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	        Final Fantasy Legend III
	   Boss Strategy Guide Version 3.5
	Copyright 1999, XSceptor@aol.com

                              -September 9, 1999

A. Introduction
B. Revision History
C. Boss Strategies
  1. Waterhag
  2. Lara
  3. Dogra
  4. Ashura
  5. Chaos
  6. Maitreya
  7. Fenrir
  8. Guha
  9. Dahak
10. Jorghandr
11. Argon
12. Balor
13. Sol
14. Xagor
D. Credits

A. Introduction
* In the strategies I will give information on Bosses HP, what attacks
they use, what they are strong against, what attacks you should
use, and what level you should be at.
* Recommended Level:  Level at which I recommend your party members
are at in order to have a good battle.
* No Chance:  Any level lower than this and your party will have little or
no chance of winning the battle.
* para--paralysis	dark--blindness
  pois--poison		mute--lost voice
  slp--sleep		curs--curse

B. Revision History
    Version 1.0--First version of the guide.  Still some mistakes
     to fix.
     Version 1.5--Corrected weapon recommendations for the last
     3 bosses.  Added a note at the end of Sol.  Changed magic
     recommendations for Xagor. Changed Level recommendations
     of some bosses.

    Version 2.0--Corrected HP for some of the bosses. Changed the
    location of Dogra.  Added a note at the end of Guha. Updated the
    strategy for Fenrir.  Changed strategy for Xagor.
    Version 2.5--Added a note at the beginning of Sol. Once again
    changed the level recommendationsof some of the bosses.
    Updated information in the credits section.

    Version 3.0--Changed HP for Xagor. Once again (hopefully for 
    the last time) changed the level recommendations of the last 3 
    bosses. Changed some information in the legal and credits section.
    Version 3.5--Well, I ONCE AGAIN had to change the level
    recommendations for some of the bosses. (People keep sending
    me E-Mail telling me how they defeated Xagor on a lower level
    than what I have recommended.)  The levels that I have listed
    will make it so that the battles are not extremely difficult (i.e. so
     it doesn't take 15-40 minutes to complete the battle). Some of
    the people that sent me mail said that they beat Xagor on level
    28. Not only is this nearly impossible (4% chance of victory), but
    the battle could last up to 45 minutes (that is if you survive the first
    10 minutes).  So please, stop mailing me about Xagor. I wouldn't
    mind if you mailed me about another boss, but I've had enough of
    Xagor! Oh yeah..almost forgot, I added a note at the beginning of
    Balor which recommends you to be equiped with Ribbon.

C. Boss Strategies

1. Waterhag--blocks the entrance to palace after you have found U-Past
            HP--about 480
This mini-boss isn't too tough to beat.  He really has no
strong attacks, but he can damage you if you take too long to defeat
him.  When you fight him, let your mutants use their magic, like
Fire1 or Ice1.  Your humans should use their swords like long or battle.
Recommended Level: 6
No Chance:  3

2. Lara--found in SE Cave in the Past
Lara isn't too hard.  Her strongest attacks are Lit1, Venom, and Fire1.
You should use Ice1, Aero, and Fire1.  Most white magic has no 
affect.  Your humans should use Battle, or Long.  For your mutants
you can also use the Bronze or Gold canes.
Recommended Level: 8
No Chance:  5

3. Dogra--found in the room after the room you fight Lara in.
            HP-- ~3,060
            Witch--190 HP
            Witch--190 HP
Dogra is considerably tough to beat.  On either side of him, you must
also defeat a Witch.  Fight the Witches as normal enemies.  Dogra will
use Windup which causes 10-200 damage (quite a range!), D-Beam which
causes 50-100 damage, Stench which lowers the defence of the entire
party, and Bite which causes 50-100 damage. He is strong against
pois, dark, mute, stone, conf, and slp.  For weapons you should use
Battle, Long (Not too good), and the Gold Cane.  If you have Kick for a 
Beast or Monster that works well too.  For magic you should use Fire1
which causes 50-100 damage, Ice1 which causes 50-100 damage, and
Lit1 which causes 50-150 damage.  Use curative items as needed.
Recommended Level: 10 or 11
No Chance: 8

4. Ashura--found at the end (top) of South Tower.
            HP-- ~3,600
Considerably touhger than Dogra. His strongest attacks are Fire1 which
causes 100-200 damage, Punch which causes 80-200 damage, and Gaze
which causes para.  He strong against pois, fire, conf, slp, dark, and mute.
On either side of him there is a Warrior, which each have about 200 HP.
Defeat them with whichever weapons you want.  To defeat Ashura I suggest
you use Lit1 which causes 200-400 damage, Ice1 which causes 10-100 damage,
and Aero which causes 20-70 damage.  Use curative items as needed.  For
weapons I suggest you use X-Plane Cane which causes 70-250 damage,
B-Jack which causes 50-150 damage, and Battle or Silver which both cause
100-175 damage.  Other various weapons can do good amount of damage, but
the ones I have listed are the ones that deal out higher damage to Ashura.
Recommended Level:  14
No Chance:  10

