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Per Granlund's
    __  ___                    __  ___               ____
   /  |/  /__  ____ _____ _   /  |/  /___ _____     /  _/
  / /|_/ / _ \/ __ `/ __ `/  / /|_/ / __ `/ __ \    / /
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/_/  /_/\___/\__, /\__,_/  /_/  /_/\__,_/_/ /_/  /___/ (GB) FAQ/Guide
Per Granlund's Mega Man I (GB) FAQ/Guide
Written by: Per Granlund
E-mail Address: lutz85@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.angelfire.com/pq/pszone
Last Updated: 4/8/2000
Table of Contents:

1) Info
2) FAQ
3) Boss Strategies
4) Passwords
5) Secrets
6) Game Genie & Game Shark Codes
7) Credits
1) Info

NOTE: This FAQ is for Mega Man I for Game Boy, NOT the one for the Nintendo

Anyone who wants to post this FAQ/Guide on thier website have to e-mail me
and ask me first for permission. My e-mail adress is at the top of this

Also if you are a Phantasy Star fan, visit my website The Phantasy Star Zone

~~ Per Granlund ~~
2) FAQ

Q: How many robot masters are there in this game?
A: There are eight robot masters, first you will have to fight 4 and after
that there's four more.

Q: What are the names of the robot masters?
A: The names are: Fire Man, Ice Man, Elec Man, Cut Man, Flash Man, Quick Man,
Bubble Man and Heat Man.

Q: Are there any other bosses in the game?
A: Yes, there are many bosses in the last level.

Q: How many weapons are there in the game?
A: There's eight weapons from the robot masters. Carry that you get after
the first four Robot Masters and the Mirror Buster from Enker.

Q: Is Rush in the game? If he is how many forms does he have?
A: No, Rush is not in the game, but he is in the other gameboy games.
3) Boss Strategies

You should take the bosses out in this order: Start with Fire Man, then
Cut Man, Elec Man, Ice Man, Flash Man, Quick Man, Bubble Man and
at last Heat Man.

Fire Man
Weakness: Ice Slaher
Get Weapon: Fire Storm

Fire Man is easy just with your Arm Cannon, but if you have the Ice Slaher,
use it. Just jump over his fire and shoot him. Very Easy.

Cut Man
Weakness: Fire Storm
Get Weapon: Rolling Cutter

This guy is quite hard. Jump over Cut Man's Rolling Cutters and Fire away
with the Fire Storm. Try to make the Fire shield hit him.

Elec Man
Weakness: Rolling Cutter
Get Weapon: Thunder Beam

This fight is easy if you have the Rolling Cutter. Just fire it at Elec
Man and the Cutter will hit him one or more times. 

Ice Man
Weakness: Thunder Beam
Get Weapon: Ice Slasher

Just fire the Thunder Beam at him. Don't care about his Ice Slashers.
You should be able to defeat him in three shots!

Next you will fight the last four bosses without even having a chance to
save! Enker apears after the four bosses is killed.
This is the layout of the teleport hatch:
 __        __
|QU|      |BU|
|--|  __  |--|
|FL| |EN| |HE|
|__| |__| |__|

QU = Quick Man
FL = Flash Man
BU = Bubble Man
HE = Heat Man
EN = Enker

Flash Man
Weakness: Atomic Fire
Get Weapon: Time Stopper

Get over him and fire with either Ice Slasher or your Arm Cannon.

Quick Man
Weakness: Time Stopper
Get Weapon: Quick Boomerang

Use Time Stopper in the beggining of the battle. It will drain half his
energy. Use your Arm Cannon or Ice Slasher to finish him off.

Bubble Man
Weakness: Quick Boomerang
Get Weapon: Bubble Lead

Hold down the B button and use the Quick Boomerang. Not hard at all!

Heat Man
Weakness: Bubble Lead
Get Weapon: Atomic Fire

Shoot a Bubble at him and he will teleport to your location. Then shoot
at him and repeat this, he won't be able to hit you if you do so!

Weakness: None
Get Weapon: Mirror Buster

Use your Arm Cannon because it's the only thing that damage him. He will
absorb the damage he has taken from your shots and will fire away a beam
that will be harder to dodge, if you have hit him with too many shots.

Dr. Wily (1st Form)
Weakness: None
Get Weapon: None

Stay at the middle space and dodge the enemies. It's really hard. Charge
the Atomic Fire and Fire at him.

Dr. Wily (2nd Form)
Weakness: Mirror Buster
Get Weapon: None

Use the Mirror Buster to reflect his laser beams and dodge the claw attack.
4) Passwords

I have figuerd out every single password in the game!

Elec			- A2,A4,B3,D1,D2
Ice			- A1,A2,B2,B3,D4
Fire			- A1,B1,B2,C4,D2
Cut			- A4,B3,C4,D3,D4
Elec,Ice		- A1,B4,C1,D2,D4
Elec,Fire		- B2,B4,C1,C3,C4
Elec,Cut		- A1,A3,B1,B3,D3
Ice,Fire		- A2,B3,D2,D3,D4
Ice,Cut			- A1,A3,A4,B4,D2
Fire,Cut		- A2,B2,C3,D1,D3
Elec,Ice,Fire		- A2,A3,C1,D2,D3
Elec,Ice,Cut		- A1,A3,C1,C4,D3
Elec,Fire,Cut		- A3,B2,B3,B4,C4
Ice,Fire,Cut		- A1,A2,B3,C4,D4
Elec,Ice,Fire,Cut	- A2,A3,B4,C2,C3
5) Secrets

Well i don't know if there are any secrets in the game, if you know any
e-mail me them. My e-mail is at the top of this document.
6) Game Genie & Game Shark Codes

Game Genie Codes:
Immortal                          = 218-3E9-E61
Infinite Weapon Energy            = A71-05B-A28

Game Shark Codes:
Infinite Lives                    = 010A08C1
Infinite Energy                   = 01A0A3DF
7) Credits

This FAQ/Guide is made by Per Granlund.
If you want to post this FAQ/Guide on your homepage, e-mail me first and get

All Characters, Names etc.. copyright Capcom.
This is an unofficial FAQ/Guide.
This document and its author are in no way affiliated with Capcom or any
other company.

You can e-mail me any questions about "Mega Man IV Game Boy" or this
FAQ/Guide, but be sure that that question is not already answered in this
FAQ/Guide. My e-mail is lutz85@hotmail.com.

Also if you are a Phantasy Star fan, visit my website The Phantasy Star Zone


~~ Per Granlund ~~

Tips and codes - Game Endings - Java Games - Reviews - Fun Stuff