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Ever wanted to give your Pokemon phenomenal powers and progress like a 
professional? Now you can, simply by following the instructions in this Guide 
and downloading a program called "Hex Workshop" from http://www.bpsoft.com!
Ever since I released my famous save state hacking guide for
"Neill Corlett's Seiken Densetsu 3," my mailbox has been flooded
with letters from fans as well as people who needed my assistance.
So, naturally, I thought I'd kick it up a notch and create a save
state hacking guide for the most popular video game in history.

				I hope you enjoy it! ~RaGNaRoSeN
Pokemon Save State Hacking Guide
For Red/Blue USA Versions Only
Works with SNA files from the GB emulator "NO$GMB"
Written and Researched by Ragnarosen (ragnarosen@aol.com)
"The World's First Pokemon Hacker"
Pokemon & Pocket Monsters are trademarks of Nintendo.
Copyright 1995, 1996, 1998 by Creatures, Game Freak, & Nintendo.
Pikachu and all other character names are trademarks of Nintendo.
This means that you can never use the word "farfetched" without
	fear of getting sued.

To alter the statistics of your characters through hacking into 
	your save state (or *.SNA file), you'll need to go to Break 
	Point Software (http://www.bpsoft.com) and download a program 
	called "Hex Workshop." Once you're finished downloading and 
	the program is finished running SETUP.EXE automatically, open 
	Hex Workshop and use it to open any save files you may have. 

By Jason Timmons (jtimmons@purdue.edu)

Hex seems complicated at first, but is quite
simple after a while. The list of numbers on the
left is the address. Ignore the gibberish on the
far right.  The key number in hex is 16. It uses
the numbers 0-9 and the letters A-F.
0-9 have their normal values and A-F has the
values of 10-15. To read a hex value, each
column has a value. Example:

Normal number:  99 => 9 is the tens column, and 9 is the ones column
Hex number: 63 => 6 is the 16s column, 3 is the ones column

Both of these numbers are 99. In hex the second column is worth
16 each. so you multiply 6 * 16 to get 96, then you add 3 * 1 to
get 99. Now the letters.

Normal number: 243 => 2 is the hundreds column, 4 is the tens column, and 3 is the ones column
Hex number: F3 => F is the 16s column, 3 is the ones column

Both of these are 243. F is equal 15 so you multiply 15 * 16 to get 240,
then you add 3 * 1 to get 243.
Each column is a multiple of 16. The next column after the 16s column
is 256, which is 16*16. The column after that is 4096, which is 256 * 16.
Each column after that is the next multiple of 16. This is how you do
very large numbers. Here's an example.

Normal number: 10,456 => 1 is the ten-thousands column, 0 is the thousands column,
			4 is the hundreds column, 5 is the tens column, and 6 is the ones
Hex number: 28D8 => 2 is the 4096s column, 8 is the 256s column, D is the 16s column,
			and 8 is the ones

Again, both equal 10,456. Take 2 * 4096 to get 8192, add 8 * 256 to get 10,240, add
			D(13) * 16 to get 10,448, then add 8 * 1 to get 10,456.

This is a basic guide for hex. It doesn't really get much more complicated that that.
With most hex editors, when you open a save state,  you will have the addresses on
the left, junk on the right, and the hex codes in the middle. A set of two number/letter
sets is considered a unit. There are 16 units on 1 line. If the address on the right says
00002700, then the line addresses go like this:

Line Address	0001   0203   0405   0607   0809   0A0B   0C0D    0E0F    Junk
00002700	6363   6363   FFFF   FFFF   FFFF   FFFF   FFFF    FFFF    cccc............

So if the guide says that address 2704 is for the first characters strength, then he has 255
strength. [FF = (15*16) + (15 * 1) = 255] FF is at the address 2704, so in normal numbers,
that equals 255.

