Recover: Cures all ailments except Nuper. Very useful and can save your life 
if you've been petrified. Taught to you by Asina.

Barrier: Makes you invincible, but quickly depletes MP. It's necessary to 
pass certain points in the game, but it's not practical outside of those 
areas. Taught to you by Asina.

Change: Allows you to shapeshift into the body of either Stom, Akahana, a 
woman or a Draygonian soldier. It's essential to the completion of the game, 
but is useless outside of the areas where its use is necessary. Taught to you 
by Kensu.

Flying: Allows you to fly. You may fly over whirlpools or enemies on the 
ground. The second most useful spell in the game, especially in the two final 
pyramids. Taught to you by Kensu.

9. The Game

Note: This walkthrough is generally a barebones walkthrough. Exploring more 
in the caves will most likely net you more items, but most of those are not 
documented in this FAQ.

The Beginning

After choosing your name, you'll see the glass chamber you are imprisoned 
in. You will see the chamber start to glow until the door opens and you 
step out of it. Exit the cave and then go left to the town of Leaf. Once
there, go up and then enter the house nearest to you. Talk to the man
inside to gain 100 gold.

Next, exit the house and walk left. Enter the leftmost house and then talk
to the man in the purple clothes. This man is the elder. After listening
to him, he'll give you the Sword of Wind. Once you regain control, equip
the sword. Now go to the armor shop and buy a Carapace Shield. Leave Leaf and 
fight enemies until you have 100 gold again. Once you do, go to Leaf and buy 
a Tanned Hide. Next, get 50 gold and buy an Alarm Flute.

A Working Windmill

By this time, you should be at Level 3. If you're not, fight until you are. 
Now exit Leaf and go northeast. Eventually, you'll reach a bridge. Cross it 
and defeat the few Blue Sludges around it. Enter the cave opening and go 
through the cave until you find a sleeping man. Go up to him and play the 
Alarm Flute. Talk to the man and he'll give you the Windmill Key. Now go down 
and then left through the cave. After you leave the cave, you'll see the 
windmill next to you. Enter it and put the key in the machine. The windmill 
will begin to operate and the opening to a cave will open.

Reaching the Windmill Cave

Now exit the windmill and then the cave. Go left and find a cave barely 
jutting out of the side of the rocks. Enter the cave and then go walk along 
the path until you meet a man. This man is Zebu, one of the wise men. Talk to 
him and he'll give you the spell Refresh. Refresh allows you to replenish 
your hit points, but it will cost a few magic points for each time you use 
it. Now exit Zebu's cave. Fight until you reach Level 4 and then go to Leaf. 
Stock up on Medical Herbs and buy a couple Antidotes. Once you are done, go 
to the cave opened when the windmill turned on. Enter the opening and you'll 
be in the Windmill Cave.

Once inside, go through the cave defeating Green Blobs and go up the first 
two staircases. In the third room, walk right and defeat any enemies that 
are in your path. Eventually you'll reach some stairs. Go down them and go 
right. When you reach a wall, go down. Avoid the bats and you'll find a 
treasure chest at the end of the passage. Touch it to receive the Ball of 
Wind. Equip it immediately.

Go through the other side passages of the room in order to receive other 
items. When you're finished, exit the room. Fight enemies until you reach 
Level 5. Now go to the stone wall. Stand next to the wall and power up your 
sword. When you do, turn to the wall and fire. The shot should break down the 
wall. Go straight and you'll reach a fork in the passageway. Go left to reach 
some stairs that will take you to a Medical Herb and go right to reach a 
staircase that will take you to the boss.

Boss: Blue Magician

The boss of the Windmill Cave is the Blue Magician. He will begin by 
appearing before you and creating two bats that will fly around. Charge up 
your sword before you enter the main chamber and immediately fire it at the 
Magician. Soon, the Blue Magician will begin teleporting around the room 
while the bats fly around. Unlike the bats guarding the Ball of Wind, these 
bats will hurt you if they hit you. Keep avoiding the bats and charge up your 
sword. Attack whenever you have a chance. After 6 hits, the Blue Magician 
will die. Once he dies, he'll leave behind a treasure chest that contains 
Rabbit Boots. With the Rabbit Boots, you can now jump from place to place. 
This is the best way, at least at this point, to get through stretches of 
poisonous land without being hurt.

Go out the front exit of the chamber and then go down the passageway until 
you leave the Windmill Cave.


From the cave opening, go south. You'll see the gate to a town to your left. 
Enter it and you'll be in Brynmaer. Talk to the bald man near the entrance. 
This man is named Akahana. He'll tell you about the statue he's missing. Now
go to the Armor Shop and buy the Leather Armor and the Bronze Shield (don't 
forget to equip it). If you have any money left, buy Medical Herbs. You can 
pawn off your old armor if you want.

Getting the Statue of Onyx

Leave Brynmaer and walk right. When you reach the river, go up. You'll find a 
large stretch of poisonous land. Go around it or use the Rabbit Boots to go 
through it. Eventually, you'll come to a bridge. Cross the bridge and then 
walk left. You'll find a patch of grass. Walk around in the grass and you'll 
eventually find the Statue of Onyx. Now return to Brynmaer and give the 
statue to Akahana. He'll thank you and give you the Gas Mask.

The Poisonous Forest

Fight until you're at Level 6. Don't bother attacking Mushroom Men; you can't 
beat them with your current weaponry. When you reach Level 6, go to the 
bridge and cross it. From there, go right and you'll see a big patch of 
poisonous land. Put on the Rabbit Boots and continually jump until you reach 
the other side. Go right and you'll find an entryway. Put on the Gas Mask and 
then enter.

You'll find yourself in the Poisonous Forest. Go right and take the first 
passageway up. Continue walking upward until you reach a wall. Then go right. 
When you reach a wall, go north again and you'll find yourself in the town of 
Oak. However, if you attempt to talk to anyone, all they'll tell you is "Go 
in peace."

Meeting Stom and Tornel

Leave Oak and the Poisonous Forest. Go back to the bridge and cross it. From 
there, walk up. You'll go down a slim passageway. When you reach the end, 
you'll be in front of a house. Enter it and you'll find two men, Stom and 
Tornel. Tornel will tell you to attempt to force Stom against the back wall. 
To do this, repeatedly attack Stom with your sword. He'll attack you as well, 
so just keep attacking until you defeat him. If Stom defeats you, merely 
enter the house and try again. When you win, Tornel will teach you the spell 
of Telepathy. This spell allows you to converse with animals as well ask the 
four wise men for advice if you need it.

The Sword of Fire

Now go back to Oak. When you talk to the citizens and they'll actually say 
things to you. While most of them aren't too pleased to see you, there is one 
in a house that asks you to find her son. Exit the house and then exit Oak. 
Go straight down until you reach a wall. Then, walk right and take the first 
passageway down. Walk to the end of the passage and you'll find the little 
kid. Talk to him and walk back to Oak. Make sure you don't go too far ahead 
of the kid or you'll have to do it all over again. Once you reach Oak, the 
kid will enter his house. Enter the house and talk to the mother. She'll give 
you the Insect Flute. The Flute calls powerful poisonous insects when called. 
Now when you exit, the citizens guarding the entrances to the shops will 

Now go to the northernmost house in the village. This is the elder's house. 
Enter it and talk to him. He thanks you for saving the child and then tells 
you about a monster that is terrorizing the village. He will then give you 
the Sword of Fire. Equip it.

With the Sword of Fire, you can now defeat the enemies in the Poisonous 
Forest as well as the Mushroom Men.

