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Super Mario Brothers Deluxe FAQ
v1.2 by Slice (slice83@monmouth.com)
Last Revision: 6/1/99

The latest version of this FAQ can be found at http://www.gamefaqs.com

Revision History
      * Added how to get the last award
      * Added a few notes by the last 2 unknown pictures
      * Fixed yet more formatting errors
      * Have any ideas for this FAQ?  E-mail me! (slice83@monmouth.com)

      * Fixed a few errors
      * Added how to get another one of the photos
      * Fixed a few formatting problems.

      * First Version of FAQ
      * That's about it.

Table of Contents
      1 - Classic 1985 Mode
            1.1 - About
            1.2 - Basic Hints and Advice
      2 - Challenge Mode
            2.1 - About
            2.2 - Basic Hints and Advice
      3 - Super Mario Brothers: For Super Players (aka the Lost Levels)
            3.1 - About
            3.2 - Accessing This Mode
            3.3 - Basic Hints and Advice
      4 - You vs. Boo Mode
            4.1 - About
            4.2 - Accessing This Mode
            4.3 - Basic Hints and Advice
      5 - Records
            5.1 - About
      6 - Album
            6.1 - Page 1 of the Album
            6.2 - Page 2 of the Album
            6.3 - Page 3 of the Album
            6.4 - Page 4 of the Album
            6.5 - Page 5 of the Album
      7 - Toy Box
            7.1 - Calendar
            7.2 - Fortune Telling
            7.3 - Print Shop (aka the Question Mark in the Lower Left)
            7.4 - Yoshi Egg
      8 - Miscellaneous
            8.1 - Contributing
            8.2 - Legal Garbage
            8.3 - Credits

1 - Classic 1985 Mode

1.1 - About
Classic 1985 Mode is nearly identical to the classic Super Mario 
Brothers of  yore for the Nintendo Entertainment System.  There are a 
few changes however. Notably:

      * No 2 Player Mode

      * Looking Around is More Crucial Because the Screen is Not as

      * A "Level Map"

      * Ability to Switch Between Mario and Luigi Between Levels by
        Pressing "Select"

1.2 - Basic Hints and Advice
      * Look around often by standing still and pressing the Digital 
      Pad either up or down.

      * Remember - Unlike Super Mario Brothers 3, when you get hit and
        you're Fire Mario, You revert back to Small Mario - *NOT* Super 

      * Racing through boards is not necessary (with the exception of 
        8-1). Do not be afraid to take your time and move slowly and 
        carefully through boards.

2 - Challenge Mode

2.1 - About
Challenge Mode is a varient of Classic 1985 Mode.  The game is pretty 
much the same with the exception that there are five red coins and a 
Yoshi egg hidden in every level.  In order to play a board in Challenge 
Mode, you must have beaten it in Classic 1985 Mode.  The object is to 
get all five red coins, beat a target score, and get a Yoshi egg in 
every level.  

There is a bar at the bottom of the screen that fills up with your 
score. I have yet to completely fill the bar yet, however.  You 
apparantly need to do more then beat the target scores of each level, 
for I have done so and nothing has happened.

2.2 - Basic Hints and Advice
        * Racing through levels is important here.  Time can have an 
          important effect on your score.  Remember - every second left
          on the ticker is an extra 50 points added to your score!

        * Don't do all the objectives in one shot.  Do the red coins         
          first, then search for the Yoshi egg, then try to beat the         
          target score.

        * Red coins ARE hidden in "secret areas" down warp pipes.

        * Red coins are *NOT* hidden up in bonus areas in the clouds.

        * By clearing out a bonus area in the clouds (getting EVERY         
          coin), you get a bonus of 10,000 points.

        * Getting the majority of the coins in a multi coin brick may         
          yield a red coin.

        * Most of the time, you're going to have to uncover a hidden         
          coin block as a stepping stool to find the Yoshi egg.  This
          happens a few times with red coins, but it is not common.

        * The Yoshi egg is a vital part of beating the target score.           
          Unless it is totally out of your way, be sure to pick it up as
          it yields and additional 2,000 points.