5. Chaos--found at the end of Chaos' Castle
            HP-- 4,020
His strongest attack is Quake which causes 30-150 damage to all party
members.  He also uses Headbut which causes 50-100 damage, StoneGaze
which turns one member into stone, and Crash which causes 100-200 damage.
(Crash may seem stronger than Quake, but Quake is stronger because it affects
all party members.)  He is strong against slp, conf, dark, pois, mute, and
stone.  You should use X-Plane Cane which causes 50-150 damage, Battle
which causes 50-100 damage, and Gold which causes 50-150 damage.
For magic you should use Ice1 which causes 100-300 damage, Aero which
causes 100-150 damage, Lit1 which causes 200-400 damage, and Fire1
which causes 150-300 damage.  You should use curative items as they are
needed during the battle.
Recommended Level:  15
No Chance:  11

6. Maitreya--found at the top (end) of Maitreya's Tower.
Maitreya is much harder than any bosses you have faced before her.
(In the game they call Maitreya a 'he', but it looks like a 'she' to me!).
On either side of her there is a Lamia which each have about 500 HP. Defeat
them with which ever weapons you want.  They both use and attack called tail
which can harm your party members if you don't kill them right away.  Maitreya
uses Aero which causes 100-300 damage, Cyclone which causes 50-100
damage to all party members, Stench which lowers the defense of all party
members, Ice2 which causes 100-300 damage to one; or 50-100 damage to
all, and Lullaby which puts a member to sleep.  Maitreya is strong against
stone, para, mute, slep, and tornado.  To defeat her(him?) you should use
Ice2 which causes 100-300 damage, Fire2 which causes 100-300 damage, Lit1
which causes 150-300 damage, quake which causes 100-300 damage, and
Spark which blinds her(him?).  For weapons you sould use X-Plane Sword which
causes 100-250 damage, X-Kick which causes 150-350 damage, and Tomahawk
which causes 100-200 damage.
Recommended Level:  18 or 19
No Chance:  15

7. Fenrir--found in the maze above the village which is to the left of Darius.
            HP-- ~8,100
Fenrir first starts off with an unexpected attack which can damage your party
if you aren't well defended.  Some of his other attacks (not unexpected) are
Lit2 which causes 200-500 damage to one or 50-150 damage to all.  He uses
Flood which causes 150-350 damage to all, 2-Tusks which causes 200-450
damage, Kick which causes 150-300 damage, and Riddle which confuses
one party member.  He is strong against dark, mute, conf, slp, para, and stone.
To defeat Fenrir you should use Fire2 which causes 250-500 damage, 
Ice2 which causes 150-500 damage, Lit1 which causes 100-350 
damage, and Quake which causes 150-300 damage.  For weapons you 
should use X-Plane Sword which causes 150-300 damage, X-Fire Cane which 
causes 175-350 damage, Dragon which causes 100-250 damage, and Smother 
which causes 200-450 damage.  During this battle you may need to do quite a
bit of curing.  You should cure with Cure2 or Cure3.  You should use Heal to
cure any status ailments that may occur during the battle (i.e. confusion).
Recommended Level:  23
No Chance:  18

8. Guha--found at the top of Mt. Hasid
Guha has some pretty damaging attacks.  If you aren't careful with how you
fight this battle, Guha could kill your party.  One of his most damaging
attacks is FireX which causes 200-450 damage to all party members.  He also
has WindUp which causes 250-400 damage to one, Fluid which poisons all,
Sneer which causes 100-300 damage to one.  He alos has a defensive move which
he may use sometimes, which allows him to take about half the damage from your
attacks for a turn or two.  He is strong against para, stone, mute, dark, slp, conf
and curs. To defeat this monstrosity (he really is very ugly), you should use
Fire2 which causes 250-500 damage, Ice2 which causes 200-500 damage, Lit2
which causes 300-600 damage, Quake whcih causes 200-400 damage Jyudo 
which causes 300-500 damage, X-Fire Cane which causes 250-500 damage, 
and Dragon which causes 200-400 damage.  You should cure with Heal, and/or
CureA.  It is also a good idea to use Wall on some of your members a few times
to help raise their defense so they have a better chance to ward off some of the
damage dealt by some of Guha's most damaging attacks.
Recommended Level:  25
No Chance:  19
**Note--When you defeat Guha, check the chest he leaves behind. It
    contains the Durend.