Boss: Insect Monster

Exit Oak and walk down until you reach the wall. From there, go right and 
take the first turn up. When you reach the end, go right and then go up when 
you reach the wall. Continue walking up until you reach a portion of the 
forest where half of the screen is black. Play the Insect Flute and the 
Insect Monster will appear.

During the battle, the Insect Monster will move slowly around while firing 
green blasts. These blasts do a lot of damage. Also, a green Flying Beetle 
will occasionally fly in. These enemies have the capability to poison you. 
Hit the Insect Monster with blasts from the Sword of Fire. After a while, the 
Insect Monster will be destroyed. Once it dies, it will leave behind a 
treasure chest. Open the chest to find the Ball of Fire. Equip it.

Go to Oak and heal. You may want to buy a couple Fruits of Power. They will 
replenish your MP. Now exit Oak and then exit the Poisonous Forest.

Mt. Sabre: West Route

Fight until you reach Level 7. Now go back to Brynmaer. Heal yourself if 
necessary and then go south. You'll fight Mushroom Men and at the end of the 
path, you'll see the entrance to the western route to Mt. Sabre. Enter it.

Follow the path until you reach a fork in the road. Then take the right fork. 
Be aware that Yetis will burrow themselves from under the mountain and attack 
you. At the end of the right fork, you'll find a cave. Equip the Sword and 
Ball of Wind, then enter.

Follow the pathway in the cave, defeating Blue Shells and Red Dragons as 
necessary. When you reach the door at the end, equip the Sword of Fire and 
the Ball of Fire. Enter the door and then continue through the passage until 
you reach an ice wall. Break through the wall and you'll find that you're in 
Zebu's Cave. Talk to Zebu and he'll tell you to go to Leaf. Do so and you'll 
find that everyone is gone. Enter the shack next to the elder's house and 
you'll find a rabbit, now the lone resident of Leaf. Talk to the rabbit and 
it'll tell you that monsters came and took everyone away. Leave and go back 
to Zebu's Cave. Go down the stairs to Mt. Sabre and then exit the cave.

Now that you're back on the outside of Mt. Sabre, go left. Walk left until 
you arrive at the second ice slide above you. Equip the Rabbit Boots and jump 
up the slide. When you reach the top of the slide, go right and cross the 
bridge. Enter the nearby cave.

The Tornado Bracelet

Go up and fight any enemies in the room. At the top, you'll see an ice wall. 
Destroy it and then walk up until you reach a fork in the cave. Take the left 
fork and continue through the pathway until you reach an ice wall. Destroy 
the ice wall. Go to the end of the passageway and you'll find a treasure 
chest. Open the chest to receive the Tornado Bracelet.

The Spell of Teleport

Exit the cave and then walk back to the ice slide. Slide down it and go left. 
Follow the path until you reach another cave. Enter it.

Inside, go straight up. When you reach a fork, go right. Defeat the Blue 
Shells and Blue Cyclops until you reach an ice wall. Break through the wall 
and continue along the path until you reach the stairs. Go up the stairs and 
go right. At the end of the passage, you'll find an ice wall. Destroy the 
wall and then go left. Continue along the passage until you leave the cave.

Now you are on the outside of Mt. Sabre. Follow the road until you reach a 
fork. Take the right fork and enter the cave. Inside the cave, go straight 
up. Eventually, you'll reach some stairs. After you go up the stairs, you'll 
be in a room with two Blue Shells. Defeat them then go up the other set of 
stairs. Now follow the path of the cave until you reach the exit. When you 
exit the cave, you'll find Tornel and a treasure chest. If you already have 8 
items, use one. Open the treasure chest and you'll get a Magic Ring. Now talk 
to Tornel and he'll teach you the spell of Teleport. Teleport allows you to 
teleport from town to town, provided you have the MP.

Now either teleport back to Brynmaer or fight your way down Mt. Sabre and 
then go to Brynmaer. You'll probably wish to fight until you reach Level 9.

Mt. Sabre: North Route

From Brynmaer, go to the bridge. Cross the bridge and then use the Rabbit 
Boots to cross the patch of poisonous land. From there go up and fight off 
the Mushroom Men and Ogres in your way. Eventually, you'll find another patch 
of poisonous land. Jump your way across it and fight the nearby Blue Gels if 
you want experience. Once you're done with that, continue up and you'll enter 
the northern route of Mt. Sabre.

Follow the path until you reach a house. This place is Nadare's. Nadare's is 
the last chance you'll have for a while to save the game. Make sure you stay 
at the inn, buy any necessary supplies and save the game. Then exit and 
continue to the left.

Soon, you'll find a young risk-taker from Brynmaer. He'll tell you that he 
was captured and forced to work. He also saw the people from Leaf there. With 
his dying breaths, he says that he escaped, but the attackers found him and 
wounded him. After this, continue left and eventually you'll hear two Guards 
talking. Go closer to them and they'll talk some more. Confront them and 
they'll attack. Respond with the Sword of Wind and defeat them. Then enter 
the cave they were guarding.

Inside the cave, first go straight up and go up the stairs. Then follow the 
path until you reach a fork. Use the fork going downward. Eventually, you'll 
leave the cave. Be aware that the Red Shells have the capability of poisoning 
you. Outside the cave, defeat the two Spinning Beasts and enter the cave to 
your right. Defeat the Ice Golems and take the first right. Defeat ice golems 
and destroy ice walls as necessary until you reach the steps. Take them up 
and follow the tunnel. Go up the first set of stairs, then switch to the 
Sword of Wind. Continue along the passageway and defeat the Guards you'll 
find. When you reach a fork in the passageway, go up. You'll soon come upon 
stairs going down. Use them. In the next passage, defeat any enemies you need 
to until you reach the exit.

Outside, go right and enter the first cave you come to.

Saving the People of Leaf

Inside the cave, you will see Guards patrolling around ice walls. Kill the 
Guards and then break down the walls. Inside, you'll find citizens from Leaf. 
Find both rooms with Leaf citizens in them. In the room with the three 
merchants in it, there is an ice wall at the top. Destroy it and enter the 
room above it. Walk to the end of the room to find a treasure chest with the 
Key to the Prison in it. There is also an ice wall in the room with the other 
citizens of Leaf. Break down the wall and walk to the end of the following 
room. You'll find some stairs. Go up them.

Defeat the Guards in the next room and continue until you reach the stairs. 
Walk down the stairs and you'll be outside. Be careful though, there are two 
Guards near you. Equip the Tornado Bracelet and then walk up the steps and 
you'll find General Kelbesque.

Boss: General Kelbesque

You are about to face the first of Emperor Draygon's "finest four".

Kelbesque will move around the screen quickly and then stomp on the ground. 
When he does, little snowballs will rise into the air and they'll fly toward 
you. If anything he does hits you, it will take a lot of HP away.

Make sure you have Refresh for this battle. However, don't use so much of it 
that it takes away from your primary attack, the Level 3 Sword of Wind 
attack. Each Level 3 blast you fire takes away MP, so you have to be aware of 
how much magic you have left. If you run out of magic, just charge to Level 
2, since charging to Level 3 will give you a Level 2 attack. 

For the battle, just try to keep away from Kelbesque and hit him with Level 3 
shots whenever you can. Eventually, he'll retreat. When he does, he leaves 
behind a treasure chest. Open it to find the Flame Bracelet!