        * Fireworks help your score a great deal.  To get fireworks,         
          your time when you beat the level must end in a 1, 3, or 6.
          You'll then get that many fireworks.  Each firework is worth
          an additional 500 points.

3 - Super Mario Brothers: For Super Players (aka the Lost Levels)

3.1 - About
This mode is identical to the Lost Levels game which was released in 
Japan as Super Mario Brothers 2 and here in the United States as a part
of Super Mario All Stars.  There is a difference between this mode and
the Lost Levels in Super Mario All Stars.  In this mode, there are no
worlds A, B, C, or D.  Those levels were essentially an extra sixteen
boards (I guess they were only in Super Mario All Stars).  
Additionally, Mario does not have better stopping ability then Luigi, 
and Luigi does not jump higher (I'm assuming this was only in the Super
Mario All Stars version as well).

3.2 - Accessing This Mode
To access the Super Mario Brothers: For Super Players mode, beat the
Classic 1985 Mode (the first or second quest) with 300,000 points or
more as your score.  Then select the Luigi Head on the game select 

3.3 - Basic Hints and Advice
      * This mode is A LOT more advanced than Classic 1985 mode.  Be 
        prepared for a lot of seemingly impossible jumps.

      * Some boards appear to loop indefinitely.  These boards require
        you to go down a warp zone or find a vine before you can 

      * Save often - you'll want to.

      * Learn to time your jumping off flying koopas.  This is a vital
        skill in this mode.

4 - You vs. Boo Mode

4.1 - About
This mode is made up of the same eight boards as the two player mode.
The difference is that this mode is for one player.  Boo starts out 
really slow, and chances are you will beat him the first time through.
When you beat him, he gets faster.  Boo changes colors.  He goes through
the  following stages as shown below:

White Boo ---> Green/Blue Boo ---> Red/Pink Boo ---> Black Boo

There appears to be no reward of getting all black boos in every level, 

4.2 - Accessing This Mode
To access this mode, beat Classic 1985 Mode (the first or second quest) 
with 100,000 points or more.  Then select the Boo Picture on the game select 

4.3 - Basic Hints and Advice
      * Learn to pin down the 'B' Button.  It helps immensely.

      * Look for the shortest way through a level the first time
        through.  After plotting out your course, run through it really

      * Instead of hitting a switch and going through the blocks, try
        jumping over them.

      * If you mess up, hit 'Start' and choose Retry.  You're probably
        going to need a near perfect race to get the Black Boo.

      * You can decide which Mario (or Luigi) you'd like to start out
        with on the Level Select screen.  Just press 'Select' and
        Mario/Luigi will change forms from Small Mario/Luigi, Super
        Mario/Luigi, or Fire Mario/Luigi.

5 - Records

5.1 - About
Pretty self explanatory here.  You can find your high score for 1985
Classic Mode here and your current Challenge status.  You can toggle
between the two displays by pressing either right or left on the 
digital pad.

6 - Album

6.1 - Page 1 of the Album
      * Upper Left - Toad Award - Fill the Score Bar at the bottom of
        the Challenge Mode level select screen
      * Lower Left - Bowser Award - Beat the Second Quest of Classic 
        1985 Mode
      * Center - Mario Award - Beat the First Quest of Classic 1985 
      * Upper Right - Peach Award - Meet All the Red Coin, Yoshi Egg, 
        and Point Requirements in Challenge Mode
      * Lower Right - Yoshi Award - Beat Super Mario Brothers: For 
        Super Players Mode (The Lost Levels)

6.2 - Page 2 of the Album
      * Upper Left - Get Fireworks On Any Level (See Section 2.2)
      * Middle Left - Play Versus Mode With a Friend
      * Lower Left - ??? (THIS IS NOT GET ALL THE RED COIN MEDALS!
        A few FAQs seem to think it is for some reason.)
      * Upper Middle - Get a 1-Up Mushroom
      * Center - Rescue Peach
      * Lower Middle - Beat all the Challenge Scores
      * Upper Right - Find a Vine in the Game
      * Middle Right - Trade Scores With a Friend (Infrared Link)
      * Lower Right - ??? (THIS IS NOT GET ALL Yoshi Eggs! A few 
         FAQs seem to think it is for some reason.)