All this will take a little practice to get used to, but it gets easier as you go.
Also, some codes are flipped. Like if you wanted that value of 99,999 somewhere,
which is 1869F in hex, it takes three units. Something like gold, which takes three
units, is reversed. So it would say 27BE, then 27BD, then 27BC. So you would put the 
first unit: 01 in 27BE, then the second unit: 86 in 27BD, then the third unit: 9F in
*** 1st Pokemon ***
Species: 3DC8
Current HP: 3DC9, 3DCA
1st Ability: 3DD0
2nd Ability: 3DD1
3rd Ability: 3DD2
4th Ability: 3DD3
Trainer ID: 3DD4, 3DD5
Experience: 3DD6, 3DD7, 3DD8
Pts. for 1st Ability: 3DE5
Pts. for 2nd Ability: 3DE6
Pts. for 3rd Ability: 3DE7
Pts. for 4th Ability: 3DE8
Level: 3DE9
Maximum HP: 3DEA, 3DEB
Attack: 3DEC, 3DED
Defense: 3DEE, 3DEF
Speed: 3DF0, 3DF1
Special: 3DF2, 3DF3
*** 2nd Pokemon ***
Species: 3DF4
Current HP: 3DF5, 3DF6
1st Ability: 3DFC
2nd Ability: 3DFD
3rd Ability: 3DFE
4th Ability: 3DFF
Trainer ID: 3E00, 3E01
Experience: 3E02, 3E03, 3E04
Pts. for 1st Ability: 3E11
Pts. for 2nd Ability: 3E12
Pts. for 3rd Ability: 3E13
Pts. for 4th Ability: 3E14
Level: 3E15
Maximum HP: 3E16, 3E17
Attack: 3E18, 3E19
Defense: 3E1A, 3E1B
Speed: 3E1C, 3E1D
Special: 3E1E, 3E1F
*** 3rd Pokemon ***
Species: 3E20
Current HP: 3E21, 3E22
1st Ability: 3E28
2nd Ability: 3E29
3rd Ability: 3E2A
4th Ability: 3E2B
Trainer ID: 3E2C, 3E2D
Experience: 3E2E, 3E2F, 3E30
Pts. for 1st Ability: 3E3D
Pts. for 2nd Ability: 3E3E
Pts. for 3rd Ability: 3E3F
Pts. for 4th Ability: 3E40
Level: 3E41
Maximum HP: 3E42, 3E43
Attack: 3E44, 3E45
Defense: 3E46, 3E47
Speed: 3E48, 3E49
Special: 3E4A, 3E4B
*** 4th Pokemon ***
Species: 3E4C
Current HP: 3E4D, 3E4E
1st Ability: 3E54
2nd Ability: 3E55
3rd Ability: 3E56
4th Ability: 3E57
Trainer ID: 3E58, 3E59
Experience: 3E5A, 3E5B, 3E5C
Pts. for 1st Ability: 3E69
Pts. for 2nd Ability: 3E6A
Pts. for 3rd Ability: 3E6B
Pts. for 4th Ability: 3E6C
Level: 3E6D
Maximum HP: 3E6E, 3E6F
Attack: 3E70, 3E71
Defense: 3E72, 3E73
Speed: 3E74, 3E75
Special: 3E76, 3E77
*** 5th Pokemon ***
Species: 3E78
Current HP: 3E79, 3E7A
1st Ability: 3E80
2nd Ability: 3E81
3rd Ability: 3E82
4th Ability: 3E83
Trainer ID: 3E84, 3E85
Experience: 3E86, 3E87, 3E88
Pts. for 1st Ability: 3E95
Pts. for 2nd Ability: 3E96
Pts. for 3rd Ability: 3E97
Pts. for 4th Ability: 3E98
Level: 3E99
Maximum HP: 3E9A, 3E9B
Attack: 3E9C, 3E9D
Defense: 3E9E, 3E9F
Speed: 3EA0, 3EA1
Special: 3EA2, 3EA3
*** 6th Pokemon ***
Species: 3EA4
Current HP: 3EA5, 3EA6
1st Ability: 3EAC
2nd Ability: 3EAD
3rd Ability: 3EAE
4th Ability: 3EAF
Trainer ID: 3EB0, 3EB1
Experience: 3EB2, 3EB3, 3EB4
Pts. for 1st Ability: 3EC1
Pts. for 2nd Ability: 3EC2
Pts. for 3rd Ability: 3EC3
Pts. for 4th Ability: 3EC4
Level: 3EC5
Maximum HP: 3EC6, 3EC7
Attack: 3EC8, 3EC9
Defense: 3ECA, 3ECB
Speed: 3ECC, 3ECD
Special: 3ECE, 3ECF
*** Species Modifier Digits ***
Contrary to popular belief, you can't get Togepi, Pikablu, or any other
Pokemon in the original Red and Blue games. There are a total of 152
Pokemon that are available in Red and Blue, and of the 255 possible
input values, over 100 of them are Missingno's. Missingno is a bird
Pokemon that appears as a glitch on the screen, and evolves into Kan-
gaskhan at a certain level. The fully hidden 151st Pokemon, Mew, IS
AVAILABLE! It's true! Input the number 15 to get Mew.