Saving the Chief of Leaf

With Kelbesque gone, you'll notice a door with a lock on it at the top of the 
screen. Use the Key to Prison to open it and then enter the door. Inside, 
you'll find the Chief. Talk to them and he'll tell you to visit the Queen of 
Portoa. Destroy the ice wall behind him and follow the passageway to the exit 
of the cave. Right before you exit, Tornel will contact you telepathically 
and congratulate you. Then he will teach you the spell of Paralysis. 
Paralysis will make creatures and humans go to sleep.

Portoa: City of Water

Once you leave the cave, you'll find an ice slide in front of you. Slide down 
it and cross the bridge to your left. This will take you to Portoa. 

Inside Portoa, first go to the inn and rest. Then visit the Armor Shop. Buy 
the Platinum Shield and either the Bronze Armor or Platinum Armor depending 
on how much money you have.

Now go north and to the Palace. Enter the door and talk to the Queen of 
Portoa. Once you do, leave the Palace and find an unmarked building. Enter it 
and you'll find yourself in a room with a fortune teller. Talk to the fortune 
teller and then go back to the Palace. Talk to the Queen and then exit the 
Palace. Reenter the Palace and use Paralysis on the guard guarding the door 
_before_ he moves in front of the door. Now enter the Queen's Chamber. You'll 
find it empty. Enter the door at the upper right of the screen and search the 
cave. Once you're done, reenter the Queen's room and leave the Palace. Then 
go see the fortune teller and talk to her. Exit and then go back to the 
Palace. Talk to the Queen and she'll give you the Flute of Lime. She'll also 
tell you about a cave beyond a waterfall. Now exit the Palace and then 

You can't defeat any of the enemies in the fields yet, so go past them and 
walk to the northeast. Eventually you'll reach a waterfall. You'll see a 
black space behind the falls. Enter the cave.

The Waterfall Cave

You can't defeat any of the enemies in this cave either, save one. If you 
search hard enough, you'll find a treasure chest in the first level of this 
cave. If you touch it, the chest will come to life. It will poison you if it 
touches you. This is the first Fake Treasure Chest in the game. These enemies 
will become much more common as you progress through Crystalis.

From the start of the cave, walk forward until you reach a three-way fork. Be 
aware that although the Crabs that you'll encounter are red, they are not 
poisonous. Eventually, you'll reach an ice wall that you should break 
through. Continue on in the cave and then go up the steps. In the next 
portion of the cave, if you walk through the path, you'll eventually come 
across two men encased in stone. Play the Flute of Lime and they'll return to 
normal. Walk up the now unblocked stairs.

Obtaining the Sword of Water

In this room, you must face Medusas. In addition to dealing a considerable
amount of damage if you touch them, they also fire blasts that will petrify 
you if they hit you. Avoid these at all costs. From the stairs, go up and 
then make a right turn. Continue along the tunnel until you reach an ice wall. 
Destroy it, then continue up. Follow the path until you reach a fork. 
Take the path going up until you reach a passage to the right. Go down the 
passage and destroy the ice wall. You'll find a treasure chest behind it. 
Open it to receive the Sword of Water. Now you are able to defeat all of the 
enemies in the cave. 

Saving Akahana

Now go back to the previous room (the one where the first Medusas are). Walk 
until you reach a fork in the path and then use the path to the left. 
Continue along the path until you reach an ice wall. Break the wall down and 
then walk through the new opening. Follow the path until you reach the 
stream. Go up and you'll find a treasure chest. Open it to reveal another 
Flute of Lime. Now go back down and take the path to the left. Soon you'll 
see another path going up. Take it and you'll find a petrified Akahana. Play 
the Flute of Lime. He'll turn back to normal. Talk to him and he'll give you 
the Shield Ring. Now exit the cave.

Going to the Lime Tree

Go to Portoa and buy the Platinum Armor if you have not already done so. From 
Portoa, go right and cross the bridge to the south. Kill any Axe Throwers in 
your way and go right. Put on the Rabbit Boots and jump down the poisonous 
land and walk down the passageway. From there, go southwest and eventually 
you'll reach the entrance to the area around the Lime Tree.

Now go up. Avoid the attacks of the Vultures and you'll eventually come 
across another entrance. Enter and you'll be at the Lime Tree. If you have 
not already equipped the Sword of Water, equip it. Rage, the protector of the 
Tree will emerge and give you the Ball of Water. Equip it and then charge up 
your sword. Walk to the edge of the lake and fire. You will create a bridge 
of ice leading to the tree. Enter the Lime Tree and you'll receive a 
transmission from Mesia. Then leave the Lime Tree.

Amazones: The Town of Women

Using either Warp Boots or Teleport, go to Brynmaer. Go to the inn and then 
leave the town. Go right and then down. You'll see a patch of poisonous land. 
Beyond the poisonous land, you'll see that part of the river ripples. With 
the Sword of Water, power your sword up to Level 2 and then fire. The 
rippling water will turn to ice. Use the Rabbit Boots to cross the poisonous 
land and then cross the bridge. Cross the next stretch of poisonous land and 
then walk south.

You'll eventually come to another patch of poisonous land. Jump past the land 
and you'll find an entrance. Enter and you'll be in Amazones. Although there 
isn't much you can do here now, there is one very important thing. Go to the 
right and you'll see a guard standing next to a door. Use Paralysis to freeze 
the guard before she can block the door. Enter and you'll be in the Queen's 
Chamber. Do not talk to anyone in the room. You'll see a staircase in the 
upper right portion of the room. Go down the steps and you'll find a treasure 
chest. Open it to find the Blizzard Bracelet.

Meeting Asina

Teleport back to Portoa. Make sure you have at least one Medical Herb and go 
to the Queen's Castle. Enter the Queen's room. Go through the door at the 
northeast part of the room. 

You'll emerge in a cave. Look for ripples in the water and make ice bridges 
out of them. Eventually, you'll come to the entrance to another area. Go 
inside and you'll be face to face with the Queen of Portoa, who is also the 
fortune teller, who is also Asina, who is the third wise man (or woman as the 
case may be). Talk to her and she'll teach you the spell of Recover.

Afterward, leave the room. Go left and then up once you reach the river. 
You'll soon come upon a wounded dolphin. Talk to the dolphin and it will tell 
you that it wants an herb. Select a Medical Herb and then give it to the 
dolphin. It will thank you and then give you the Shell Flute. Now go back to 
the Queen's room and leave the castle. Following that, leave Portoa.

Getting the Kirisa Plant

From Portoa, go right and then cross the bridge. Go right until you reach the 
patch of poisonous land. Jump across and then go down. Eventually, you'll see 
rippled water past another patch of poisonous land. Turn the water into ice 
and then cross the land and then the river. You'll see the entrance to the 
cave. Enter it.

Equip the Sword of Fire for the first section so you do not have to 
continually switch swords. Inside, follow the passage until you reach a rock 
wall. Be aware that the Red Cyclops have the capability to paralyze you, 
which will prevent you from charging your sword. Break down the wall and then 
continue forward. You'll eventually reach the stairs.

After going down the stairs, go right and then take the first passage down. 
Follow the path until you reach stairs. Take the stairs down, then defeat the 
enemies in your way. The Sword of Fire is the easiest weapon to use for this 
portion of the cave. Follow the winding path and destroy the rock wall you'll 
eventually get to. You'll find an exit a little after the rock wall. Exit and 
go northeast. You'll see a patch of flowers. Walk around in it until the game 
tells you that you have the Kirisa Plant. Now either exit the cave or 
teleport to Portoa.