6.3 - Page 3 of the Album
      * Upper Left - Kill a Goomba
      * Middle Left - Kill a Cheep-Cheep
      * Lower Left - Kill a Koopa Troopa
      * Upper Middle - Kill a Blooper
      * Center - Kill a Hammer Bro.
      * Lower Middle - Kill a Spiny
      * Upper Right - Kill a Lakitu
      * Middle Right - Kill a Bullet Bill
      * Lower Right - Kill a Buzzy Beetle

6.4 - Page 4 of the Album
      * Upper Left - Kill Bowser on Level 1-4 With Fireballs
      * Lower Left - Kill Boswer on Level 2-4 With Fireballs
      * Upper Right - Kill Bowser on Level 3-4 With Fireballs
      * Lower Right - Kill Bowser on Level 4-4 With Fireballs

6.5 - Page 5 of the Album
      * Upper Left - Kill Bowser on Level 5-4 With Fireballs
      * Lower Left - Kill Bowser on Level 6-4 With Fireballs
      * Upper Right - Kill Bowser on Level 7-4 With Fireballs
      * Lower Right - Kill Bowser on Level 8-4 With Fireballs

7 - Toy Box

7.1 - Calendar
This is pretty self explanatory.  You can have the game remind you 
dates and such.  The calendar goes up to year 2999.  Quite impressive.

7.2 - Fortune Telling
This is a pretty basic feature.  You pick one of five cards and you get 
a  fortune and a quote.  The cards are:

      * Extremely Lucky - Peach Head - Makes You Start the Game With 10 
        Lives Instead of 5
      * Very Lucky - Mario Head
      * Lucky - Luigi Head
      * Unlucky - Turtle Shell
      * Extremely Unlucky - Bowser Head

7.3 - Print Shop (aka the Question Mark in the Lower Left)
This is a nice feature... if you have the Game Boy Printer.  Otherwise 
it's really only good for show.  Each x-4 level you beat in Classic 1985 
mode (where 'x' is any number 1-8), you'll get a new feature.  The 
features are as follows:

      * Level 1-4 - Makes Banners You Can Print
      * Level 2-4 - You Can Print Some Animation Frames From the Game
      * Level 3-4 - You Can Print Out Pictures With Custom Messages In 
      * Level 4-4 - Has Yet More Banners For You To Print
      * Level 5-4 - Has Pictures For You To Print (No Custom Text)
      * Level 6-4 - Has Banners With a Feature Where You Can Make Your 
        Own Music to Play Along With It
      * Level 7-4 - More Frames of Animation For You To Print
      * Level 8-4 - You Can Change the Startup Screen (before the Title
        Screen) and Change the Music That Plays As Well

7.4 - Yoshi Egg
To activate this just find any Yoshi egg in Challenge Mode.  This 
randomly  cycles through all 32 boards really fast.  You press 'A' and 
it stops.  It then shows you the approximate location of the Yoshi egg 
in that level. Pretty self explanatory.

8 - Miscellaneous

8.1 - Contributing
To contribute to this FAQ, just e-mail slice83@monmouth.com with any
additional information or tips you may have concerning this game.  If 
you want credit, then be sure to include a name/alias (required), your 
e-mail address (optional), and web page URL (optional).

8.2 - Legal Garbage
This FAQ is Copyright c 1999 Kevin Kazimir.  All Rights Reserved.  Do 
*NOT* mass distribute this FAQ commercially without my express written 
consent.  You are free to post this FAQ on your web page as long as you 
give due credit (and a link to http://www.wrestlex.com would be nice).

8.3 - Credits
Slice - Hey I wrote the FAQ

Tips and codes - Game Endings - Java Games - Reviews - Fun Stuff