WARNING: Pokedex data will not be added for hacked Pokemon. When they
evolve, Pokedex data will be added for their evolved stages.

00- Missingno
01- Rhydon
02- Kangaskhan
03- Nidoran Male
04- Clefairy
05- Spearow
06- Voltorb
07- Nidoking
08- Slowbro
09- Ivysaur
0A- Exeggutor
0B- Lickitung
0C- Exeggcute
0D- Grimer
0E- Gengar
0F- Nidoran Female
10- Nidoqueen
11- Cubone
12- Rhyhorn
13- Lapras
14- Arcanine
15- Mew
16- Gyrados
17- Shellder
18- Tentacool
19- Gastly
1A- Scyther
1B- Staryu
1C- Blastoise
1D- Pinsir
1E- Tangela
1F- Missingno
20- Missingno
21- Growlithe
22- Onix
23- Fearow
24- Pidgey
25- Slowpoke
26- Kadabra
27- Graveler
28- Chansey
29- Machoke
2A- Mr. Mime
2B- Hitmonlee
2C- Hitmonchan
2D- Arbok
2E- Parasect
2F- Psyduck
30- Drowzee
31- Golem
32- Missingno
33- Magmar
34- Mankey
35- Electabuzz
36- Magneton
37- Koffing
38- Missingno
39- Missingno
3A- Seel
3B- Diglett
3C- Tauros
3D- Missingno
3E- Missingno
3F- Missingno
40- Farfetched
41- Venonat
42- Dragonite
43- Missingno
44- Missingno
45- Missingno
46- Doduo
47- Poliwag
48- Jynx
49- Moltres
4A- Articuno
4B- Zapdos
4C- Ditto
4D- Meowth
4E- Krabby
4F- Missingno
50- Missingno
51- Missingno
52- Vulpix
53- Ninetales
54- Pikachu
55- Raichu
56- Missingno
57- Missingno
58- Dratini
59- Dragonair
5A- Kabuto
5B- Kabutops
5C- Horsea
5D- Seadra
5E- Missingno
5F- Missingno
60- Sandshrew
61- Sandslash
62- Omanyte
63- Omastar
64- Jigglypuff
65- Wigglytuff
66- Eevee
67- Flareon
68- Jolteon
69- Vaporeon
6A- Machop
6B- Zubat
6C- Ekans
6D- Paras
6E- Poliwhirl
6F- Poliwrath
70- Weedle
71- Kakuna
72- Beedrill
73- Missingno
74- Dodrio
75- Primeape
76- Dugtrio
77- Venomoth
78- Dewgong
79- Missingno
7A- Missingno
7B- Caterpie
7C- Metapod
7D- Butterfree
7E- Machamp
7F- Missingno
80- Golduck
81- Hypno
82- Golbat
83- Mewtwo
84- Snorlax
85- Magikarp
86- Missingno
87- Missingno
88- Muk
89- Missingno
8A- Kingler
8B- Cloyster
8C- Missingno
8D- Electrode
8E- Clefable
8F- Weezing
90- Persian
91- Marowak
92- Missingno
93- Haunter
94- Abra
95- Alakazam
96- Pidgeotto
97- Pidgeot
98- Starmie
99- Bulbasaur
9A- Venusaur
9B- Tentacruel
9C- Missingno
9D- Goldeen
9E- Seaking
9F- Missingno
A0- Missingno
A1- Missingno
A2- Missingno
A3- Ponyta
A4- Rapidash
A5- Rattata
A6- Raticate
A7- Nidorino
A8- Nidorina
A9- Geodude
AA- Porygon
AB- Aerodactyl
AC- Missingno
AD- Magnemite
AE- Missingno
AF- Missingno
B0- Charmander
B1- Squirtle
B2- Charmeleon
B3- Wartortle
B4- Charizard
B5- Missingno
B6- Missingno
B7- Missingno
B8- Missingno
B9- Oddish
BA- Gloom
BB- Vileplume
BC- Bellsprout
BD- Weepinbell
BE- Victreebel
*** Ability Modifier Digits ***