Getting the Fog Lamp

If you go around talking to people in Portoa, you'll find out that the man in 
the boathouse is looking for the Fog Lamp he dropped in a cave. If you 
haven't figured it out by now, you're going to have to retrieve it.

Leave Portoa and go right. At the other side of the land mass, you'll see a 
stretch of poisonous land and then rippled water. Turn the water into ice and 
then cross it. Defeat the Red Blobs around the area and then enter the cave.

Inside, go up and destroy the rock wall. Equip the Sword of Fire and defeat 
the enemies in the area. Eventually, you'll come to a fork leading up and 
right. Take the right path and follow it until you reach the stairs. Go down 
the stairs and quickly kill the enemies waiting for you. Go down the next set 
of stairs and continue until the path forks up and down. Go down and follow 
the path until you reach a path leading down to a rock wall. However, beware, 
there is a fake treasure chest nearby. Destroy the rock wall and take the 
path right until you reach the stairs.

Go down the stairs and go left. You'll soon come to another set of stairs. Go 
down them and you'll be in front of a rock wall. Destroy it and then continue 
up the path. Make the first turn downward and destroy the rock walls you'll 
encounter. Walk along the path until you reach yet another set of stairs. 
After going down the stairs, defeat the enemies in front of you and then 
continue on. After turning the corner, cross the bridge and destroy the rock 
wall on the other side. Continue defeating enemies (you can equip the Sword 
of Water at this point) and then go down the next set of stairs. Defeat the 
Red Cyclops and Red Dragons and then break down the rock wall that's blocking 
your way. Behind the wall, you'll find a treasure chest. Open it to get the 
Fog Lamp. Now either make your way out of the cave or teleport back to 

Going Sailing

Before you give the Fog Lamp to the owner of the boathouse, there's one thing 
you should do. If you have 2000 dollars, teleport to Amazones and go to the 
armor shop. Buy the Mirrored Shield and equip it. The Sacred Shield is _not_ 
worth 9000 dollars.

After you do that, teleport back to Portoa and walk to the left. When you 
reach the boathouse, enter it and then give the Fog Lamp to the owner (the 
man in green). The owner is awed by your bravery and allows you to use the 
boat as you wish. Jump into the boat and you'll go off. After a short time, 
you'll reach a beach. Exit the boat and enter the beachhouse. Inside, there 
is a soldier and Kensu, the fourth wise man. After you talk to them leave.

When you go outside, you'll find that the boat has magically disappeared. In 
order to get around, use the Shell Flute to call the dolphin you helped 
earlier. If you didn't help the dolphin, teleport to Portoa and help him. 
After you use the flute, the dolphin will come and you are able to ride him 
around the ocean.

Visiting Joel Island

From the beach, go up and slightly to the left. You'll see a section of beach 
leading to a cave opening. Get off the dolphin and enter the cave. On the 
other side, you'll be in Joel Island. 

While inside Joel, you might as well go to the Tool Shop and buy an Alarm 
Flute. You'll need it later. Enter the Elder's house and he'll tell you of 
the dilemma: a Draygonian sorceress came to Devil's Island and started 
demanding sacrifices. Mesia volunteered to be a sacrifice. After you talk to 
everyone, leave the town.

The Cave to Evil Spirit Island 

First, equip the Sword of Fire and kill enemies in the ocean until you reach 
at least Level 11, although Level 12 is preferable. Also make sure you have 
the Mirrored Shield.

From the town of Joel, go left and then go above the four whirlpools. 
Continue left and eventually you'll see a Squid in front of a cave. Defeat 
the Squid and enter the cave. Be aware that the White Shells that you fight 
in the first part of the cave give an immense amount of experience. At the 
end of the first cavern, you'll have to get off the dolphin and go up the 
nearby stairs.

Now, unselect the Shell Flute and use the Sword of Water. Follow the path and 
defeat the Whirlybird that flies around you. When you reach a fork in the 
road, go down and continue walking. Be aware that the Dark Green Dragons have 
the capability of paralyzing you. When you reach the end of the path, look 
carefully at the river. Part of it is rippled, which means you can turn it 
into an ice bridge. Do so and walk across the bridge. Go left and continue 
walking until you reach more rippled water. Turn it into ice and cross the 

Go up and continue along the path. When you reach a path leading up, take it 
and continue up until you reach a rock wall. Break it down and you'll find a 
treasure chest. Open the chest to receive a Magic Ring. Now go down until you 
reach the intersection. Take the left path and follow it until you reach the 
river. From there, go left and walk until you reach another path going 
upward. Take it and destroy the rock wall you'll soon come to. Continue 
walking up and go down the stairs at the end of the pathway.

From the stairs, follow the tunnel. For now, go straight when you reach any 
forks in the cave. Eventually, you'll reach another set of stairs. Go down 
them and walk to the river. The treasure chest above you is a fake, so go 
down. Turn the rippled water into ice and cross the river. Go up and you'll 
find another treasure chest. Open it to find the Iron Necklace, which will 
increase the power of your armor. Equip it. Now go up the stairs and follow 
the path until you reach another path leading down. Take it and then follow 
it until you reach another fork. Take the right path. Go up when you reach 
the wall. 

Eventually, you'll reach a path going down. Take it and you'll find that 
there is a huge hole in front of you. There is a block going across the hole. 
Wait for the block to stop in front of you and then step on it. Ride it 
across the hole and then step off onto the other side. Follow the path until 
you reach a fork going up and down. Take the downward path and continue until 
you reach the stairs. Go down the stairs and you'll be on the outside.

The Town of Zombies

When you emerge from the cave, you'll find that the only things walking 
around are monsters. However, they won't attack you, but they don't respond 
if you attempt to talk to them. You can only enter one house on the outside. 
It's the one closest to you on the left. Enter it and you'll see a set of 
stairs. Go down them and you'll find a man there. Talk to him and he'll 
introduce himself as Clark, the elder's brother. He'll then tell you about 
Sabera, the sorceress who turned everyone into zombies. Go to the outside and 
then go straight up. You'll soon go up a flight of stairs and then enter a 

Sabera's Castle

From the beginning of the castle, go up until you reach an intersection. Then 
go right. This castle has enemies from your recent past such as Guards and 
Vultures. Eventually, you'll go up some stairs. Make sure you have the Sword 
of Wind equipped and prepare to face the Blue Magician again. The Magician 
fights almost exactly like it did in the Windmill Cave, but every attack does 
more damage now. It will also take more hits to defeat it. After the Blue 
Magician dies, it will leave behind a treasure chest with a Fruit of Power in 

From there, go up and then go down the stairs. On the other side of the 
stairs, walk up and take the first left turn. Follow that path until you
reach a fork going right and down. If you take the right fork, you'll 
eventually reach a Medical Herb. If you already have enough Herbs, continue 
down. At the end of the passageway, you'll find a set of stairs. Go down 

Go up and you'll see Mesia. Talk to her and she'll say that there is a
sorcerer in the chamber behind her. Do not enter the room behind her! 
Instead, stab Mesia with your sword three times. She'll protest after each 
time. After the third time, "Mesia" will reveal her true form, Sabera.

Boss: Sabera

Sabera is the second of Draygon's "finest four".

Sabera will move around the screen and fire orange balls of energy at you. 
The balls of energy will do a decent amount of damage, but it's not really 
anything to worry about. 

Attack using Level 3 Sword of Fire blasts. However, since the blasts don't go 
out very far, you'll need to get somewhat close to Sabera. After around 6 
hits, Sabera will be defeated. You should not need to use Refresh in the 
battle, but you may want to just in case.