9. Dahak--found in Ruins SW of Cape Frost.
This battle can be very frustrating at times.  First off, his most damaging
move is Shake which causes 70-300 damage to all.  He also has Gaze which
paralizes one party member, Nail which causes 300-800 damage to one, and
Swallow which abosrbs HP from all, and causes 300 damage to one; or 100 damage
to all.  He is stong against para, dark, stone, slp, curs, conf and pois.  For
this battle you should use Weak which causes 200-400 damage, Quake which
causes 200-400 damage, Ice2 which causes 350-500 damage, Fire2 which
causes 300-500 damage, and Lit2 which causes 400-700 damage.  For weapons
you should use Jyudo which causes 300-500 damage, X-Fire Cane which causes
350-600 damage, Rune Axe which causes 300-500 damage, and Durend which
causes 900-3000 damage.  Durend is obviously the weapon that does the most
damage to Dahak.  Two good things to use during this battle are Wall which
will allow you to repulse one of Daka's magic attacks, and Mute which will
prevent Dahak from using magic.  Cure with Cure2, Cure3, and Heal. A few
times during the battle you should just cure you members even if they don't
have a lot of HP gone because Dahak can surprise you with some very strong
Recommended Level:  28
No Chance:  21

10. Jorgandr--found in the Sandstorm in Pureland
Jorgandr is more like a mini-boss than an actual boss. There is one bad thing
about him, though, he is strong against EVERYTHING!  So, how do you beat
such a creation?  Well, first I should tell you what his attacks are.  He uses
Crash which causes 300-500 damage, Bite which causes 500-700 damage,
Sand which lowers the agility of the entire party, and Disslove which absorbs
HP from the entire party and causes 10-150 damage to all.  All magic affects
him about the same, but Lit2 hurts Jorgandr the most causing 100-300 damage.
The best weapon to use against him is Durend which causes 800-1100 damage.
Cure with Cure2 or Cure3 and Heal.  With 4,000 HP, Jorgandr is not as easy
as he seems!
Recommended Level:  28
No Chance:  20

11. Argon--found in Eastern Ruins after you make it through the Underworld
The first extremely tough battle in the game. He starts off with an unexpected
attack, which can cause anywhere from 400-900 damage.  Other attacks
include White which causes 350-600 damage, Acid which causes 400-800
damage, Silence which prevents one member from using magic, StoneGas
which turns one member to stone, and a Defensive move which cuts the damage
taken by an attack by two-thirds.  For magic you should use White which
causes 600-850 damage, Nuke which causes 600-850 damage, Flare which
causes 700-900 damage, Lit2 which causes 300-400 damage, LitX which causes
700-800 damage, Ice2 which causes 300-500 damge, Shake which causes
600-700 damage, Magma which causes 700-850 damage, Virus which causes
600-800 damage, Flood which causes 300-500 damage, and FireX which causes
400-600 damage. Use LifeA or LifeB to revive fallen members, CureA or CureB
to heal members, Wall, and Fast.  For weapons you should Use Xcalibr which
causes 900-3000 damage, Karate which causes 500-700 damage, Durend
which causes 800-1100 damage,and Nuke (the explosive) which causes 
1500-2000 damage depending on you current level.  DO NOT use the 
Muramas Sword, because it will damage you after every attack.  
Argon is strong against dark, pois stone, slp, para, mute, and conf.  
But he IS vulnerable to curs.
Recommended Level:  34
No Chance:  29 (you can barely get through on Level 28)

12. Balor--found in Xagor's Palace, after you have found your way 
through the trap hole and electric room.
            HP-- 34,000
*Note: Make sure you have Ribbon equiped to your four main
characters before this battle. It will nullify any effect of DK-Virus.*
This boss is TOUGH.  I must first tell you that his most dangerous
attack is his DK-Virus.  It affects all party members, and it can cause
mute, para, dark, conf, poison, and sleep, and any combination
of 1 or more of any of these!  It is VERY difficlut to revive your 
party from this attack.  I would first recommend that you have plenty
of Cure2, Cure3 and any other curative spells or items.  Besides his 
DK-Virus he has Tail, which causes 600 damage to one character. 
He also has Beam which causes 400-700 damage to one character, 
Magma which causes 200-400 damage to one or all characters, and 
Nuke which causes 500-700 damage to all characters.  For your weapon
attacks, I suggest you use Xcalibr which causes 950-3000 damage, 
Emperor which causes 900-2000 damage, Masmune which 
causes 800-2500 damage, and Nuke (the explosive) which causes 
1500-2000 damage dependng on your current level.  For magic I 
suggest you use Flare  which causes 700-900 damage, Virus which 
causes 600-800 damage, Nuke which causes 600-800 damage, and 
White which causes 600-700 damage.  I should also caution you that 
he is strong against fire, ice, tornado, quake, thunder, mute, dark, 
slp, para, stone, curs, and pois.  I will tell you this--it was tough to 
beat Balor, and all of my party members were at level 59.
Recommended Level: 43 (the higher the better!)
No Chance: 37