00 - Nothing
01 - Pound
02 - Karate Chop
03 - Double Slap
04 - Comet Punch
05 - Mega Punch
06 - Pay Day
07 - Fire Punch
08 - Ice Punch
09 - Thunder Punch
0A - Scratch
0B - Vice Grip
0C - Guillotine
0D - Razor Wind
0E - Swords Dance
0F - Cut
10 - Gust
11 - Wing Attack
12 - Whirl Wind
13 - Fly
14 - Bird
15 - Slam
16 - Vine Whip
17 - Stomp
18 - Double Kick
19 - Mega Kick
1A - Jump Kick
1B - Rolling Kick
1C - Sand Attack
1D - Head Butt
1E - Horn Attack
1F - Fury Attack
20 - Horn Drill
21 - Tackle
22 - Body Slam
23 - Wrap
24 - Take Down
25 - Thrash
26 - Double Edge
27 - Tail Whip
28 - Poison Sting
29 - Twin Edle
2A - Pin Missile
2B - Leer
2C - Bite
2D - Growl
2E - Roar
2F - Sing
30 - Supersonic
31 - Sonicboom
32 - Disable
33 - Acid
34 - Ember
35 - Flamethrower
36 - Mist
37 - Water Gun
38 - Hydro Pump
39 - Surf
3A - Ice Beam
3B - Blizzard
3C - Psybeam
3D - Bubblebeam
3E - Aurora Beam
3F - Hyper Beam
40 - Peck
41 - Drill Peck
42 - Submission
43 - Low Kick
44 - Counter
45 - Seismic Toss
46 - Strength
47 - Absorb
48 - Mega Drain
49 - Leech Seed
4A - Growth
4B - Razor Leaf
4C - Solar Beam
4D - Poisonpowder
4E - Stun Spore
4F - Sleep Powder
50 - Petal Dance
51 - String Shot
52 - Dragon Rage
53 - Fire Spin
54 - Thundershock
55 - Thunderbolt
56 - Thunder Wave
57 - Thunder
58 - Rock Throw
59 - Earthquake
5A - Fissure
5B - Dig
5C - Toxic
5D - Confusion
5E - Psychic
5F - Hypnosis
60 - Meditate
61 - Agility
62 - Quick Attack
63 - Rage
64 - Teleport
65 - Night Shade
66 - Mimic
67 - Screech
68 - Double Team
69 - Recover
6A - Harden
6B - Minimize
6C - Smoke Screen
6D - Confuse Ray
6E - Withdraw
6F - Defense Curl
70 - Barrier
71 - Light Screen
72 - Haze
73 - Reflect
74 - Focus Energy
75 - Hide
76 - Metronome
77 - Mirror Move
78 - Selfdestruct
79 - Egg Bomb
7A - Lick
7B - Smog
7C - Sludge
7D - Bone Club
7E - Fire Blast
7F - Waterfall
80 - Clamp
81 - Swift
82 - Skull Bash
83 - Spike Cannon
84 - Constrict
85 - Amnesia
86 - Kinesis
87 - Softboiled
88 - Hi Jump Kick
89 - Glare
8A - Dream Eater
8B - Poison Gas
8C - Barrage
8D - Leech Life
8E - Lovely Kiss
8F - Sky Attack
90 - Transform
91 - Bubble
92 - Dizzy Punch
93 - Spore
94 - Flash
95 - Psywave
96 - Splash
97 - Acid Armor
98 - Crabhammer
99 - Exposion
9A - Fury Swipes
9B - Bonemerang
9C - Rest
9D - Rock Slide
9E - Hyper Fang
9F - Sharpen
A0 - Conversion
A1 - Tri Attack
A2 - Super Fang
A3 - Slash
A4 - Substitute
A5 - Struggle

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