After Sabera teleports away with the real Mesia, she'll leave behind a 
treasure chest. Open it to find the Broken Statue. Now go up and fall in the 
hole. When you hit the ground, go down and exit the castle.

A Village Free From Evil

When you exit the castle, you'll see that all of the zombies have returned to 
being normal people. They'll all thank you. Find Clark (he's in the same 
place he was before) and talk to him. He'll give you the Eye Glasses. Now
exit the house and re-enter the cave. Go through the cave and then go to 

The Statue of Gold

Now that you're in Joel, make sure you have an Alarm Flute. Then go to the 
house next to the Elder's house. Use the Eye Glasses and you'll discover a 
secret door. Enter the door and go through the following cave. When you 
emerge, you'll be next to the Lighthouse. Enter and you'll find Kensu 
sleeping on the floor. Wake him up with the Alarm Flute and he'll teleport 
away. He leaves a treasure chest behind. Open it to find the Glowing Lamp. 
Use the Glowing Lamp and the Broken Statue will become the Statue of Gold. 
Now go back to Joel.

Stopping the Whirlpools

Exit Joel and call the dolphin. Go left and then up when you reach the edge 
of the map. Soon, you'll see a temple with a Squid in front of it. Defeat the 
Squid and then get off the Dolphin. Walk to the temple and then use the 
Statue of Gold. Now the Angry Sea is calmed and the whirlpools are no more.

The Spell of Barrier

From the temple, go up. Swim to the right of the waterfall and you'll find a
small passageway leading up. There used to be a whirlpool here, but there 
isn't anymore. Continue up and Asina will contact you. She will then teach 
you the spell of Barrier, which will make you invulnerable for a short time.

From there, go east until you reach the mountain wall. Then go northwest and 
you'll find a beach. Get off the dolphin and go north to enter the town of 

Hunting Kensu

First, go to the left. You'll soon come across an unmarked barn. Enter it and 
you'll find Stom. Talk to him and he gives you a message imploring you to 
bring Kensu to Shyron. Now exit the barn and go to the tavern. You'll see 
four soldiers in there. One of them is sitting down. Paralyze that soldier 
and then talk to him. He will reveal himself to be Kensu and then teleport 
out of the tavern. Now exit the tavern and go to the rightmost house. Enter 
it and you'll see a guy standing near the western wall. Paralyze him and then 
talk to him. He'll reveal himself to be Kensu and ask you to retrieve his 
pendant, which is in an underground river.

The Spell of Change

From Swan, go to the Sea and call the dolphin. Now go to the temple and 
continue south. Go around the left side of the island below you. From there, 
go southeast and you'll find a Squid guarding another stretch of the ocean. 
Defeat the Squid and then swim along the path it was guarding. You'll find a 
cave at the end of it. Enter and you'll find that you're in Asina's Cave. 
Swim around in the river until you find the Love Pendant.

Now go back to Swan and give the Love Pendant to Kensu. He will then teach 
you the spell of Change. It will allow you to change your appearance to that 
of Stom, Akahana, a woman, or a Draygonian soldier. However, you may not use 
your sword while changed.

The Meeting Place: Shyron Fort

Exit the house and go to the left. You'll leave the town of Swan and see two 
guards guarding a door. You have two choices. Use Change to become a soldier 
and pass peacefully. Now go through the door and follow the path until you 
reach the grassland. You'll see Goa, a giant castle, to the north, but don't 
bother to go there as all of the entrances are closed. Instead, go left. Be 
aware that the Guards in this area have crossbows. When you reach the 
mountain wall, go south and you'll see an entrance. Use it to enter Mt. 

Walk along the path in Mt. Hydra until you reach a fork going up and left. 
Take the path going left and make an ice bridge out of part of the lava you 
reach. Cross it and then enter the cave. Go through the cave and then go down 
the stairs at the end. At the other side, use Change to turn into Stom and 
talk to the guards at the entrance to Shyron. They'll allow you to pass. By 
the way, all of the entrances to shops in Goa are opened now that you have 
entered Shyron.

The Quest for Greatness

Inside Shyron, you'll find a great deal of powerful items in the shops, such 
as the Sacred Shield and the Magic Ring. You'll also find Stom, Akahana, 
Asina and Tornel in the forefront of the town. Asina tells you to look for 
Zebu in the temple at the back. Do so and Zebu tells you that the most 
powerful sword, the Sword of Thunder, is in the Cave of Styx. He then gives 
you the Key to Stxy (got to love the typos) so you can go get it.

Before you attempt to get the Sword of Thunder, you may want to fight until 
you are at Level 13. It would also help greatly if you buy the Sacred Shield.

Leave Shyron and then go through the cave. Go right after leaving the cave 
and cross the bridge. Make the first turn up and follow the path until you 
reach a cave. Enter and fight the enemies inside. Beware, one of them swings 
a morning star that does a great deal of damage if it hits. When you reach a 
fork, go to the left and then go down the stairs.

Go left and follow the path until you reach a fork. You cannot defeat the Mud 
Monsters until they solidify into a humanoid shape. Take the left fork and 
cross the bridge. Continue going west until you reach some stairs. Walk up 
them and you'll find a gate in front of you. Open the gate using the Key of 
Stxy and enter.

The Cave of Styx

At the beginning of the cave, you'll find that the gargoyle statues are 
firing fireballs across the hallway. Use Barrier to protect yourself as you 
go up the corridor. Once you reach the top, go left and then up the steps. 
You'll find a magician who fires little stars at you. Use the Sword of Water 
to defeat him. Once he's dead, go into the entrance he was guarding and 
you'll be in a new corridor.

Go up the corridor and then go left. Be aware of the fact that the majority 
of the treasure chests in this room are fake, and the one that isn't yields a 
Medical Herb. Therefore, you're better off not trying to open any. Anyway, 
follow the path until you reach a part of the River Styx that is colored red. 
You are able to turn that part to ice. Cross the bridge and then go down. 
Take the first turn right and then continue walking until you reach the 

Now equip the Sword of Fire and fight the Eyeballs and Butterflies. The 
Butterflies emit a paralyzing powder when they die. Take the first turn right 
and follow the hallway until you reach spiked ground. Equip the Rabbit Boots 
and jump your way north. You'll soon see a hallway to the right. Jump off the 
spiked ground and go down the hallway. You'll find a treasure chest at the 
end of it. Open it to find the Sword of Thunder. After receiving the Sword, 
the Wise Men will congratulate you and then teleport you to meet the Grand 
Poobah, Azteca.

The Fall of Shyron

Azteca will tell you about the plight of the people and how Draygon was able 
to amass his power. He also tells you the combined power of you and Mesia 
will be able to stop Draygon. After he and the Wise Men are finished talking, 
leave Shyron and go to Goa. In Goa, go to the northernmost portion of the 
city and you'll find a Guard next to an entrance. Talk to the guard and he'll 
reveal that he's Kensu. Go through the entrance and you'll find more 
fireball-firing statues. Use Barrier and go up. When you go past them all, 
you'll see the Wall of People. At this point, someone will contact you saying 
that Shyron is under attack! 

Go back to Shyron and you'll find that everyone is dead or dying. Talk to 
Akahana and he'll talk about an item he left behind in Goa. Talk to Stom and 
he'll say that the Draygonian Army invaded and warns you about Mado. Equip 
the Sword of Water and the Blizzard Bracelet and enter the temple. Inside, 
Mado waits.

Boss: Mado

Mado is the third of Draygon's "finest four".