13. Sol--found at the top (end) of Xagor's Palace
*Note--Before you begin the battle with Sol you should use a Tent
to fully heal your party members, because the battle with Xagor
comes _immediately_ after the battle with Sol.*
The good thing about Sol is he doesn't attack you!  You should use
Xcalibr which causes 1000-3100 damage, Emperor which causes
1050-2000 damage, Masmune which causes 1000-2500 damage, 
and Nuke (the explosive) which causes 1100-1900 damage depending
on your current level. For magic you should use FireX which causes 
550-650 damage, Virus which causes 600-800 damage, White which 
causes 650-900 damage, Flare which causes 800-1000 damage, and 
Shake which causes 600-800 damage.  You should also use Fast to 
boost the attack power of your party members.  There is no need for 
any curative items since you receive no damage!
Recommended Level: 43
No Chance: 38 (this really doesn't apply since you take no damage)

14. Xagor--appears after you have defeated Sol  
The final and TOUGHEST boss in the game.  Near the beginning of the
battle he will use Barrier which will decrease the damage he takes from
each attack by about 250.  His most damaging attack is DK-Force which
causes 900-1900 damage to one character.  To revive from this I recommend
you use LifeB or LifeA (a couple curative items should be used after LifeA
is used to help fully restore HP), or CureB or CureA if your party member 
hasn't died. His second most damaging attack is Flare which causes 600-900
damage to all party members.  He also uses LitX which causes 300-600
damage to everyone, and Magma which causes 500-700 damage to all
or one.  He is strong against fire, ice, wind, thunder, dark, mute, slp, para,
pois, stone, conf, and quake.  Near the end of the battle he defends himself,
and oddly enough he is no longer strong against fire, ice, or thunder. For
this battle, I recommend that you use the four Mystic Swords.  The best
one is Xcalibr which causes 900-3500 damage.  You should also use Nuke
(the explosive) which causes 700-1800 damage depending on your current
level. You can also use Ninja which causes 100-300 damage.
For magic I suggest you use:
Flare which causes 500-800 damage, Nuke which causes 400-600
damage, Virus which causes 400-600 damage, Shake which causes
200-500 damage, White which causes 400-700 damage, and LitX
which causes 300-600 damage.  A few times during the battle you
should also use Fast.  It is also a good idea to use Wall a few times on
weak party members, because it will allow them to repulse any attack for
one turn!  After 7,200 damages have been dealt to Xagor, the Talon will 
attack Xagor for 550 damage at the end of every turn.Use curative items as
much as you think you need to.*Note-If you have an Anubis in your 
party, then use the skill Numb. It will gradually decrease the damage your
party members take from Xagor's attacks.*When you defeat Xagor then.....
Congratulations--you have beaten Final Fantasy Legend III !!
(*Note: Near the end of the battle when he becomes weak against Quake,
Thunder, Fire, and Ice; LitX will work better, and Magma will also work well.)
Recommended Level: 45 (the higher the better!)
No Chance: 36 (Level 36 may be the absolute lowest level that you can
be at and still defeat Xagor. It still may be possible to defeat Xagor on a
lower level, [If you have VERY strong magic and weapons] but I HIGHLY
doubt it.)

**Please Note:  The reason some of the damage listings have such a large
range (i.e. 900-3500) is because levels of party members vary, and it is hard
for me to tell what the damage would be for a certain attack for every level of
every character.
**Also Note:  Some of the higher damage listings (i.e. 3500) were registered
as Mighty Blows.  Most of the higher numbers in the damage ranges are
Mighty Blows.
**Final Note:  All of the suggestions I have listed for weapons and magic to
use are_only_suggestions, but I strongly suggest you to follow them, because
the weapons and magics I have listed are the ones which seemed to work best
against the bosses.

D. Credits
All of the information in this FAQ was created by me, and I would appreciate
it if you did not use the FAQ on your site without my consent.  If you want to
use this FAQ for any reason other than to add it to a web site, then you are 
not allowed.

Thank You for reading my FAQ!

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