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Per Granlund's
    __  ___                    __  ___               _____    __
   /  |/  /__  ____ _____ _   /  |/  /___ _____     /  _/ |  / /
  / /|_/ / _ \/ __ `/ __ `/  / /|_/ / __ `/ __ \    / / | | / /
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/_/  /_/\___/\__, /\__,_/  /_/  /_/\__,_/_/ /_/  /___/  |___/ (GB) FAQ/Guide
Per Granlund's Mega Man IV (GB) FAQ/Guide
Written by: Per Granlund
E-mail Address: lutz85@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.angelfire.com/pq/pszone
Last Updated: 1/8/2000
Table of Contents:

1) Info
2) FAQ
3) Boss Strategies
4) Passwords
5) Secrets
6) Game Genie & Game Shark Codes
7) Credits
1) Info

NOTE: This FAQ is for Mega Man IV for Game Boy, NOT the one for the Nintendo

I Started to make this FAQ/Guide when i was bored one night. This is my first
FAQ/Guide I have written.

Anyone who wants to post this FAQ/Guide on thier website have to e-mail me
and ask me first for permission. My e-mail adress is at the top of this

Also if you are a Phantasy Star fan, visit my website The Phantasy Star Zone

~~ Per Granlund ~~
2) FAQ

Q: How many robot masters are there in this game?
A: There are eight robot masters, first you will have to fight 4 and after
that there's four more.

Q: What are the names of the robot masters?
A: The names are: Toad Man, Bright Man, Pharaoh Man, Ring Man, Crystal Man,
Charge Man, Stone Man and Napalm Man.

Q: Are there any other bosses int the game?
A: Yes, of course. First we have Ballade whom yo will fight after the first
four bosses then you'll fight him after the last four bosses again. It's
also many more bosses in Wily's Skull Castle.

Q: How many weapons are there in the game?
A: There's eight weapons from the robot masters. One from Ballade. Also you
can collect B-E-A-T letters in the first four stages to get beat. So it's
10 weapons in the game.

Q: Is Rush in the game? If he is how many forms does he have?
A: Yes, Rush is in the game and Beat too! Rush can transform to Rush Jet
and Rush Coil.
3) Boss Strategies

You should take the bosses out in this order: Start with Toad Man, then
Bright Man, Pharaoh Man, Ring Man, Crystal Man, Napalm Man, Stone Man and
at last Charage Man.

Toad Man
Weakness: Ring Boomerang
Get Weapon: Rain Flush

Toad Man is very easy, if you know what to do. Just use your standard weapon
on him. Fire at him and he will jump. Dodge the jump and shoot at him again.
Repeat the procces until he is defeated. If you have Ring Boomerang, use it
to kill him faster.

Bright Man
Weakness: Rain Flush
Get Weapon: Flash Stopper

Bright Man is a bit harder than Toad Man, but he is not a hard boss. Just use
Rain Flush and dodge his jumps. Sometimes he freezes you and jump on you to 
cause damage.

Pharaoh Man
Weakness: Flash Stopper
Get Weapon: Pharaoh Shot

An easy battle if you have Flash Stopper. Just use Flash Stopper to stop him
and fire at him. When he unfreeze use it again and fire at him.

Ring Man
Weakness: Pharaoh Shot
Get Weapon: Ring Boomerang

Charage up Pharaoh Shot fully and try to make him land on it. This strategy
worked for me but if does not work for you, just try to hit him with Pharaoh

Weakness: None
Get Weapon: None

Shoot at the ball with your Mega Buster when it is exposed. Not Hard.

Ballade (1st Time)
Weakness: None
Get Weapon: None

This boss is not very hard, just shoot at him with a fully charged Mega
Buster when he is not moving.

Crystal Man
Weakness: Charge Kick
Get Weapon: Crystal Eye

If you have the Charge Kick use it. If you don't have it use your Mega
Buster. He is a bit hard.

Napalm Man
Weakness: Crystal Eye
Get Weapon: Napalm Bomb

Use the Crystal Eye against him.  If you shoot against the wall, the
Crystal Eye will spilt into four smal Crystal Eyes.

Stone Man
Weakness: Napalm Bomb
Get Weapon: Power Stone

Try to jump over his stones and use the Napalm Bomb, when youre near and
when he is not doing anything. He is quite hard.

Charge Man
Weakness: Power Stone
Get Weapon: Charge Kick

Use the Power Stone when he is not flashing or charging. It's quite
hard to jump over him too. Hard.

Ballade (2nd time)
Weakness: None
Get Weapon: Ballade Cracker

Use a fully charged Mega Buster or Paraoh Shot. Try to make him not land
on you whe nhe jumps.

Weakness: None
Get Weapon: None

Jump to up on the cannon and shoot it with your Mega Buster. Easy.

Weakness: Almost All Weapons
Get Weapon: None

Very easy. Shoot at it's mid section with any weapon.

Eyes (1)
Weakness: None
Get Weapon: None

Shoot at the real eye with Mega Buster. If you shoot at the fake eyes
it will not take any damage.

Eyes (2)
Weakness: None
Get Weapon: None

A bit harder than before, but try to use the same strategies.

Next you will fight all bosses again. Use the same strategies as before
This is the layout of the teleport hatch:
 __             __
|TO|           |NA|
|--|           |--|
|BR|           |ST|
|--|  __   __  |--|
|PH| |RI| |CR| |CH|
|__| |__| |__| |__|

TO = Toad Man
BR = Bright Man
PH = Pharaoh Man
RI = Ring Man
CR = Crystal Man
NA = Napalm Man
ST = Stone Man
CH = Charge Man

Dr. Wily (1st Form)
Weakness: None
Get Weapon: None

Use the Power Stone to hit the core, it's a bit hard to hit.

Dr. Wily (2nd Form)
Weakness: None
Get Weapon: None

Shoot with Bllade Cracker when it's mouth is open. It will dash at you
sometime and it can't be avoided.

Dr. Wily (3rd Form)
Weakness: None
Get Weapon: None

Shoot at him with Ballade Cracker or Pharaoh Shot when he is visible.
He will drop bombs that will damage the floor. Dodge them!
4) Passwords

All bosses defeated
Auto Charger
9 Lives
4 Energy Tanks
4 Weapon Tanks
1 Special Tank
999 P-Chips
5) Secrets

- Los all your lives in the beginning of a stage 3 times and Dr. Wily will
  upgrade your Mega Buster!

- Collect the Letters B-E-A-T to recive Beat.

  B: Toad Man's Stage
  E: Flash Man's Stage
  A: Pharaoh Man's Stage
  T: Ring Man's Stage
6) Game Genie & Game Shark Codes

Game Genie Codes:
Infinte Lives                     = 01C-45F-915
Infinite Energy                   = 001-CE9-3B7
Shoot More Than 3 Shots at a time = 005-67B-A29

Game Shark Codes:
Infinite Energy                   = 0198AEDE
7) Credits

This FAQ/Guide is made by Per Granlund.
If you want to post this FAQ/Guide on your homepage, e-mail me first and get

All Characters, Names etc.. copyright Capcom.
This is an unofficial FAQ/Guide.
This document and its author are in no way affiliated with Capcom or any
other company.

You can e-mail me any questions about "Mega Man IV Game Boy" or this
FAQ/Guide, but be sure that that question is not already answered in this
FAQ/Guide. My e-mail is lutz85@hotmail.com.

Also if you are a Phantasy Star fan, visit my website The Phantasy Star Zone


~~ Per Granlund ~~

Tips and codes - Game Endings - Java Games - Reviews - Fun Stuff