Mado has two main attacks. First, he rolls into a ball and bounces around the 
room. This is fairly easy to avoid. Second, he unrolls and fires several 
crosses at you. Not only do these crosses deal a good amount of damage, but 
they're also semi-tracking.

Power up the Sword of Water while he's bouncing around and fire it while he's 
rolling. The nature of the blast makes it less likely to hit him when he's 
standing unless he's near you. Also, pay attention to your health. The 
crosses do a lot of damage and you can be defeated if you aren't aware. 

After you defeat Mado, he retreats. However, he says a few parting words 
first. After Mado leaves, a treasure chest appears. Open it to obtain the 
Ball of Thunder.

Breaking Down the Wall of People

Leave Shyron and go to Goa. Next, go up and enter the hall with the Wall of 
People in it. Use Barrier to avoid the fireballs from the gargoyles. Once you 
reach the Wall of People, you'll find it fires bursts of flame at you. Stand 
next to the wall and power up the Sword of Thunder. Fire it at the Wall of 
People to destroy it.

The Cave of the Finest Four: Part 1

Go in the door opened by destroying the wall. Go up and then right when you 
reach the wall. Go up the first flight of stairs and go up. Make the first 
left you come to and then go down. Go down the second set of stairs you find. 
From there, go up and climb up those stairs. Go left and then up. Follow the 
pathway until you reach a set of stairs going down. Go down them and go 
north. Go left once you reach an intersection and then go up the first set of 
stairs you find. Go up along the pathway and continue until you reach a right 
turn. Take it and then go down. Follow the pathway until you meet General 

Boss: General Kelbesque

General Kelbesque is back and he's meaner than ever. He still walks around 
the room fairly quickly, but now he fires blasts in the vein of whatever 
sword you're using. That means lightning bolts if you're using the Sword of 
Thunder, gusts of wind if you're using the Sword of Wind, etc. 

To defeat him, move around the room so the blasts cannot hit you and charge 
up the Sword of Wind to Level 3. Fire the blast at him when you get a chance 
and repeat. Eventually, you'll destroy him. Once Kelbesque is gone, he'll 
leave behind a treasure chest with an Opel Statue in it. Go up and you'll 
enter a room with Zebu in it. Talk to him and he will restore your health. 
Save your game and then continue up and go up the stairs.

The Cave of the Finest Four: Part 2

From the stairs, continue along the hallway until you reach a river of lava. 
Go up and turn the dark red portion of the river to ice. Cross the bridge and 
go right. Make the first turn down and defeat the morning star wielding 
Knight. Continue along the path and you'll eventually find another patch of 
river that you can freeze. Do so and cross the river. Go right and walk until 
you reach another freezable portion of the river. Turn it into ice and cross 
it. Take the first turn down and follow the hallway until you reach a 
treasure chest. Open it to find a Fruit of Repun. Go back to the main path 
and continue to the right. Freeze portions of the river as necessary and 
cross them. Eventually, you'll reach an iron wall with a Knight in front of 
it. Defeat the Knight and break the wall down using the Sword of Thunder. Go 
up the stairs behind the wall and then go up the corridor on the other side. 
Soon, you'll meet Sabera.

Boss: Sabera

Now you must defeat Sabera for the second time. She attacks the same way she 
did before: by using the orange balls of energy. However, she now has two 
more attacks. First, she has a shield that will push you away if you get too 
close to her. This could throw off your Level 3 blast. Second, she fires 
little nets which will take away your MP if they hit you.

Attack her using the Sword of Fire and she'll die in no time. After she 
disappears, a treasure chest will appear. Inside is a Fruit of Repun.

Go up and you'll find Tormel. He'll restore your health and ask you to avenge 
Stom. Then go up and then go up the stairs.

The Cave of the Finest Four: Part 3

From the stairs go up and then left once you hit a wall. You'll soon come to 
spiked ground. Use the Rabbit Boots to jump up the ground and proceed north 
until you reach solid ground. Continue along the path and go up the stairs.

On the other side of the stairs, defeat the Spider in front of you and 
proceed until you reach a large gap. Ride the block across the gap and go 
down. Ride the block across the next gap and continue doing this until you 
are able to make a left turn. Do so and defeat the Spiders in your way. 
You'll come to an iron wall. Use the Sword of Thunder to knock it down and 
then open the treasure chest behind it to receive a Magic Ring. 

Go back to the main path and go down. You'll come to some stairs. Go down 
them. Now go to the right and jump across the spiked ground. Continue right 
and jump north along the second stretch of spiked ground. Once you reach 
solid ground, continue walking and you'll reach stairs. Go up them. On the 
other side of the stairs, follow the path and ride the blocks across the gaps 
until you reach Mado.

Boss: Mado

Mado fights incredibly similar to the way he fought in Shyron. However, he is 
much, much faster now. The rolling attack takes precedence over the crosses 
now and he zips across the screen. Try to avoid him as each hit takes about a 
fourth of your health away. 

To defeat him, hit him with Level 3 blasts from the Sword of Water. You will 
most likely need to use Refresh and replenish your MP with a Magic Ring if 
necessary. Gut it out and eventually Mado will die. When he dies, he'll leave 
behind a treasure chest with a Sacred Shield in it.

Now go up and you'll find Asina. Talk to her and she'll restore your health 
and tell you about the final fighter of the Finest Four, Karmine. After she 
teleports away, continue up and climb up the stairs.

The Cave of the Finest Four: Part 4

From the stairs, go forward until you reach a fork. Go right and proceed 
until you reach the stairs. Go up them and defeat the Spiders and hit the 
Skeletons. You cannot defeat the Skeletons, so just go by them while they are 
stunned. When you reach a fork going up and down, take the upward fork. Cross 
the bridges and go down the stairs at the top. Go right and then go up the 
stairs at the end of the hallway. Go left and jump across the spiked ground. 
Be aware that all of the treasure chests in this room except for two are 
fakes. The ones in the lower portion of the left and center spiked ground 
patches contain Warp Boots and a Magic Ring, respectively. Go to the center 
of the room and then jump left. When you reach the westernmost portion of the 
room, go up the stairs. 

From the stairs, follow the path and make the turn going up. You'll find a 
slime. Talk to it and it'll tell you that it's Kensu. He'll tell you that he 
needs the Ivory Statue to be whole again. From there, go down and then right. 
Fall in one of the gaps and go to the leftmost patch of spiked ground. Jump 
up and you'll find some stairs. Go up them. Use Barrier to get by the 
gargoyles and then go up the stairs to face Karmine.

Boss: Karmine

Karmine is the final member of Draygon's "finest four". He also the strongest 
of them.

Karmine will move around the room creating red fireballs. The fireballs 
bounce off the walls and will do a lot of damage if they hit. Secondly, and 
more importantly, he creates a blue ring of fireballs. If it hits you, you'll 
be turned into a Sludge (just like Kensu) for the rest of the battle or until 
you use a Fruit of Repun. If you're a Sludge, you can't attack or use magic.

To defeat Karmine, power up the Sword of Thunder and fire at Karmine whenever 
you have a shot. Try to avoid the red fireballs, but have Refresh equipped 
just in case. Avoid the blue fireballs at all costs, as it's essentially game 
over if one of them hits you. After many hits, Karmine will die. Once he's 
dead, a treasure chest will appear. Open it to find the Ivory Statue.

Before you go to Kensu, go up. You'll find another treasure chest. Open it to 
receive the Storm Bracelet. Now go to Kensu and give him the Ivory Statue. 
He'll turn to normal and restore your health. He will then teach you the 
spell of Flight.

Leaving the Cave of the Finest Four

After Kensu teleports away, go up. Follow the path until you reach some 
stairs. Go down them. Continue going down stairs until you reach a cavern. Go 
forward until you reach a purple river. Use the Rabbit Boots to cross it. 
When you reach the other side, go left and open the treasure chest to receive 
a Fruit of Power. Go to the wall and then point yourself at the river. Use 
Flight to jump across the water. Then go right and down. When you reach a 
right turn take it and go down the stairs. 

The Oasis Cave

From the stairs, go right until you reach the river. From there, go up and 
turn the rippled water you'll find into ice. Cross the bridge and walk down. 
Make the right turn you'll come to and continue down. Turn the next set of 
rippled water you'll find into ice and cross it. Go down and turn the rippled 
water you'll find into ice and cross that bridge. Go left until you find more 
rippled water. You should know what to do by now. Cross the bridge and go 
right. When you find more rippled water, turn it to ice and go up. Turn the  
next patch of rippled water to ice, cross it and continue up. Pass the first 
patch of rippled water and continue forward until you reach a turn going up. 
The river should be in front of you. Use Flight to jump across the river and 
open the treasure chest. You'll find the Battle Armor. Now go back to the 
main path and continue. Now when you reach the _second_ patch of rippled 
water, turn it to ice and cross it. Now make the first left turn and follow 
the path until you reach a treasure chest with the Leather Boots in it. Now 
with the Leather Boots equipped, you are able to walk through poisonous 
ground without being damaged. 

Go down until you reach an ice bridge. Cross it and go down. Make a right 
turn and then use Flight to go up. When you reach a corner, use Flight to 
jump across the river. Now go right and use the Sword of Water to turn the 
rippled water into ice. Cross the ice bridge and go down. When you get to 
more rippled water and turn it to ice. Cross the river and go down. Soon, 
you'll reach a turn going up. Take it and you'll find some stairs. Go up them 
and you'll find yourself in a corridor. Go up and you'll find another Wall of 
People. Use the Sword of Thunder to destroy it and then walk north. You'll 
see a treasure chest. Open it to find the Power Ring.

Now retrace your steps and exit the first cave and then the second cave so 
that you are in the middle of the desert.

The Warrior Ring

After escaping the cave, you should be in the desert. Put on the Leather 
Boots and go straight up. You should find an entrance after a while. Go 
through it and you'll find yourself outside Goa. You may want to fight until 
you're at Level 16. After that, enter Goa and heal if you need to. 

Look in the town for an unmarked building. Use Change to turn into Akahana 
and then enter the house. Talk to the man inside and he'll give you the 
Warrior Ring. The Warrior Ring allows you to fire Level 1 blasts without 
charging your sword.

Getting the Two Bows of the Heavens

From Goa, go to Mt. Hydra. When you reach a fork going up and left, take the 
one going up. Follow the path until you reach a cave. Enter it and go up. 
Defeat the Knights in your way and make a left once you reach the wall. Exit 
the cave and go right. Continue walking until you reach a fork going left and 
right. Take the right fork and go in the cave there. In the cave, walk 
forward until you reach the wall. Go left and go up the stairs. In the next 
room, go forward until you reach a wall. Go right and then go up the stairs. 
Now continue walking and knock down the rock wall you'll find. Go up the 
stairs behind it. Now follow the path until you reach a rock wall. Knock it 
down and enter the entrance behind it. Avoid all the poisonous creatures in 
the room, including the fake treasure chest and walk until you exit the cave. 
From there, go left and you'll see a ledge past a gap with a treasure chest 
on it. Use Flight to reach the chest and open it to find the Bow of Sun.

Next, teleport to Amazones. Use Change to turn into a woman. Enter Aryllis's 
house and give her the Kirisa Plant. As a reward, she'll give you the Bow of 

The Psycho Shield

Teleport to Shyron. Exit the town and go to the Cave of Styx. Once inside, 
use Barrier to go through the gargoyles and make a right once you reach the 
end of the corridor. Go up the stairs and defeat the Magician. Enter the door 
that the Magician was blocking. Go up and then use Flight to go across the 
river. Go right and continue until you see a treasure chest to your left. 
Open it to find the Psycho Shield. Now exit the Cave of Styx.

The Town of Sahara

Teleport to Goa. Exit the town and then go into the desert. From the entrance 
to the desert, go straight down. Defeat the Mud Monsters and Vultures that 
circle around you until you reach a cave with two whirlpools in front of it. 
Use Flight to get over the Whirlpools and enter the cave. In the cave, defeat 
the Scorpions and reach the stairs on the end. Go up them and you'll find 
yourself in a field with rabbits. Talk to them and eventually you'll find one 
named Deo. Use Change to turn yourself to Stom and talk to Deo. He'll give 
you his pendant (Deo's Pendant) so that you can avenge Stom's death. Now go 
down and you'll be in the town of Sahara.

Stay at the inn and buy supplies if you need them. Now go to the unmarked 
building and enter it. Talk to the elder and he'll tell you about your 
destiny. Exit the house and then go right. You'll leave Sahara and come upon 
a cave. Enter it. Go through the cave, defeat the Scorpions and go up the 
stairs at the end. Once you leave the cave, you'll see a giant pyramid next 
to you. Find the entrance, which is blocked by whirlpools, and use Flight to 
enter it.

The Great Pyramid

If you need to, use Refresh to restore all of your HP and then use Deo's 
Pendant until your MP is maxed out. Once everything is at its maximum, go up. 
In the next room, defeat the Purple Scorpions, which are now poisonous and go 
left once you reach the wall. Go up the stairs. Go forward until you reach an 
intersection. Use the Sword of Water to defeat the enemies in these rooms. Go 
right and then up once you reach the next intersection. Go up until you reach 
the stairs. Then go up and then right. When you reach the next intersection, 
go down and go down the stairs. Continue walking down and you'll find a 
treasure chest. Open it to find a Magic Ring.

From there, continue walking down until you reach the wall. Go left and then 
make go down the first chance you get. Continue walking until you reach the 
stairs. Take them down and continue down. Walk south and make the third right 
turn. Soon, you'll see stairs in the wall. Go up them and you'll be in a room 
lined with vases. Use Refresh to restore your HP and Deo's Pendant to restore 
your MP. Once everything is maxed out, go north to face Emperor Draygon.

Boss: Emperor Draygon

Finally, you are facing off against Draygon. He is incredibly fast and zooms 
around the room. When he stops, he generally brings his arms out and casts 
lightning upon the room. 

To defeat him, make sure you avoid him as he passes by you. Also, try to 
stand above him so the lightning doesn't hurt you. Now use the Sword of 
Thunder, power up to Level 3, and then fire. You will need Refresh for this 
battle. If you have no Magic Rings or Fruits of Power, use Level 2 attacks 
and save your MP for Refresh. After many hits, Draygon will be defeated.

Once Draygon is gone, a treasure chest will appear. Open it to receive the 
Psycho Armor. The floor will then open up under you. After you land from the 
fall, you'll find Azteca in front of you. Talk to him and he'll give you the 
Bow of Truth. Now exit the Pyramid.

The Pyramid Basement

You may want to heal in Sahara and buy a few Fruit of Repuns before 
proceeding. Now go around the pyramid and go north. Soon, you'll see some 
stairs going into the desert. Go around the stairs and you'll find two 
whirlpools at the top. Use Flight to jump over them and go down the stairs.

From the start, go down and follow the path until you find two statues with a 
sun and moon above them. They will awaken from their endless sleep and then 
shoot fireballs at you. Use both the Bow of Sun and the Bow of Moon to 
destroy them. Once the Statues of Sun and Moon are destroyed, a staircase 
will appear. Go up the stairs and you'll find Shivas. Shivas have the ability 
to turn you into a Sludge, which as you learned against Karmine, is bad. Go 
straight and then right. Continue walking until you reach some stairs. Go up 
them and avoid the Shiva that is there. Continue up and you'll enter a new 

Now go straight up until you reach some stairs. Go up them and then go up and 
then make a left turn. Continue along the path until you reach a gap. Use 
Flight to fly across both gaps and then drop onto the stairs. In the next 
room, equip the Bow of Truth and go up. You'll confront Draygon yet again and 
he'll attack you for destroying his kingdom. Fire the Bow of Truth and 
Draygon's true form will be revealed. Now you face Shin Draygon.

Boss: Shin Draygon

Yes, it's Shin Draygon, the last true boss of the game! He has five attacks. 
First, he fires orange balls of energy from his hands. These attacks bounce 
off the walls. Next, he fires lasers from his eyes. He also charges forward. 
Once he charges forward, he will usually fire a orange circle of flames. As 
all the other similar-looking attacks have done, this will turn you into a 
Sludge. He will also fire fireballs from his mouth. 

To defeat him, make sure you have the Sword of Thunder, Storm Bracelet and 
Power Ring equipped. The Psycho Armor and Psycho Shield are also helpful. If 
you are hit, try to stand still instead of moving around if you can as the 
Psycho Armor will slowly restore your hit points. Keep your sword charged at 
all times, but your attack will only hurt Draygon when he's firing lasers and 
the jewel on his chest is exposed. Only Level 3 attacks will harm Draygon. 
Also, be aware that if you touch Draygon's wings, you won't be hurt, but 
you'll be bounced downward. After three Level 3 attacks, Draygon will die.

The Tower in the Sky

Once Draygon is dead once and for all, the four wise men and Azteca will 
appear. Azteca will blame himself for the evil Draygon represented and then 
die. Mesia will then call for you. You'll automatically go up and be 
transported to the Tower in the sky.

From the teleporter, go down and enter the next room. Equip the Warrior Ring 
and defeat enemies until the screen flashes. When it does, find the staircase 
going up and use it. Continue doing this until you reach the fourth floor. 
Search on the floor and you'll find a door. Enter it and you'll be confronted 
by Mesia. She'll tell you to unsheath your swords. Do so and the four swords 
will combine into one, Crystalis.

The Final Battle

Exit the room and go right. Go up the stairs and then enter the room at the 
top. There, you will face DYNA, the central computer.

DYNA has three attacks. First, DYNA opens it's eye and fires some purple 
beams at you. It also fires a string of white blasts at you from the right 
side as well as some purple curved energy blasts from the left side.

To defeat him, charge Crystalis up and fire it at DYNA's eye when it's open. 
After five or six hits, DYNA will be defeated. Now sit back and enjoy the 

10. Shop Lists


Tool Shop:

    Item                    Dollars
Warp Boots                    100
Lysis Plant                   150
Fruit of Power                150

Armor Shop:

   Armor                    Dollars
Platinum Armor               1800
Platinum Shield              1300
Mirrored Shield              2000
Sacred Shield                9000

Inn: 80 dollars



Tool Shop:

    Item                    Dollars
Medical Herb                   35
Antidote                       45
Warp Boots                     65

Armor Shop:

   Armor                    Dollars
Leather Armor                 140
Carapace Shield                70
Bronze Shield                 220

Inn: 20 dollars



Tool Shop:

    Item                    Dollars
Medical Herb                  500
Antidote                      600
Lysis Plant                   700
Warp Boots                    800

Inn: 300 dollars



Tool Shop:

    Item                    Dollars
Medical Herb                  120
Antidote                      150
Fruit of Power                180
Alarm Flute                   300

Inn: 120 dollars



Tool Shop:

    Item                    Dollars
Medical Herb                   30
Antidote                       40
Warp Boots                     60
Alarm Flute                    50

Armor Shop:

   Armor                    Dollars
Tanned Hide                   100
Carapace Shield                80

Inn: 16 dollars



Tool Shop:

    Item                    Dollars
Medical Herb                   60
Antidote                       70
Fruit of Power                100
Warp Boots                     80

Inn: 50 dollars



Tool Shop:

    Item                    Dollars
Medical Herb                   50
Antidote                       60
Fruit of Power                 80

Inn: 40 dollars



Tool Shop:

    Item                    Dollars
Medical Herb                   90
Warp Boots                    120
Lysis Plant                   200
Fruit of Lime                 180

Armor Shop:

   Armor                    Dollars
Bronze Armor                  600
Platinum Armor               2000
Platinum Shield              1500

Inn: 100 dollars



Tool Shop:

    Item                    Dollars
Antidote                     1000
Magic Ring                   4000
Fruit of Repun               3000
Warp Boots                   1500

Inn: 500 dollars



Tool Shop:

    Item                    Dollars
Medical Herb                  180
Antidote                      200
Fruit of Lime                 300
Magic Ring                    800

Armor Shop:

   Armor                    Dollars
Ceramic Suit                 5500
Sacred Shield                6000
Battle Shield                5000 

Inn: 150 dollars



Tool Shop:

    Item                    Dollars
Medical Herb                  180
Antidote                      200
Warp Boots                    300
Fruit of Power                350

Armor Shop:

   Armor                    Dollars
Soldier Suit                 3000
Ceramic Suit                 6500
Ceramic Shield               2500
Battle Shield                6000

Inn: 150 dollars

11. Level Requirements

This details the amount of experience necessary to reach a certain level.
Keep in mind that your experience returns to 0 when you reach a new level.

Level                       Experience
  1                               0
  2                              30
  3                              60
  4                             150
  5                             300
  6                             700
  7                            1200
  8                            1700
  9                            3500
 10                            5800
 11                            8000
 12                           10000
 13                           20000
 14                           30000
 15                           40000
 16                           50000

12. Game Genie Codes

VVOGUOSE - Start with some gold	
NYVSPZGV - First pupil gives you more gold
SXNOVXSE - Magic doesn't use up M.P.
AASVVNYA - Immune to poison
AEKTSNYA - Immune to paralysis
TEOTVYGA - Stronger poison
ZEOTVYGA - Weaker poison
SZUOIVSE + SZKPLVSE - Don't get charged for boarding at Inn
SXVPUOSE + SXVOOOSE - Don't get charged for items in shops

13. Tricks

Wild Warp: Hold A and B on Controller 1 and then press B on Controller 2. 
This will teleport you to various places around the map. Be aware that 
warping to the Poisonous Forest before you have the Gas Mask will effectively 
kill you. Also, if you warp out of the Tower in the Sky, you're screwed.

14. Contact Information

Feel free to e-mail me at masvega@hotmail.com if you have any questions or 
comments. But DO NOT ask me when I am going to update. I've answered when 
I'll update below.


15. Disclaimer

This guide is copyright 2000 Masvega.

This is an unofficial guide. If you wish to distribute this, feel free 
to do so as long as it remains unaltered, you give me full credit and 
you notify me.

16. Credits

I'd like to thank:
-SNK for creating this game.
-Shahzad for helping me with a part of the game.
-Robin for helping me out with a few things.

Tips and codes - Game Endings - Java Games - Reviews - Fun Stuff